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View Full Version : do boxers do good with other dogs???

06-05-2004, 03:30 PM
as i said do boxer do good with other dogs i was hopping to git my dad one for fathers day my other dog is only 4 ponds and i dont wont her to git hert pleas help:confused:

06-05-2004, 03:53 PM
they should get along well, just some little play fighting here and there, what kind is the other dog though cause usually some breeds dont live togather so well

Bill Fuller
06-05-2004, 04:27 PM
If it's a pup when you get it they will be just fine.The little one will probably be the boss:D

06-05-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Bill Fuller
If it's a pup when you get it they will be just fine.The little one will probably be the boss:D

lol thats how it allways ends up with our dogs

06-05-2004, 05:09 PM
They'll be OK as long as you lay out the ground rules when it's young. My grandparents had a 110lb. Pit Bull and a 6lb. Toy Fox Terrier and there was never an issue.

06-05-2004, 06:52 PM
shes a lil toy fox taier she is a lil bad *****

Hammer trx450r
06-05-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Bill Fuller
If it's a pup when you get it they will be just fine.The little one will probably be the boss:D

06-05-2004, 08:54 PM
My boxer does great with neighborhood dogs with the exception of the occasional "alfa-male" rectum ranger action whenever a new dog comes along. But who isn't up for a free show?

06-05-2004, 08:56 PM
Here he is- Rocky..


06-05-2004, 09:19 PM
ROTFL atreyu that is one of the cutest boxers i have seen!
Yes boxers are excellent with other dogs, people, kids, vehicles. I own a brindle boxer and he is the best dog evaahh! I however dont like how smart he is. He can cute his way out of any jam. And he really likes to be stubborn. I remedy that sometimes with a good bite on the chin.. I call him big yips! because of his big jows. I always grab him by the big ol' lips and give him a kiss on the chin. He is very loving, Very emotional, EXTREMELY smart.
Like i will tell him my dads home. When infact he is not. I just like to see if he is dumb enough to run to the door. When he gets to the door and realizes I lied. He comes back and attacks me. !

They can also use their paws to such a good extent. they can scoop up objects. But beware. they hurt when the fly at you. Or when a 70lb dog decides to step on your crotch with one of his paws that are maybe 2 inches wide on the bottom

11-10-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by WEEZIL
ROTFL atreyu that is one of the cutest boxers i have seen!
Yes boxers are excellent with other dogs, people, kids, vehicles. I own a brindle boxer and he is the best dog evaahh! I however dont like how smart he is. He can cute his way out of any jam. And he really likes to be stubborn. I remedy that sometimes with a good bite on the chin.. I call him big yips! because of his big jows. I always grab him by the big ol' lips and give him a kiss on the chin. He is very loving, Very emotional, EXTREMELY smart.
Like i will tell him my dads home. When infact he is not. I just like to see if he is dumb enough to run to the door. When he gets to the door and realizes I lied. He comes back and attacks me. !

They can also use their paws to such a good extent. they can scoop up objects. But beware. they hurt when the fly at you. Or when a 70lb dog decides to step on your crotch with one of his paws that are maybe 2 inches wide on the bottom

Yeah he's the best dog I ever had. His tounge is too big for his mouth though so it sicks out and dries up all the time. LOL. Anyway, they have the personality of a human being. He gets very jealouse sometimes if my mom or girlfriend tries to hug me or something and he'll get in the middle of us. It sucks though when he decides he doesent like me looking at him and punches me in the nose. Great dogs though..


11-10-2004, 01:36 PM
I dont think I've ever seen a boxer with a bad attiude. Really cool dogs.

11-10-2004, 01:59 PM
ive got 2 boxers and they get along with (most) dogs there real pretective at least mine are

11-10-2004, 02:01 PM
there hole mouth foams up when they eat pretty funny

11-10-2004, 04:13 PM
i have to boxers a male and a female the female gets along with just about any dog u put her with the male on the other hand we have only had one problem with him with my aunts 7 yr old golden retriever they dont see eye to eye but they have a younger retriever that he gets along with very well nicest dogs in the world the vet i take them to says he has been bitten by every breed but a boxer i love my 2 dogs mind they may get older but they still act like puppies!

11-10-2004, 04:19 PM
It all depends on how you train them . Boxers aren't know to be a mean dog .

The province I live in , is banning Pit Bulls and dog's of that nature .... too many recent attacks on kids, other dogs and adults.

11-10-2004, 04:29 PM
this post is so old:huh :huh

11-10-2004, 05:01 PM
If you bring another dog in your household, I would recommend getting the oppisite sex of the dog you have now. When you have 2 male dogs or 2 female dogs, they dominate back and forth on who should be the alfa male or female. Each wolf pack has one alfa male and one alfa female. So by getting a male and a female, they each can be the alfa. I have 3 dogs, two of wich are males. The males constintly got in fights, because their was confusion on who was the dominate one. The only way to solve this is by choosing one dog to be the alpa male. Meaning that dog got to eat first, go outside first, get petted first, got treats first, etc. The fighting has decreased alot, but there will always be that dominant tension between them.

Not all dogs show dominancy. I've seen male dogs get along great with other male dogs. And the same with females. But I wouldn't take any chances. So I really, really recommend getting the oppisite sex.

11-10-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
this post is so old:huh :huh
I just saw that.
You could at least have told us if you got your dad a boxer.

11-10-2004, 06:44 PM
no i didnt b/c my aunt wouldnt bring me to git it:grr: ..but once i move in to my bros room which is outside i can get one

11-10-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
no i didnt b/c my aunt wouldnt bring me to git it:grr: ..but once i move in to my bros room which is outside i can get one

The truth comes out! You didnt want it for your dad for fathers day, you wanted a boxer for yourself!:blah:

11-10-2004, 07:02 PM
ok ok...i love boxers but he wont let me get one:grr: ...i bug him every day about it:blah: