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View Full Version : Jet bent? In carb?

07-07-2004, 08:17 PM
Hey Guys.... I made a post not all to long ago about my 400 not runingall to good. and what I came up with and from what onthers were saying is that my main jet might have sumthing in it or I have sumthing sum were in my carb..... I have a LRD pipe so my main jet is a 160 and when I pulled my carb apart it looked as if the jet was bent to one side of the carb... Heres were I ask the dumb question... Should it be bent to one said a bit? It looks as if thats how its made it sit in the carb.... If anyone could let me know thanks aton....
Vic :D

07-07-2004, 08:24 PM
hey didnt i do the ripping apart of the carberator. You got carb cleaner in a cut and quit.:confused:

07-07-2004, 09:35 PM
Whats up , I answered your post last time. The jet should not be bent. It should either be shaped for a socket (6mm usually), or have a flathead screwdriver groove in the bottom depending on the brand. Anyway, the jet goes straight up. There is no other way it can go but up and down. Im not sure I know what you mean by the jet is "bent". Those things are small and would be pretty hard to bend one if you ask me. You should be able to unscrew the big bolt in the bottom of the float bowl and see it right there. Or take off the float bowl. If you take off the float bowl make sure you line up the circular float piece on the jet shaft correctly when you put it back together. If there is nothing inside the jet, then that probably is not your problem. Clean out the carb good and put it back together and maybe it will run better. If not, give us a little more info and maybe we can direct you some other way.

07-08-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by veryfast92
hey didnt i do the ripping apart of the carberator. You got carb cleaner in a cut and quit.:confused:

:rolleyes: didnt u want to pull the main jet out, it unscrews duh

by the way flyingbyfast400 bought my old 400ex, and no it doesn't have half the parts he states, but yes the main jet was tweaked a bit, not sure why, i say stick it back together and ride the piss out of it:macho

07-08-2004, 11:42 AM
the jets are slanted in the FCR carbs. I can't recall if they are like that in the stockers.

07-08-2004, 01:44 PM
strait up and down in the stock carbs.

07-08-2004, 07:46 PM
I ripped it apart the jet wasnt bent it was offset(as in no in the middle of the hole that the float bowl bolt covers). Everything is all coppisetic.
Anonymous Hillbilly

Quad Dude
07-08-2004, 09:59 PM
the jet isnt bent all of the carbs ive taken apart on my exs have all had the jet off set a little bit and they have all run fine so i dont think thats ur problem