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View Full Version : Hows everyone doing in points do far this season?????

06-24-2004, 09:41 AM
Just wondering how everyone is doing so far this season in points for there series??? Im pretty sure so far Im in 1st in the Mens class,possibly 2nd:D Also my series runs until Sept.

06-24-2004, 10:10 AM
I would tell you if I knew :( D-7 NEVER updates the points on their webpage.....It is ridicolous...They still have the 03 results up there!!! I think I may be leading, but not sure.

06-24-2004, 10:38 AM
So far... I think Im sitting in 1st for our Ladies Open in one series... then in the 2nd series Im running I think Im in 5-6th in the Novice. The 2nd series Im the only female rider in the quads. But we still have plenty of races before the end of the year. I think that they run until around Sept or so.

06-24-2004, 10:40 AM
Awesome!! You race MX?

06-24-2004, 10:53 AM
10th place outa 87 racers in my class....:huh

06-24-2004, 11:01 AM
Wow Rico, that's pretty good!!! :D

06-24-2004, 11:12 AM
I'm 11th out of 51 riders in my class. D-22

06-24-2004, 11:16 AM
I'm 2nd in points in the PA State Harescramble series. Theres ten races total, were on Rd. 6.
I'm also 2nd in the District 6 HArescramble points, theres 33 events in that series and we are @11 races into it!!!! Chris Borich has the lead in both series by a hefty margin. I'm real happy with second!

06-24-2004, 11:32 AM
8th out of 19 on the reaky, i think im doing FAIR for a first season, on one of the slowest quads EVER!:grr: :rolleyes:

06-24-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by brian-250
8th out of 19 on the reaky, i think im doing FAIR for a first season, on one of the slowest quads EVER!:grr: :rolleyes: \

no you just suck:devil:

06-24-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Overkillkfx400

no you just suck:devil:

oh, stfu, i aint even gonna start with you.:devil:

06-24-2004, 12:35 PM
I am running 3rd outa 51

06-24-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by YLW400
Wow Rico, that's pretty good!!! :D

I think i'd be doing much better if I ran all the races. I've only raced half of them...:mad:

06-24-2004, 01:36 PM
My oldest is 2nd on his quad and my yougest is 5th on bikes but he will miss a few races because of his collarbone:(

06-24-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by YLW400
Awesome!! You race MX?

Yes I race MX. Im going to take a stab at my first TT race this Saturday night. This is my first season racing. I just started in December of 03' I guess

06-24-2004, 01:39 PM
1st outta I think 11 or 12 in Youth Production...I can't wait to get to a bigger class...this one is too small. I like it better when they bump me up to the C class....:(

06-24-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by motogurl
Yes I race MX. Im going to take a stab at my first TT race this Saturday night. This is my first season racing. I just started in December of 03' I guess Good luck to ya girl!!!!:macho

06-25-2004, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by roostin_dale
1st outta I think 11 or 12 in Youth Production...I can't wait to get to a bigger class...this one is too small. I like it better when they bump me up to the C class....:(

Thanks!! I will need it :D

06-25-2004, 07:37 AM
Im first in there series i am racing with 2 more races to go, i beilieve i already have won it because i have a lead. Overal points for the year i think i have 1st in also. This is for d-5 quad b.

06-25-2004, 07:56 AM
in other words not very good at all in points in any of the series I am running this year.

06-25-2004, 08:00 AM
Right now I'm 2nd in Open B and 10th in Production B at the GNCs. Hopefully with some luck I can move up before the end of the season and finish with a 1st and a top five but I'm not gonna hold my breath!

06-25-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by GNCCer
in other words not very good at all in points in any of the series I am running this year.

Yeah but how many stories have you got to tell Nathan...:D

06-25-2004, 08:59 AM
Yeah but how many stories have you got to tell Nathan...

lol TOO MANY!!!!!

it's all about the stories. if you didn't have stories how would you remember it?

06-25-2004, 09:31 AM
Right now I'm 5th out of 22 guys in my class....I'm certain I would be higher if I got to race every weekend!:grr: .....hmmm, maybe that last part didn't come out right!:huh :D

06-25-2004, 10:48 AM
So far I'm 1st out of 67 in the overall and 1st out of 24 in pro/open A in the local XC series. There's still 9 races left so it's anybody's game. :D

06-25-2004, 11:07 AM
ive got 5th 6th and 7th in the district 17 B class races..so top 10 i assume..but my quad is down so it will slip away soon.

Arctic Cat Dad
06-25-2004, 01:21 PM
My 6 yr old son is 1st in the points, with a 150 points to the 2nd place boy with 85. He races 50 cc open quad in a XC series. He 's rider #838 in the Koontz youth series that they follow here on the Race coverage.He's really HAPPY!.:devil:

06-25-2004, 04:04 PM
I'ev got 2 1rst places, and I only been to only 2 harescrables so far. I'm gonna have to have another brake b/c I hurt my shoulder last race.:grr:

06-26-2004, 01:36 PM
Congrats everyone!!!!Keep up the good racing and be safe....;)

06-26-2004, 02:05 PM
i won my series already, but im goin into another series..but it's already started and has run about 5-6 races already..so im just goin to race and have a good time now :cool: :bandit:

06-26-2004, 04:49 PM
I'm in 2nd out of 24 so far still have 11 races left though and 3rd is only 6 points behind and he is alot better than I am, he just missed 2 weeks and i missed 1. I'm sure i will end up 3rd. I don't care it's my first year racing quads so I'm having fun.

06-26-2004, 05:35 PM
yea and im in last since i have no bike. wow missed some important races but the season goes till november a few first will bring me up fast... i get my bike back tuesday finally