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View Full Version : Seadoo HX

06-07-2004, 10:13 AM
I was thinking of getting a 95' Seadoo HX, i found a guy who will trade me for my gts. i was wondering if any of you guys owned one and was looking for some feedback, and if you were happy w/ it. i've done some reading on it and it seems to be less powerful than the xp but a little easier to whip around. i know all the specs but am looking for some owners opinions. I'd appreciate any info anyone has on these models


06-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Hi. I used to own a '95 HX about 4 years ago. I traded for a '96 XP just to gain a little top speed, stability and the capability for 2 riders. The HX was a lot of fun though.

I had just came off of a standup when I bought the HX. You definitely have the balance the HX. When you're moving at a good speed it pretty much balances itself. But if you're close to a stop or stopped then you have to balance. Getting back up on it is difficult if you don't know how. Basically you swim around to the port side and grab hold of the handlebar to pull the machine down to you. Once it's tipped down you should be able to grab onto both grips. Start it up and give it a good amount of gas. Don't be afraid to give it a good shot of throttle. The ski will honestly swing right underneath you and you'll be laying on the seat. It's pretty cool once you get the hang of it. By the end of the season I was able to balance on mine at a dead stop in chop and not tip over. If I did end up falling off it was effortless to get back on.

The cool thing about the HX was it's wake jumping capability. Once you get the hang of it you can really launch the thing. You're right that it doesn't have the same power as the XP. The HX has a 720 in it so you have to watch the exhaust bolts because they're known to break. Also, the HX has leakage problems around the hood so make sure that the seal is good. Otherwise water can flood in and go right into the flame arrestor (if it's aftermarket). The hood is pretty heavy so they're prone to stress cracks up by the mount. I've heard horror stories about the rear driveline coupler as well. Make sure that you keep it well lubed. Also the rear hatch has been known to pop off and sink. The best thing to do is attach some sort of tether to it so if it does pop off then it'll just hang there.

The seat has a shock on it, which is kind of cool. I'm not sure how much it really helps but it can't hurt. The trim system is totally manual and a pain to adjust when out in the water. Until I figured out where I liked it I used to fall off all the time trying to balance and adjust it. I hope that helps out a bit.