View Full Version : Scott grip glue is CRAP !

03-25-2002, 07:28 AM
Has anyone else had a problem with this stuff ?
I have ruined 2 sets of Scott Hurricane grips because this stupid glue does not stick. It set up fine last weekend, the grips seemed to be on good, then when I went riding yesterday, the clutch side started slipping, tearing the end of the grip. This is the second time this has happened. This stuff is *****, plain and simple ! I asked the guys at a local shop if they sold anything else, they said No, but that they knew it wasn't the best stuff in the world, so why sell it jack***** ??!

03-25-2002, 10:23 AM
Dude, I've used it and know a couple of other guys that used it and have had no problems. Are you sure you're getting the glue all over the inside of the grip? Then twisting the grip a quarter turn on the bar? This ensures the glue speads real nice, if not that could be why they are coming off.

03-25-2002, 11:03 AM
Yep, I made sure I got it all in there really good...It held great for a while, but then slowly worked loose.

03-25-2002, 12:15 PM
I know the grip glue doesn't hold for crap with 909 grips.

03-25-2002, 12:22 PM
If you ride in wet conditions, there is no glue that will hold. I have not found or trust any glue by itself. If you look at any of the top racers, supercross or cross country, you will see that they wire the grips on with safty wire. If you just go out and ride some, the glue is OK. I have seen to may riders even in MX holding the grip in there hand at the end of a few laps. Get some saftey wire and use it also with the glue and your grips will never come off again.
Becarefull and don't tire the wire to tight and cut the grip.

03-25-2002, 02:03 PM
I never had a problem on my 250x, with the Scott grips and Renthal bars. I had the same grips on for 2 years and they never slipped once. I think the new glues aren't as good. There used to be this stuff in a clear tub that was oil colored, it worked great, but the shops say they don't carry it anymore. I'm going to try using epoxy tonight.

03-25-2002, 03:05 PM
My friend had 909 grips on his banshee and his fell off in the middle of a jump...both sides.

03-25-2002, 03:05 PM
I put a tube of that in my back pocket and went riding one day, the cap fell off and... I never came off the seat once the whole day...

03-26-2002, 05:30 AM
The Epoxy worked great, set up in 5 minutes, I don't think they are going anywhere now...:devil

03-26-2002, 05:43 AM
Hope you bought some HARD compound grips,cause you are gonna play **** replacin em!

03-26-2002, 08:00 AM
gonna play ? or pay ?
grips are only like 7 bucks...

03-26-2002, 12:26 PM
What I meant was you will have to grind em off the bars when it comes time to replace them.:huh

03-26-2002, 02:12 PM
then I guess it will be time for some new bars, too :p

03-26-2002, 06:37 PM
any good places to get saftey wire? How does it install, you would think the wire would poke your hands...I guess I am wondering how do you clamp it off (the saftey wire:eek:)?

03-27-2002, 08:21 PM
A few tricks I have learned.

Before putting anything on (from stickers to grips) always use some acetone to clean the surfaces. You can purchase this at any auto parts or hardware store. This stuff cleans any film or grease or dirt off leaving the glue to form a good contact.

I went looking for some bead sealer at the store one day for tires. The only thing they had was volcanizing rubber cement. (Hockey pucks are made from volcanized rubber) I put a ton of this stuff on the bars and more inside the grip. Oh, my bars are filled with silicone so the glue can only go out the whole on the grips.

I place the grips on, get them in the right place and leave them overnight. Do not touch them at all for a long time. Once you are sure they have dried ( I ususally leave alone for 2 days) I check to make sure they will not move. If I find a spot that does turn a little, I go see my father in law. He is a diabetic and requires insuline shots. He gives me a needle. I put some glue inside and squirt it in between the grips and the bars where it moved. Again I leave it for a day or so. You can use a hair dryer to speed things up.

I tried the safety wire and it did not work. But a friend of mine swears by the stuff. But then I have never had a problem with my method. But the first step is very important. makes sure all surfaces are clean!

03-28-2002, 08:19 AM
Safety wire can be purchased at a hardware store. I will put a safety wire at each end and one in the middle usually. If there are any grooves around your grips that is a good place to put the wire. Cut a piece of wire so that you have an inch on each end to grip the wire with a needle nose pliers. Twist the wire till it squashes down into the grip a bit. I place the twisted ends just around the grip from my palm. If it is at your palm you have a chance of stabbing yourself. If you twist the wire too tight, the wire will break or it will tear right through your grips in a day. After you got it twisted on, cut the twisted part off 1/4" from the grip. Now just bend the end into your grip and you're set.

03-29-2002, 07:29 PM
I used Scott grip glue in renthal grips on Monday, and when I went to ride on Tuesday that glue ate holes all in my brand new grips. So now I just use hair spray.