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View Full Version : Crab Orchard, IL 12Hr Enduro- for charity

07-12-2004, 12:22 AM
Check this out everyone! Sorry about the short notice but just got it up on everything! July 17th in Crab Orchard, IL at Little Egypt Off-Road will be a 12 HOUR ENDURO! Quads and bikes are allowed to race. You can have an unlimited amount of team members or ride by yourself.

All proceeds to go the Make-A-Wish Foundation. So help some kids out by going to this race. It is only $10 to enter the race and will run on a 6-8 mile course. I'll be checking it out on either Thurs or Friday so I'll know then. I live 10 minutes from the park so if anybody ends up needing help or anything then it's no problem for me. I will help anybdy out who comes down since it's what I'd like to do and I'ma club member at the park.

Classes are:
1. Industry - Manufacturer teams and dealer sponsored teams
2. Open - Whatever you want to ride or do, anything goes
3. Club - Made for clubs who're racing together
4. Ironman - For those who dare try it

I tried the Ironman at the 6hr race last year and succeeded w/4th place and it was the most fun I've ever had racing! You will not regret attending this race. Track times and standing will be visable at all times during the race. Each team will have a tag that will be exchanged between quads/bikes each time riders switch. You can use one machine or use your own. There's not team machine limit or rules really. Quads and bikes will go together too so it'll be a challenge. You don't have to but for the cause they have said to try and get sponsors to pay you. Something like a dollar a lap. Anybody can be a sponsor. Ask you neighbor even! My grandparents are going to help sponsor my team. Prices will be given but nothing big. It's mostly t-shirts, gear, and maybe a plaque to most laps in each class. It's low cost and for charity so give the guys a break.

Race time is 10am to 10pm --- And by the way; I NEED SOME TEAM MEMBERS!!!! I'll be riding a 450R and would like 2 other quad riders to join me or atleast one. If you can for sure make it then please state it. I'd like to know who to put on my team and get an estimate of how many will be going there to help cover numbers for the place.

LEOR offers free camping for those who want to stay and Marion is right down the road which has tons of fast food/nice restaurants, hotels, gas, and such. Sign-up starts at 8am for the race and ends at 9:30. If you're on a team, only one member has to be in attendance at the start. Others can come later on and get in. The team leader is the only one who has to be there for sign-up. Like I said, this is the most fun event you'll have this year in the midwest and it's for a very good cause. Good luck to those entering and I look forward to hearing from you guys. Sorry for the long post. Official details located at http://www.leormc.com

07-12-2004, 08:03 AM
I would go but have a wedding to go to on that day. Send a PM to BUCK442 see if he is interested, he races GNCC and lives within 30 mins of Crab Orchard.

Off Topic: When are they scheduled to open that new acreage.

07-12-2004, 11:56 AM

I posted this idea about a year ago and got no response. I think that this is a great idea and is for great cause.

SOILWORKER send me a pm and I will give you my phone number. I would be interested in assisting in any way possible. I would also like to participtae however......

We probably already know each other as I was on the Board at LEOR for a few years.


07-12-2004, 03:00 PM
The new acreage is not allowed to be open to the public until next spring I believe. It has to be fenced in, trails built, and surveyed and all. Will take atleast 8-12 months last I heard I think 2 months ago. That part of property will be used for races though until then and it's ROUGH. None of that is beginner friendly area.

Buck: pm sent or will be in a minute. I went over there today and the track will be finished soon. Still had to arrow some more and make some decisions on where to go but said they didn't need anymore help. If you're riding then there's nothing you can really do. They need scorers and all but I have family helping w/that and they said they're about set there. I don't know if I'd know you though. I joined I guess about 2 years ago to the club and am just a member.

Oh yeah; I also found out that there will be quite a few free pizza certificates to be given away. However, they'll only be good for Pizza Hut and Domino's in Marion/Harrisburg and Bobby Jo's gas station in Galatia. There's going to be tons of gift certificates to be given out though as well as gear. Class winners we have their pictures takin and put on special trophies to be put in the clubhouse. (Sorry but they stay there as a remembrance of it.) They did mention plaques to the winners though. Not certain though.

07-12-2004, 04:24 PM
I just went to Little Egypt to ride just this last weekend, it was my first time there, And i actully like the ground down there, Rocks and some little steep hill climbs!

Anyways, That would be cool, But i have a problem with headlights!! Alot of guys that i know that are serious about racing dont have head lights, I think that a 7am-7pm would be cool. or an 8-8 I probley wont attend, becuase i have to work to make a little $$$$ But i will be at LTM the following day! Hope u all do good, And watch out for the downside on some of those hills!!!

07-12-2004, 04:58 PM
I was there last Saturday so if you saw a Cannondale and 450R there that would've been me. I raced Sunday though at LTM so wasn't there. I doubt I'll be at LTM the following day b/c I went last weekend and will be going the next weekend. Too long of a drive to do it 3 weeks in a row.

07-12-2004, 08:02 PM
Talked to Buck442 tonight and there is a good possibility that he and I will go in on this. My quad is out at the moment, I sent the shock off for a makeover. He said that we could just ride his. So its up in the air on his decision but thought I would throw this your way. He is also phoning a few others that may join us. So will keep you posted.

07-12-2004, 09:33 PM
Hey, sounds good. The more the merrier. It's all for fun and for a good cause. Last year I think only about 50 people showed up to the 6hr and only one quad team and me in Ironman. The rest were bikes and I still got 4th. Get all you can. I've been calling up everyone I know and nobody can or their quad's down. A couple said maybe but I've posted this on like 6 different forums so lets see what happens.

07-12-2004, 11:20 PM
I'm interested. I need to talk to my buddy and see if he wants to run as a team, 12 hours alone is a long time for me. It will depend if he has too work, and if he can get his bike bake together, as he won't ride mine with the twist throttle. Never been there befor, but I want to see it befor the race in october. This is a good weekend to have this as I don't think there are any other races going on.

07-13-2004, 01:03 PM
Motoboy66, Did u race at Taylorville, There opening race of this season??? and LTM has a race on sunday!

Carl Nevins
07-13-2004, 03:30 PM
i'm going, todd you have a pm. i raced the h.s last year and that was the best track i have ridden besides Lorrettas it's always a party at night.

07-14-2004, 05:41 PM
Anyone else? I'm still looking for a teammate. I'll run the full 12hrs or attempt it but would rather have a teammate. Anyone interested just pm me.

07-15-2004, 08:26 PM
Man, I wish I could make this event... My quad is all torn apart (modifying the subframe at the moment), and I have a family reunion to go to.

I'm really glad to see events like this put together. Anything people do for a good cause is really cool.

Maybe I can make next year's event! Can you say, "Team EXRiders"? :D

Well, good luck guys, and thanks for doing this for a great cause...some kids are going to be very happy just because of your efforts! :)


07-15-2004, 11:38 PM
Thanks bro! I guess this'll be last call. I'm going over there tomorrow to check things out and see what's going on.

If any of you guys go and feel like saying hi to me I'll be there. I'll be driving a red Dodge Ram w/a long flatbed trailer. I'll have my 450R #4x, a Foreman 400, and probably the C'Dale. I think I'll be running or trying to run all 12hrs. The C'Dale however is setup for MX so I doubt I'll be riding that but it will be there w/a for sale sign for anyone interested.

07-16-2004, 08:21 PM
I'm leaving to spend the night there in a minute but it's a NICE track.

I'm not sure of the length but it's somewhere around 6-7 miles and is fairly tough. It's deffinately not a beginner course b/c of some off-camber climbs, big rolling holls, rocks, and some water crossings. It's going to be a nice race. I rode the whole track and helped arrow it so I know it's great. You guys will love it.

07-17-2004, 10:29 PM
Great race though turnout was much lower than expected. I took first in Ironman but it would've been nice to have more competition. Where were all you guys?

07-19-2004, 07:22 AM
Yeah got my bike back together on that Friday. I was not sure I wanted to put it through something like that when all I could ride was a few hours. Had a wedding to go to that afternoon. Buck442 and I ended up going to the local archery shop and getting setups ready for bow season.

Glad to hear things went well and congrads to you on your finish. Maybe next year they would do better making it only 6 hour endurance race??? Just an opinion.


07-19-2004, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I wished I could have been there. Just not enuff notice to get quad ready and team to do it RIGHT.

Zingnut shoots his bow like he rides his quad.........he hits more trees than anything.......:devil:

What up from Arkansas!