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View Full Version : what happined to the CV boyz

07-16-2004, 11:37 AM
what every happined to those guys i wanna see some more action shots

07-16-2004, 11:55 AM
cvboyz.com they have about 8 movies in all now from different stuff

07-16-2004, 12:06 PM
those movies have been up for a few months tho :confused:

07-16-2004, 07:10 PM
Hey Thanks for asking....we're still around!

Haven't really done a whole lot this year so far....been a lot going on keeping us from riding and filming, but hopefully that will change soon.

Ryan T. and Dan from our crew have probably been the most active....They race MX in NEATV-MX. Ryan is racing a bunch of Pro-Am classes, and I believe he's raced Pro a couple times....he's doin real good in all of 'em so that's cool.

All of the videos on our site are older than dirt, and will be updated with a couple newer ones probably within a week or two. Besides the Redline 4 Life trailer on there, all of the other vids are footage from like 2001, so it's surely not up to par with the tricks we are pulling now.

exrider360....I see you are from upstate NY....I was just at an event a few weeks ago called Stuntrageous ( www.stuntrageous.com ). It was down near Saratoga...did you happen to catch it???? There is another one happening like Sept. 17-18th (I may be a little off on the dates), you should check it out.

Anyway, here are a few pics from that comp.....






If you check the website, you'll see we are in a DVD that is out called "Redline 4 Life". It's a good flick, but unfortunatly a lot of the footage that I sent did not get received (it was sent on DVD's and there was a problem with a couple of them). I have since sent them the footage again, and we are set to be in the next edition of that video, coming out sometime this fall.

Thanks again for askin about us man!!!


07-16-2004, 07:56 PM
nope i ddint hear about it maybe i will go to the next on i will check up on it maybe i will me the CV boyz.... got any secrets that i should know about.


nice pics

07-16-2004, 08:07 PM
i couldnt find the next event up here can you give me some info on it . thanks