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View Full Version : Am I the only one gettting sick of seeing "countings carbs" everywhere

07-02-2004, 06:23 PM
Am I the only one. Everywhere I look I see, lower carbs, low fat, fat free, no caleries. Now they ever have the beer compaines on this carb counting, low calerie crap. Can anybody explain to me why we need all this stuff? Also why is it when I was growing up, you didn't see, fat free, low carbs, 0 caleries, and we didn't have anywhere near the amount of fat people. The one that sickened me today was, I was in wendy's and on the bottom of the board it said "counting carbs, order your sandwitch without the bun" I really question why in this crazy world would someone who is trying to lose weight go to Wendy's to eat, especailly a fatty, high calerie, drenched with mayo and grease burger. I think according to mc donald's latest statisics a ONE big mac has more fat, carbs, and caleries than the majority of people need to maintain their body, then add the fries, and a large drink, think about it, how much carbs could tossing to bun lose in comparism to all the fat and caleries you just ate? Actually the think about it, the only place I have seen low fat being used for advertisement purposes(or just about anywhere) when I was growing up was subway and this was way back in the mid eighties. On a side note, it seams that the all this low fat, carb food has far less taste than the "regular" food.
Anybody come to think that maybe if we did something besides sitting on our fat asses, playing video games, watching T.V while eating Mc donalds, then topping it off with a bowl of ice cream all day, we might not be so fat and then we won't need this low fat, carb, calerie crap. And does anybody corelate this rise in fast food with all these fat 10 yrs ods we have today. When I was growing up, Mc donads was treat(atleast in my house and the neighbors) and most kids were a normal weight not blimps, anybody see my point?
And by the way I weigh 180lbs with steel toe work boots one, I work 10-11 hours days in contruction, I eat a fairly large dinner, usaully 3-4 slices of pizza for lunch , I don't eat any of this "low" food and I maintain my weigh between 180 and 185 lbs. Am I the only one like this or am I some kind of weird alien?

07-02-2004, 06:27 PM
no your not the only one.

life's too short, and there's too much good food out there to limit WTF you eat.

on another note...f*ckin lazy *** people! get off yer *****es and EX-ER-CISE! diets are BS.

07-02-2004, 06:44 PM
Whats the point of eating all the "good food" then expect to keep of the excess fat by running a few miles, and doing some other excersises.

Lately, I haven't had time to eat, maybe a snack or two during the day but no breakfast or lunch.

07-02-2004, 06:45 PM
Oh, and how can you say life is to short if it's the longest thing you'll ever do?:confused:

07-02-2004, 08:16 PM
I hate this as well, and didnt get me til I saw it in a miller light commercial. I mean if you really dont want to get these carbs then restrict your diet. Its like saying I'll only order a large meal at McDonalds instead of the super size and I'm gonna shave some weight, its pointless. I dont mind oversized people, as long as they were born like that, but if they got bigger and bigger over time then do something about it :macho

07-02-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by muff
I hate this as well, and didnt get me til I saw it in a miller light commercial. I mean if you really dont want to get these carbs then restrict your diet. Its like saying I'll only order a large meal at McDonalds instead of the super size and I'm gonna shave some weight, its pointless. I dont mind oversized people, as long as they were born like that, but if they got bigger and bigger over time then do something about it :macho

yep, I agree. about 8 years ago I went up to 200 lbs... which would be ok if I was 6'2"... except I"m 5'8"! So one day as I was tying my shoes, and almost blacking out, I decided it was time to do something. I dropped 40 lbs in a few months by watching what I ate, instead of eating everything I watched... and exercise. Like everything else, diet is just common sense. I still enjoy eating some bad foods, and drinking beer, but in moderation... well, except the beer! :p And I exercise regularly.

07-02-2004, 09:05 PM
I was sick of it. it was really annoying but now im kinda use to it because its absolutely everywhere. People are just dumb and dont understand that we need carbs to get energy. That carbs is one of the most healthiest things you could ever eat. The world is eating more poorly than ever, isn't that kinda a sign that the world is going to end? j/k

07-02-2004, 10:50 PM
thank you, all of you in this thread.

I thought I was the only one. It seems like almost everyone is like a heard of sheep w/ everyone following these ideas blindly just because the media and the feeling that of everyone else doing it.

If you ask me all this low carb **** is a waste of time and bad for your health. I mean most of the weight you lose is mainly water and muscle so that once you stop you gain a lot of it right back and you really havn't lost much fat.

Not only that but your starving your body of nutrients it needs.

Is what people need to do is just stop being a bunch of dumbasses and stop going on all these fad diets because they don't get you anywhere that a simple exercise plan and proper eating habits can't.

If anyone wants advice just check out bodybuilding.com and they have tons of articles just filled w/ goods tips and information on how to lose weight the right/healthy way along w/ training splits and tons of other stuff.