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View Full Version : Stock pipe? With engine mods

06-18-2004, 02:09 PM
Hi, i have had an hmf for a while now. I have a niehbor that doesnt liek the noise which i can understand. Now scince ive done some engine work to it, if i put the stock pipe back on will it run real bad? WIll i notice a huge loss in power? If so i think i might as well sell the quad and just get a raptor or a z400. What should i do

06-18-2004, 02:23 PM
have you tried a quite core??

06-18-2004, 02:39 PM
do the motor mods, and throw in a quiet core;) The stock pipe will work work with the motor mods, but it won't let the motor breath to its full potential;)

06-18-2004, 02:50 PM
I have a quiet core. I allready did the mods. IT has been a problem scince the day i got the pipe. He just doesnt liek the noise. I dont even ride it in my yard, i ride past his house to get to the trails. He is being very anal about it. The question is, should i get another stock pipe, or should sell it get a raptor and have even more power but quiet?

06-18-2004, 03:19 PM
my buddy ran his stock pipe on a built motor. there is a power loss but just go down on the mainjet and see how it works for you. his bike actually ran pretty good even with the stock pipe.

06-18-2004, 06:08 PM
Tommy runs a very built motor and the stock pipe. I run a stock pipe on my 300 with a .040 11:1 piston, and I fixing to put in a stage 3 web cam. I just don't see spendying 300 to 400 dollars on a pipe, when a can put that into my motor and have twice the power. But thats JMO. :)

06-18-2004, 06:14 PM
Damn i remember the stock pipe it was SO restricting. I guess ill give it a try. If anyone has a stock exhaust they wanna sell me let me know. Thanks

06-18-2004, 06:14 PM
In my opinon, there is nothing that you can do to your bike to make your neighbor happy. If you sell your quad and get one that makes less noise you are just waving a white flag at him and saying I give up... next thing is that he will be dictating to you the days-hours that you can ride etc. etc... this is just the start. In my local area we have lost ALL of our close riding areas due to these type of complaints.

My suggestion is find out what the local laws are that govern here. If the machine needs to be registered, register it. Do what ever you have to do to stay within the law. If you need to trailer it to the riding area, do just that. Dont give him any ammunition to shoot you with. These are the type of people that can make your riding life hell, get your riding area closed etc. etc. but by all means don't confront him and start a fight be cause he WILL call the authorities and they WILL tell you what you can do. Good luck

06-18-2004, 06:33 PM
Your right. I hate throwing up the flag, its just that hes my damn niehbor, i have to live near him for a long time. Plus theres not a single places to legally ride quads in my area, i take the crf to a thomaston damn (army reserved land, only bikes allowed) other then that my trails at my house arent legal. The crf and the ex are both loud so it makes no differnence to him. IM in a bit of a pickle, i wanna move out of ct thats what i wanna do.

06-18-2004, 07:32 PM
get a FMF Q and a powerbong, the head pipe actually will quiet down the noise and the Q is pretty quiet for an aftermarket, i thikn it was like 92 decables and with the bong it prolly bring it down to 90, stock is 86. so its not that much louder and its not as restrictive, just an idea

06-19-2004, 08:40 AM
Thats a good idea, ill look into it. thanks

06-19-2004, 08:40 AM
tell your neighbor to shove his thumb in his butt and to relax