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View Full Version : Utility Starting Position for GNCC

06-02-2004, 10:40 AM
Where do you guys think the Utility Classes (Unlimited, Modified, and Stock) should start from in the GNCC lineup? Do you think that all classes (women included) should be in a rotation for starting positions? How about track conditions? Should the track itself dictate who starts where? Example: If next years FL race is another mud bog should the Modified and Stock utility go first? What would be fair for everyone?

06-02-2004, 10:51 AM
this is a hard one. a rotation would be nice. then you would see who is fastest overall for the year. mabye that's why either a woman (super senior) or a stock rider (barring Penland - they start up there pretty close too) is on the podium almost every race. some C riders could possibly be up there then. I'm not sure who decided who went first...

I can see the afternoon as being ok. I think the morning is really the only issue.

06-02-2004, 10:53 AM
They use to try and rotate but it became too much of a debate on who's turn it is. Putting utilities in the front row in a mud race would not make too much sense since Traci Cecco won Sparta by over 3 minutes to second overall. I would say Sparta was one of the worse mud races yet..

06-02-2004, 11:03 AM
did it make a difference in where everyone finished?

you have a point on Sparta. those Razr II's make a difference in the mud.

06-02-2004, 11:12 AM
I know what y'all go through every race. It's a whole lot easier starting up front. I think that the C and utility classes need to be rotated, maybe even throw the stock class back a row or two every now and then. First Year Racer needs to stay at the back and the women out front. I don't think either of those two would fit in very well anywhere else.

06-02-2004, 05:30 PM
i agree with wingnut. first year racer should stay at the back and women up front and everybody else should rotate. coming from a C class rider, it would be a huge advantage to start up near the front sometime. i ran into the same bottleneck in NC that rico was talking about in the other thread and i had two different ute riders that i couldn't get around at rausch - the second ute that i ran into cost me two positions the last lap, when i was running in 7th pretty much all day.

06-02-2004, 06:23 PM
what I never understood was when they split the race to a morning race and an afternoon race, why did they(RP) put the four stroke stock in the morning and the Sport class in the afternoon?

06-02-2004, 06:25 PM
Unless it is a rotation all the way through (other than 1st year) there will be no true way for the overall at the end of the year. To say the utes are slow move them back is not right. There are fast, and slow riders in every class. Makes no never mind to me cause I'm slooow (and move when I see ya comin) but it seems more about winning the overall rather then class. So why not put top 3 from each class from the prior year on the front row? Still score them with there class? Afternoon could have Pro, Pro-Am and then the same thing. I know just a dumb idea.

06-02-2004, 06:46 PM
I think that the rotation that is being run for the morning race is pretty good. The only thing I think I would change is maybe rotate the four stroke stock class and the womens class back and forth between the first two rows.

I am a C rider and I would love a chance to start out front, but it would be insane if they let a C class start anywhere but in the back. The C class is a beginner class and should be treated as such. The bottlenecks would be insane if we sarted in the front. I really dont like passing the utility riders, but it would be unfair to start them behind us. There are fewer of them and the will cause less bottlenecks.

06-02-2004, 07:35 PM
i know they go through a rotation to some point, but can be inconsistant with it. personally i think it should be based on results from the previous race. we have the same problem in the afternoon with the B classes. we get stuck behind the seniors..dont get me wrong some of them are fast, but there are some slow riders in that class and for some reason those old guys wont move for anybody.

06-02-2004, 08:00 PM
You can't really base it on results, who ever started in front is most likely going to finish in front. I know two years ago for the last four races the C classes were put infront of the utilities. But there were only two C classes at the time. At one of those races a C rider took the overall. I think they should have done that last year even if it was only one C class at a time. Last year my class never started closer than the 6th row, and we were there only two races. We could beat the 25+ and 2st class almost every time, but still got no respect.:(

06-02-2004, 11:12 PM
sport is in the afternoon because it didnt come along until long after the split, this is the sport classes 3rd season. from what i can tell, the competion between the womens and stock class had been heating up over the last few years and moving the stock class would have taken a little momentum away from the morning race

i understand about the c class bottlenecks, the slower b guys alot of times will cause bottlenecks for the faster sport guys

Tarrat 103
06-02-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Wingnut
I know what y'all go through every race. It's a whole lot easier starting up front. I think that the C and utility classes need to be rotated, maybe even throw the stock class back a row or two every now and then. First Year Racer needs to stay at the back and the women out front. I don't think either of those two would fit in very well anywhere else.

Agree with most of this, especially the women out front and first year racer in the rear,......but why not include the Stock class in the complete rotation also??:confused:

What exactly is the classification of the riders in the Stock, Women, Utilities, and Utility Unlimited classes??

I thought all AM races were C Classes, and all Pro, A, and B riders raced PM....???

I do realize that there are several Class A riders or even riders of Pro talent that run in the AM, but just curious as to the actual classification of AM racers.

Quad Racer 600
06-03-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Wingnut
You can't really base it on results, who ever started in front is most likely going to finish in front. I know two years ago for the last four races the C classes were put infront of the utilities. But there were only two C classes at the time. At one of those races a C rider took the overall. I think they should have done that last year even if it was only one C class at a time. Last year my class never started closer than the 6th row, and we were there only two races. We could beat the 25+ and 2st class almost every time, but still got no respect.:(

I agree with you 100% Will. Last year the top 5 or so in 16-24 C were in the top 25 overall pretty consistenly. I know that some of the utility guys are fast but alot are slow and hold up the C class riders. if it was rotated every race with the C classes and utilites mabey? its impossible to find a way that everyone will be happy with but i think it would be alot more fair if the C classes got a lil recognition.

06-03-2004, 06:30 AM
After more thought on this, I believe everyone except first year racer should be in a rotation. However, what would be the best way to do a rotation? One class at a time to the front, two, three, etc...? Although I would really like to be on the front row a couple of times I can't really see any reason for the Utility 4x4 to be out if front of everyone. Maybe our spot would be 3rd at the highest, 6th, 9th, etc in a three row rotation as an example.

06-03-2004, 09:43 AM
Dan229 "I would really like to be on the front row a couple of times I can't really see any reason for the Utility 4x4 to be out if front of everyone. Maybe our spot would be 3rd at the highest, 6th, 9th, etc in a three row rotation as an example."

The Utility classes always run row #3 thru #5 in rotation, unless the senior class is too large and they seperate them from the women.(This has happened one time this year) So you already have your wish.;)

06-03-2004, 11:10 AM
WV, that is true. However, what I was getting at is if the rotations were made up of three classes each and that entire group was rotated around but inside the group the classes wouldn't move around. Basically, the Utility group would be the Unlimited, Modified, and Stock utility classes. They would run in that order no matter what but that entire group could be moved around along with the other groups.

Here is a visual of what I am talking about. (Keep in mind I don't know much about the other classes so the below was a best guess) If the women's and first year racer 1 and 2 remain the first row and last respectively the other classes could break down into something like the below.

(Group one)
Stock Utility

(Group two)
Super Senior
4 Stroke Stock
2 Stroke C

(Group three)
4 Stroke C 16-24
4 Stroke C 25-32
4 Stroke C 33+

06-03-2004, 01:05 PM
I get where your coming from now...but I think the ladies should be rotated also.

Tarrat 103
06-04-2004, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Dan229
Here is a visual of what I am talking about. (Keep in mind I don't know much about the other classes so the below was a best guess) If the women's and first year racer 1 and 2 remain the first row and last respectively the other classes could break down into something like the below.

(Group one)
Stock Utility

(Group two)
Super Senior
4 Stroke Stock
2 Stroke C

(Group three)
4 Stroke C 16-24
4 Stroke C 25-32
4 Stroke C 33+
I agree with the format...looks to be faily simple, and not much room for debate,....I think all "Racer Joe's" could live with it.

....and since "Racer Joe" makes up at least 80% of the field, both AM & Pm. I think RP would want to make him happy...or at least content,....so he keeps coming back.

Without "Racer Joe" ...there is no R-P or GNCC.....:macho