View Full Version : ZPS front and stock rear

06-26-2004, 11:12 AM
Well, I have just recently purchased the front end in my signature at the bottom. I am still going to be running the stock rear shock, until I can get the money for the rebuild. The guy who I bought it from, said k&k converts the rear to ZPS for like $150.... In the meen time, should I just set the ride hight in the back so it sits as low as possible??? I already let out all of the rebound in it, so it doesn't bounce me and the compression is around halfway out.. Let me know...


06-26-2004, 11:19 AM
Its more like 450$ to do the rear conversion. You can make the back work for now but its a pain to get it dialed in just right.

06-26-2004, 11:22 AM
Dude... You DONT want to run a ZPS setup in the front and non ZPS in the rear.... ESPECIALLY the stocker... The difference in the suspension actions will affect your take off on jumps and throw you wierd since you have no pre load in the front and lots in the rear... Your handling will be totally messed... Also, it is a little hard to believe that K&K will convert to ZPS for only 150 bucks... Youre gonna need a new main spring, have your shock disassembled, have the ZPS spring setup installed, have them revalved, serviced, and basically redone all together. Youre probably looking in the $400 - $450 range to get that done. I know that is what most companies like PEP and AXIS would charge you since my buddy had his rear shock on his Z converted to ZPS by PEP and thats how much it was... Id be willing to bet 150 is NOT an accurate price, but no matter what, you NEED to get your rear done somehow before you run those fronts...

Tommy 17
06-26-2004, 11:36 AM
i ran elka ssd (same as zps pep) and a stk rear shock for over a year... it never threw me funny but u could tell teh fronts would take a hit better then the rear...

also it is probably 150$ for them to convert ur rear to a elka SSD shock... then its like another 100$ to get it valved correct... basically u'll have a SSD shock but the valving will not be to ur exact weight and style...

it may have been 200$ to covert to SSD i can't remember its been since january since i had mine done...

heres a picture of a SSD std travel front and a stock rear shock...