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06-09-2004, 10:29 AM
Well at 11:30 this morning I get a phone call from work ...and my boss wants to talk with me . So we start chatting a bit and he tells me the Assistant Manager at our store just gave his notice and is gunna be leaving in 2 weeks . I'm going back to work on Tuesday of next week .... but anyways he starts talking about the job position and the responsibilities of it , then asks me if I would be willing or if I wanted to fill this position . He said I was recommended by a lady I work with to fill the position and he said he's been thinking about asking me if I wanted this opportunity for a while now . Of course there are a lot of responsibilities involved in running a million dollar + a year business and I have never been in a management position before . Like hell I'm only 21 and just came out of college with a Civil Engineering degree. He told me , he's confident that I would learn the basics of it all within a few days and he said he'd show me all the technical /office work involved with this job . The pay would be conciderably more than what I'm making right now also and I'd have a full benefits and medical coverage and they put $$ away into a retirement savings plan each year for me . Now I need to make the decision as to take this job or not . Like I said I'd love to do it , but I dont want to disappoint them because I have never done this type of work before . Maybe they can put me on a probation period and see how well I do and if I like all the extra responsibilities or not .

06-09-2004, 10:31 AM
run with it! i run a multi million dollar company for christs sakes:eek2:

06-09-2004, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
run with it! i run a multi million dollar company for christs sakes:eek2: HAHAHA .... Well then .... just cuz of that .... I might just try it out ... like hell if you can do it I'm sure anyone could ;) Just playin Pappy . It's tough because I've never done anything liek this before . I have no management skills but I can learn .

06-09-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
HAHAHA .... Well then .... just cuz of that .... I might just try it out ... like hell if you can do it I'm sure anyone could ;) Just playin Pappy . It's tough because I've never done anything liek this before . I have no management skills but I can learn .

sign up for a business management course. ignore most of what they teach you and get a $2 piece of paper that says you passed the course...lmfao

seriously, work close with the owner, meet the goals he sets forth and you'll have no problem. and remeber....noone is your friend in business;)

06-09-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
sign up for a business management course. ignore most of what they teach you and get a $2 piece of paper that says you passed the course...lmfao

seriously, work close with the owner, meet the goals he sets forth and you'll have no problem. and remeber....noone is your friend in business;) Before I jumped into my Civil Engineering program I was thinking about going into business management because it's something that always interested me . I know having some of the basic skills of management would help a lot but I did take a few courses in my Engineering program that talked about organization and a bit of management . The owner of our company lives down in Guelph Ontario which is about 7 hrs from where our store is located .... he works out of our main office and warehouse . We have one warehouse which has 60 000 + square feet and 3 retail stores . It's hard to stay close with the owner but it would be easy to stick close to my manager right now . He told me when he started off he had no management skills either , which is a little reassuring. And I know what you mean when you say noone is your friend in business .... it would be tough having to look over all the people I have worked with for the past couple years and having to tell them what needs to be done .

06-09-2004, 10:46 AM
I don't know how many promotions you've had in your career so far but everytime I've been confronted with a promotion the same type of thoughts run through my head (am I ready, do I want the responsibility, is the money worth the extra headaches, will I fail, etc.). Then I look back and ask myself when have I ever been promoted and not met and/or exceeded the goals given to me? The answer is always never. If I've always exceeded in previous promotions than there's no reason why I wouldn't exceed at the next one. You never know how cold the water is until you jump in.

BTW, is the company you were thinking about leaving a couple weeks ago:eek2: :D

06-09-2004, 10:51 AM
If opportunity is knockin at the door get off your arse and anwser it....:D

I say do it and be more confident about yourself, you'll do fine.;)
My last 2 promotions have been rather large and I felt just fine with added responsibilties.

06-09-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Rico

My last 2 promotions have been rather large and I felt just fine with added responsibilties.

lol...working on the hottest chic in the buildings computer is not a pomotion no matter how big THEY are:devil:

06-09-2004, 11:10 AM
Guy .... this is the same company I was thinking about leaving a few weeks ago . Now that our assistant manager is out of there , it will be a BETTER place to work now . You're right with what is running through my head .... I'm just worried that I will let them down and not meet their expectations ... because I knwo their expectations are HIGH . But then again, I have always been the type of person to put 110% into all the work that I have done . I have been recommended by a Government agency ,that gives students summer jobs , to return to them as a Supervisor and camp leader. I haven't had very many promotions ... like I said I'm just comming out of college and this is really the first big promotion I've been offered . I think I'm gunna take your advice guys and see what comes out of it. Now I gotta call up the vice president of the company and speak with him about it :confused:

06-09-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
The pay would be conciderably more than what I'm making right now also and I'd have a full benefits and medical coverage and they put $$ away into a retirement savings plan each year for me.

hey man,if your only 21 and you got that kind of offer,i say go for it...then when you want to retire you will not have to worry about money issues...and plus they said a conciderably more amount of money then your making now,thats some more money for your quad right there,car,etc,etc;) good luck with it to

06-09-2004, 12:41 PM
Go for it man! It sounds like you have proven yourself to them already.

There's only one management skill you need...how to say NO!

Good luck.

06-09-2004, 01:12 PM
I say go for it. Sometimes the only way to gain experience is to jump right in with both feet. No matter how it turns out you will walk away from the situation gaining something. Everything in life is a learning experience so just bust your *****, do your best, and you should do fine.

06-09-2004, 03:03 PM
Your manager obviously has enough trust in you to be offering the position. If they didn't think you could handle it, they wouldn't offer. If you end up getting in over your head, what is the worst that could happen, go back to your previous job? Go for it bro and good luck.

06-09-2004, 07:15 PM
My young friend without a doubt go for it. In todays world things do not come along very often as a "good" thing. My philosophy is
" Lead, Follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY" ;)

06-09-2004, 08:03 PM
dude! what the worst they can do if you don't measure up? fire you? hehe, you were planning on leaving these guys any ways...looks like a win/win situation to me! :cool:

06-09-2004, 08:24 PM
How much money will u make

06-10-2004, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
. He said I was recommended by a lady I work with to fill the position

Make sure you put her up on the desk because you owe her one:D

All kidding aside, do it. You were thinking of leaving, so even if it didn't work out no big deal, right? Pluss it's one more thing you could put on your resume if you did leave down the road.

06-10-2004, 08:13 AM
Management isn't as hard as it seems. I'm sure you'll catch on quick.

"Life is 10% on what happens to me and 90% on how I react to it."

I say go for it. This may not be what you want to do the rest of your life, but it may open the door to bigger and better things.