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View Full Version : Anyone watch CNN or the news today?

06-25-2004, 03:01 PM
Today on the news was something that made me so furious. There was an African-American (some people are offended by calling them "black", but for some reason we can be called "white" and "crackers"..anywho) who was being "chased" by the cops for armed robbery.

The catch is, they weren't chasing him at all. Because he was African-American they were following him around a neighborhood at low speeds and some cops were even just standing by watching him drive around in circles. The reason why this was happening was there was another beating of an African-American a few days ago so obviously it would be racist to try and arrest him.

They had popped his tires but he was still able to go because of his tires being so large (20" I believe) it didn't make much of a difference not having air in the tires. After following him around for 50 minutes and him throwing all the stuff he stole out of the windows, he pulled over and surrendered.

When he got on the ground with his hands behind his back, the policemen were afraid to even touch the guy because it would be considered "racist". They eventually walked up to him and cuffed him, I was finally relieved when there was an African-American officer that touched him, so I don't think it could be officially "racist" with him there.

Is anyone fed up with more and more of the "minorities" getting away with this crap? I bet he will be back on the streets in no time because someone will slip up and it'll become a case about arresting him because he was African-American, and not because he robbed a store and stole a car.

I wanted to fly to California and shoot this guy when all the other officers didn't do anything about it.

Sorry had to vent about this...no flame towards African-Americans, I respect them...just not the ones who don't respect anyone else and believe they should have more rights than everyone else. Anyone else feel the same way or am I becoming racist?:(

Tommy 17
06-25-2004, 03:16 PM
i'll agree on that one... i watched the whole thing and it was total bull****...

at times i think the white american male gets the most racism and is boned over the most...

i love how they can have BET, call us cracker all they want, have all black colleges, have special funds for them, get hired over white bc they'll cry racism...

try to start a all white college or WET... i gurantee they will shut u down asap

sry but this kinda stuff pisses me off 2

06-25-2004, 03:24 PM
ok..as a black guy..idc what "we" have i watch MTV over BET anyway...Dont know why theres all black colleges but i do know that a white college would get shut down...i dont feel we should have more rights than anyone else..everyone is the same to me no matter what race you are

06-25-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by JJWB023
ok..as a black guy..idc what "we" have i watch MTV over BET anyway...Dont know why theres all black colleges but i do know that a white college would get shut down...i dont feel we should have more rights than anyone else..everyone is the same to me no matter what race you are

if only everyone thought this way........:(

i know some african american folks, and i work with them everyday. some of the nicest people you will ever meet! but there are always a few, no matter what race/color/creed that think they are getting the shaft and want special treatment. i blame it on the few people that have nothing better to do and want to protect everything that could possibly go bad in this world (read-bored rich soccer moms with nothing better to do except raise a fuss about everything that doesnt concern them). in trying to protect eveything, they create more problems that no-one needs!

06-25-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by JJWB023
ok..as a black guy..idc what "we" have i watch MTV over BET anyway...Dont know why theres all black colleges but i do know that a white college would get shut down...i dont feel we should have more rights than anyone else..everyone is the same to me no matter what race you are

Thank you. I respect people like you who know that there isn't anyone else that is "better" or should have more rights. Supposedly this is supposed to be an equal country, but the white straight male is the most spit on. We have the least rights and can't do anything about it, because then we would be "racist" or "gay-bashers".

I was hoping other people would feel the same as me, because I didn't want to really think of myself as a racist. I just don't like people with no respect and think they are better than everyone else.