View Full Version : Port Elizabeth NJ / Pine Barrons???

07-12-2004, 10:28 PM
I used to ride down there around 2000-2001. It was amazing, every weekend the terrain was different. It was like mad max, dune buggies, quads, bikes, scooters, hundreds of them. We used to camp out there.... nothing like a random 2 stroke ripping through your campsite at 4 am. Cops would try and crack down by bulldozing certain trails / acces roads but it seemed like everyone would find a way into the pits.

I just bought another quad after being out of the game for the past 4 years and would like to head down there.

Question is do people still ride there or have the cops and landowners won?

07-18-2004, 11:01 PM
I used to drag race my car down there years ago. If you're thinkin about takin a ride down count me in, I need new places to ride. -Dave

07-18-2004, 11:38 PM
Im not sure about the place your talking about... But I used to ride at a place in Millville NJ... Great place but you cant ride there anymore because of cops...

I do know my dad was talking about some place in NJ that he wants to ride at that he says looks like people ride on a lot.. If I cheak with him to see if were talking about the same place... Ill see about stopping by the day that you guys are there...:macho

07-19-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by nj87ttype
I used to drag race my car down there years ago. If you're thinkin about takin a ride down count me in, I need new places to ride. -Dave

Holy S, I remember the drag racing...... about 11 or 12 at nite there was a long straight road with NO traffic going right through the area I was talking about. There would be hundreds of people there. Dirt bikes racing cars....... quads racing cars...... cars racing cars........ than the cops would come and it would be chaos. We would park our quads about 50 yards in the woods off the street..... when the cops came we would just bolt to the woods, the people drag racing weren't as lucky. Do you know if anyone rides down there anymore..... it was a HUGE area, I was always afraid of getting lost. I'll be heading down there as soon as I get a quad, the deal I had worked out on one fell through.

07-19-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Sportrax10
Im not sure about the place your talking about... But I used to ride at a place in Millville NJ... Great place but you cant ride there anymore because of cops...

I do know my dad was talking about some place in NJ that he wants to ride at that he says looks like people ride on a lot.. If I cheak with him to see if were talking about the same place... Ill see about stopping by the day that you guys are there...:macho

This place is about 20 min from millville. As soon as I get a quad I'm there.

07-19-2004, 12:47 AM
You're talking about the straight-away with no street lights on it right? That place brings back lots of memories, mostly good ones. :cool: What kind of quad are you looking to buy?

07-19-2004, 12:58 AM
Yep, that is the place..... no street lights what so ever!!!! No houses, stores or anything. Just an asphalt road going through the forrest. Just a couple of dirt roads that lead to the trails which lead to the pits.

Looking to get a 400ex or Banshee, but I'm on a major budget.

07-19-2004, 07:45 AM
Ilive only 30 minutes from there and believe me ride at your own risk!!! They will take your stuff and Ive ridden through there 3 times and nobody was riding there at all so it seems a little scary.

07-19-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by panteramatt
Ilive only 30 minutes from there and believe me ride at your own risk!!! They will take your stuff and Ive ridden through there 3 times and nobody was riding there at all so it seems a little scary.

What do you mean by they will take your stuff and ride at your own risk?

When I used to go down there on the weekends there would be hundreds, if not close to a thousand or more people riding.

07-19-2004, 03:39 PM
I might take a drive down there this weekend & check it out. Do you guys remember the name of the road that they used to race on? I need to look it up in yahoo maps since I dont remember exactly how to get there.

07-19-2004, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by BT77
What do you mean by they will take your stuff and ride at your own risk?

When I used to go down there on the weekends there would be hundreds, if not close to a thousand or more people riding.

Well how long has it been since youve been there. Figuring that I go there all the time to check it out I think I know what Im talking about! Police were impounding peoples quads there for a while but I think its a little quieter there now. Its bette rif you know someone that lives near there that you could ride from their house.

07-19-2004, 06:13 PM
Becareful I have seen state police and state rangers in that area also. It is alot differant know.

07-19-2004, 06:52 PM
thank you thats what Ive been trying to say