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06-30-2004, 01:30 PM
I just got back from my favorite riding spot and I am P.O...

First, I live in N. VA, so you know the riding areas are limited. Most of the time for a day ride we haul out to Taskers Gap, about a 90 min drive. But for a quick ride there are 2 places local that one can get a quick ride in...
I've been riding there for two years and never, never had any problem. The place was never marked, and always had bikes and quads all over it. So I haul out there today and see that it was marked. I figured that I would take one last ride there and then bail it forever, to respect the postings.

First off, they had knocked down trees along all the access points. Not a small task as there are many. So I make my way threw the woods and get onto the trail. Now I'm hauling butt, because I've ridden this trail a hundred times. I come crusing around a corner and out of nowhere is this 15 foot high mound of dirt. I jam on the brakes and slam into the mound going about 15 mph, almost tossing me over the HB and smacking up my knees. I get off my quad and walk around the mound, that protrudes 20 feet into the woods and see this huge ***** hole duge behind the mound of dirt. No way around... So I try a few more trail off shoots and the same thing. A couple of way around, but I keep running into the same trail disruptions, trees, or huge mounds of dirt or dug out areas...

So I almost got killed, and they Killed my favorite local riding area with no warning...



06-30-2004, 01:33 PM
at what point did you realize they might not want your riding there anymore?

06-30-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
at what point did you realize they might not want your riding there anymore?


06-30-2004, 01:42 PM
at what point did you realize they might not want your riding there anymore?


Right about when my legs were crashing into the handle bars...

Good news is I packed it up and went for a beer!


06-30-2004, 01:45 PM
lol..well i know how it feels to lose a riding area, but when you saw the signs you should have know what to do:p i aint gonna lecture you.....you know what im sayin:D

and yeah the beer sometimes seems to help when a case of the PO'd shows up;)

06-30-2004, 01:55 PM
I know...first and LAST time I ever disrespect a posting. I know I would not want anyone doing the same to me...got to respect peoples wishes, as not to do damage to the sport...


06-30-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Willfulone
I just got back from my favorite riding spot and I am P.O...

First, I live in N. VA, so you know the riding areas are limited. Most of the time for a day ride we haul out to Taskers Gap, about a 90 min drive. But for a quick ride there are 2 places local that one can get a quick ride in...
I've been riding there for two years and never, never had any problem. The place was never marked, and always had bikes and quads all over it. So I haul out there today and see that it was marked. I figured that I would take one last ride there and then bail it forever, to respect the postings.

First off, they had knocked down trees along all the access points. Not a small task as there are many. So I make my way threw the woods and get onto the trail. Now I'm hauling butt, because I've ridden this trail a hundred times. I come crusing around a corner and out of nowhere is this 15 foot high mound of dirt. I jam on the brakes and slam into the mound going about 15 mph, almost tossing me over the HB and smacking up my knees. I get off my quad and walk around the mound, that protrudes 20 feet into the woods and see this huge ***** hole duge behind the mound of dirt. No way around... So I try a few more trail off shoots and the same thing. A couple of way around, but I keep running into the same trail disruptions, trees, or huge mounds of dirt or dug out areas...

So I almost got killed, and they Killed my favorite local riding area with no warning...



I know where your coming from on this one, ive had some of the same problems, but since there was signs up, telling u to stay off, ur just lucky u didnt get injured, or a nice law suit would have been on ur *** lol. But then again, i never listen to the signs and i continue to ride where ever i want, no one ever catches me, including the fat cop that chases me down the road almost everyday, he just doesnt get it im faster than him and i can cut into any trails and get away lol.

06-30-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
i never listen to the signs and i continue to ride where ever i want, no one ever catches me, including the fat cop that chases me down the road almost everyday, he just doesnt get it im faster than him and i can cut into any trails and get away lol.

ur the kind of person that is making this sport look bad:mad: :mad:

06-30-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by user101
ur the kind of person that is making this sport look bad:mad: :mad:

There all my local trails, and i know the ppl. soooo stfu, i keep the sport going around where i live..

06-30-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
There all my local trails, and i know the ppl. soooo stfu, i keep the sport going around where i live..

He's right... if it's posted, then STF out! That's not keeping the sport going, and some day you may piss off the wrong person. You may be fast, but I bet you can't outrun a .223. ;) nuff said, end of story.

06-30-2004, 05:18 PM
Losing riding spots blows, thats why Im glad I been riding MX primarily for the last 5 years... I used to be a woods maniac but lost too many riding areas and dont really like to ride state parks since I have a sparks exhaust and no spark arrestor and they ***** about the noise. I ENJOY having a loud bike... Hell, the louder the better, thats why I just ride tracks mostly now and dont piss anyone off...

06-30-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
I know where your coming from on this one, ive had some of the same problems, but since there was signs up, telling u to stay off, ur just lucky u didnt get injured, or a nice law suit would have been on ur *** lol. But then again, i never listen to the signs and i continue to ride where ever i want, no one ever catches me, including the fat cop that chases me down the road almost everyday, he just doesnt get it im faster than him and i can cut into any trails and get away lol.

ur the reason we get spots closed down anyway that sux wut happened do u know who owns the land and 2 local shops around here jus started a petition about local riding areas uve prolly heard of the 1 shop TRAPANIS AND COUNTRY CYCLE are doin the petition

06-30-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by 250ex3
ur the reason we get spots closed down anyway that sux wut happened do u know who owns the land and 2 local shops around here jus started a petition about local riding areas uve prolly heard of the 1 shop TRAPANIS AND COUNTRY CYCLE are doin the petition

The trails i ride around me are farmers and land owners that know i ride on, its only the cop that doesnt like me using the backroads to get to the trails, but its the only way, and im not harming anything, so dont flame pal. The signs are there for other riders that dont have the trail privilages.

07-01-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
at what point did you realize they might not want your riding there anymore?

Pappy, that has to be the funniest f'n thing ive ever read on Exriders. I seriously just spit a whole mouthful of soda on my computer. DAMN YOU PAPPY!! :D

07-01-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
The trails i ride around me are farmers and land owners that know i ride on, its only the cop that doesnt like me using the backroads to get to the trails, but its the only way, and im not harming anything, so dont flame pal. The signs are there for other riders that dont have the trail privilages.

im not gonna argue with u..ur proably some 13 year old kid and the cop proably doesnt even exist

07-01-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
I know where your coming from on this one, ive had some of the same problems, but since there was signs up, telling u to stay off, ur just lucky u didnt get injured, or a nice law suit would have been on ur *** lol. But then again, i never listen to the signs and i continue to ride where ever i want, no one ever catches me, including the fat cop that chases me down the road almost everyday, he just doesnt get it im faster than him and i can cut into any trails and get away lol.

If I ever met you, I would honestly smack you around....

little punk!

07-01-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Willfulone
I figured that I would take one last ride there and then bail it forever, to respect the postings.

This sucks that your riding area got shut down, but what I quoted is where you went wrong. I'd be willing to bet the posted signs didnt say "One last ride for everyone..."

07-01-2004, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
This sucks that your riding area got shut down, but what I quoted is where you went wrong. I'd be willing to be the posted signs didnt say "One last ride for everyone..."

yup. ;)

what we have here is failure to communicate... :rolleyes:

07-01-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
If I ever met you, I would honestly smack you around....

little punk!

If u ever met me you wouldnt dare try and smack me around kid, im 17 and wrestle as a hobby, going to nationals next year, so if u honestly would like to try and slap me around punk, please try..

When u were my age, did u ever fallow rules ? if u did u must of had one boring life. I ride like every other teenager, and dont like cops. But if u think driving down unpopulated back roads without harming anything is such a bad thing then please move on with life.. or atleast ***** to someone who cares.

07-01-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Syrus
If u ever met me you wouldnt dare try and smack me around kid, im 17 and wrestle as a hobby, going to nationals next year, so if u honestly would like to try and slap me around punk, please try..

When u were my age, did u ever fallow rules ?

no, he would smack ya around...no worries;)

and at 17 you believe your invincable. dont worry, that feeling disappears and when your 30 you realize what a stupid *** you used to be:)