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View Full Version : Finding the balls to clear large doubles

06-20-2004, 06:32 PM
I am not much of a big risk taker and i love quad racing. I have probably passed up taking big doubles more than i have taken them. Everytime i have said, what the hell and took them, it has always been one of the most rewarding things and a huge confidence booster and a great time. This afternoon i decided to take a 30 foot double at a neighbors track. Before doing it, i just watched people do it to watch their technique. The jump has a huge lip and is about 6 foot high. My legs were literally shaking going up to it. I cleared it easily in third gear and felt like i was in the air, in slow motion. It was such an awsome feeling after making it the first time. I continued to jump it all afternoon. So, if anyone is trying to find the balls to take huge doubles, just do it.

06-20-2004, 06:35 PM
lol i dunno if thats the greatest advice dude, saying "just do it" and the next thing u know that guy has a broken neck... not flaming or anything just sayin that everyone knows there limits, and some ppl just dont have the skill to do somethings. You know what i mean ?

But i do know where your comin from on this one, but i wouldnt tell everyone to go clear a double, some ppl just arnt ready for it !

06-20-2004, 06:40 PM
well, I did have balls... until rider11x spent all day breaking them at high point... :rolleyes:

but he still won't follow me over the 30-ft doubles! ;) :p

06-20-2004, 06:54 PM
pin it and grin it :)

coming from a dirtbike background and being new to quads, i was hesitant to hit large jumps hard. one trip to Oklahoma to ride the dunes cured me of that :) learning to jump big was easy out there. sand doesn't hurt like dirt, so you can push yourself pretty good.

06-20-2004, 07:39 PM
be baggin saggin barry
"ya gotta reach deep down in ya pants. ta find things ya didnt know ya had"
Just get comfortable with jumping and then youll want to do bigger things

06-20-2004, 08:17 PM
thats a good size double to start out on but i wouldnt consider it huge, maybe 60-75 ft , it just takes practice ,u just gotta do it and learn from your attempts, you case it you need to go a lil faster, over jump u need to go slower etc

06-20-2004, 08:50 PM
i have a problem with doubles.. i want to clear them...but when im out there..i never try and clear them..and it pisses me off :mad: but i will clear them...some day :macho

06-20-2004, 08:58 PM
I always dream of racing one of the FAST national classes..like 4-stroke A or Pro-AM...so i tell myself if I ever want to get good, you gotta nut-up and hit it..works for me! Although my left knee is gunna be done for good before im 20:o lmao