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03-30-2002, 06:30 PM
The other day I was riding down a pipeline and there is a jump I double.When I was in the air I thought I heard something hiss and it was loud.So I turned around and I had been jumping over a cotton mouth snake.I just kept on jumping over it until it wiggled on.


04-02-2002, 08:17 PM
nice job

04-04-2002, 01:44 AM
i think i was the one jumpin'.....we were ridin' along a gravel road i sloawed back and darted off in the woods and hid, while i was there i hoped off lite a smoke and took a leak. lady dahdy mm look at the tree' funny lookin' limb lady dah....OH CHIT!!! SNAKE!!
talk about getting cought with your pants down haha...i'm usually pretty good with snakes' i've had 2 a ball python (abagale) and a rat tail'd boa' (jerry garcia) when they were lyin in the floor i knew it and they didn't sneak up on me...this one looked like a copperhead maybe. not a rattler. i jumped back on my bike wizz goin everywhere. haha but after i was on my bike i was ok. sat and checked him out a bit, about 3 1/2 foot long. pretty snake.
then i had to get out of there. "how do i get past him" put it in reverse backed almost up to him threw it in second reved and wheelied it away from him ( my idea was to make alot of noise and blow hot air on him) didn't work so i turned around stood up on the seat put it in 3rd MADE!! my 300 pull 3rd from stop and flew right on by....got back on gravel and did the chicken dance for a bit ..(got off got the willies gooes bumps an stuff) "BLAHH"!!
hate it when they sneak up on me...they don't bother me if i see em' first...
we used to go snake huntin' found a rattler lying across a road 2 lane road streaching from the white line to about 1 foot from the yellow line....BIGG RATTLER!!! we ran him over on accident thought he was a limb "thump thump" "whad' da' fugg was zat'"
snake? he was hugh had aold hoe with the blade broken off and the little "hook" left on the end poked him in the head killed it...then "tried" to pick him up with it...it was heavy but we got him in the back of the truck....freind's dad's co-worker mounted it...forgot how many rattles........

04-08-2002, 06:38 PM
I have the hissing problem when im jumping too but its usally something wrong with my bike.

04-08-2002, 07:43 PM
i dont have any problems with jumping on my bike..except having no rear suspension sure beats the h3ll outta me. its fun anyway though

04-14-2002, 06:29 AM
( i am gravely afriad of snakes) one time we stoped at this old barn and i was taking a pee, and there was one right in front of me, i didnt know weather to zip my britches or fun , so instead i just jumped stright up in the air, my friends say its the funnest thing they ever saw, ( i think all snakes should be tooken out by a truck) lol