View Full Version : I'm hesitating when hitting a double..how i get rid of it

06-01-2004, 02:57 PM
hey can any1 help me out when im hitting a double...i guess im just thinking of the worst case scenarios..can any gimme any tips of what to think about...how fast should i go..wut to concentrate on... thanks

06-01-2004, 03:10 PM
just focus on the jump

06-01-2004, 03:10 PM
i was the same way for a while, hit table tops or do what i did, just dont think about it and go WOT

06-01-2004, 03:22 PM
just hit it and think about what you have to do next. like the next turn or something. dont know if this will help but, gave it a try.

06-01-2004, 04:20 PM
Dont think about what could happen, just focus on clearing it.

06-01-2004, 07:50 PM
just follow some one at there speed and hit it right behind them.

06-01-2004, 08:12 PM
Hit it worst thing happened to me was I got helicoptered out I was riding the next week:blah:

06-01-2004, 09:30 PM
Its always better to overshoot and jump then not clear it at all.

Might wanna try going a bit faster your first time around to make sure you will clear it.

06-02-2004, 02:06 PM
yeah, over shoot it a lil, and think of it as a table with invisible dirt in the middle, and be ready to bail if you come up short!

06-02-2004, 04:21 PM
yo hit it goin slow and see where you land .work your way closer, then finally just hit it at wich speed you know you can hit it. how big is this double?

06-02-2004, 04:50 PM
the double at etown dunt think i can get enough speed

06-02-2004, 04:57 PM
wich one theres like 5 now

06-02-2004, 05:47 PM
the one after the down turn

06-02-2004, 06:29 PM
i say u just need to go out and ride and have fun and start with the really small doubles and work ur way up,best thing to do start small and work up till u know ur limits and can trust urself as weel as ur quad on what distances u can make,only way i got rid of that was to suck it up and hit it once i relized i could do it the rest was piss of cake, just need more experience in that area now i love doubles.just go ride and get more experience with them

06-02-2004, 06:31 PM
(piss of cake)lolhaha my bad ,,,,-piece of cake

06-02-2004, 06:35 PM
its all the balls and if your comfortable on your quad. there was a this one up hill double at my track like 70+ feet and me and all my friends were scared to hit it all day so finally i just nutted it up and pinned out my quad squirly as hell back end shotting out from under me and everything went fine its just the nuts and just make sure you dont come short.

06-02-2004, 06:52 PM
so the jump is the one after the 4 doubles by the stands right into the right handed sharp turn and then theres that double then tripple?

06-02-2004, 07:01 PM
no its not that one..rite after u hit the plunge..u keep going and then ther is two doubles rite after each other..

06-02-2004, 07:05 PM
ohhh i kno..its the no burm turn. yea man those doubles are hard. yet i always case it its hard its like 3rd gear pinned and then pinn it again for the second,.

06-03-2004, 04:37 PM
ok dont gas it to much cause when you over shot it its just as bad. i broke my wrist in 2 places after over shootin a jump at my race. the best thing to do is get the feeling of the vert of the jump and from there you should know your speed you need

06-03-2004, 04:47 PM
dude but these doubles are sick. only pro and a riders really hit them. theyre really tricky..and yea over shooting em hurts too. i guess the jump got the best of you moto . huh? still in a cast?

06-03-2004, 04:58 PM
yea im still in a cast it sucks

06-03-2004, 05:19 PM
yea dude that must suck. i wear wrist guards just for percaution. well best to luck to ya bro

06-03-2004, 06:41 PM
best way ive found to get good at doubles is to hit them slow, and just sort of "pop" off them. then if the jump allows do the same but faster, and work your way up. pretty soon you'll be able to tell how fast you need to hit it and then you just have to work up the balls to hammer the throttle down.

06-03-2004, 07:18 PM
think about the landing...not the take off (works for me) lol

orput somehead phones in your helmet....u think about the music and u end up doing some crazy stuff!!:blah:

06-04-2004, 12:38 PM
yea dude always wanted to try that. wtaching huevos 4 and recording the music and then listening to it when i ride. id go balls out on everything, untill i crash and the music stops

06-07-2004, 08:53 AM
i thought of head phones in the helment deal....but here is the situation...huevos 4's music pumps me up so much...i do dumb shyt...the last time i listened to huevos 4 soundtrk all the way to birch creek....i got fugged up pretty bad....lmao but the headphones in the helment deal might work if you have a loud enuff exhaust and know when to shift

06-07-2004, 07:21 PM
Here's two things you can do....

1) Follow someone who you can keep up with and hit the doubles rite behind them since they know how fast to go.

2) Putts over the jump a few times getting minimal air and go farther and farther till you know what gear to hit it in.... just dont overshoot the first double cause there's no stopping the momentum for the next double:blah:

06-09-2004, 09:52 PM
Ok, I'm new to the quad scene. I've been on bikes all my life and not much on a track in my two wheel time, but I just bought a 450r a couple of months ago and am pretty much trying to figure out 4 wheel riding and jumping them all at once now. I'm planning my first mx race in the next couple of weeks. So assuming you're starting out pretty green like me, here's what's got me clearing up to a 40 to 45 foot double with ease.

First start small, preferabley a short tabletop. Jump it until you know the exact speed to hit perfect on the landing ramp. Then start pitching the quad intentionally nose up and hit the rear brake to bring the front back down to land right. After you figure that out, same thing except pitch the nose down intentionally and gas it (with the clutch out) to bring the front back up. Do this until it's second nature to back brake or throttle to get get the quad ready for the landing. You should even try this on every jump you can get to that's pretty easy to clear. Different faces throw you different, and different landings land different. This seems like a lot of crap just to try a double, but if you've never jumped it, you don't exactly know how it will throw you when you're in the air.

Now hit the double in question starting with a short hop, then stretching out farther and faster to get a feel for the takeoff. (I do this till I get far enough that the landings start getting rough. Then I know it's time to go for it or back off.) Now get a feel for the run at the jump. Come at it from the previous curve or jump as hard as you can and brake at the last instant to hop the top. This gets a feel for how much traction and speed you can bring to the ramp. If you're spinning all the way, you might not want to try it, or if you're getting loose coming out of a curve, you'll know you've got to get it straight before the ramp. ( I made about 15 passes like this to get a feel for the speed I needed to carry in the curve of a tight double-curve-double.)

Now that you're tired of doing all this crap, sit back and watch others hitting the jump, especially the quads closest to your own. If a full on race YFZ costing 20G is screaming at it and barely clearing, and you're on a stock 300EX......forget it! But, if the quads like yours are clearing with ease every pass, then at least the jump is do-able from a mechanical point.

Now here was the hardest part of all for me, getting my brain to keep the throttle pinned. I generally run the whole track, each time "pretending" I'm going to hit the jump, then locking it up at the last second just to hop the top. If I run at the jump then turned around to run at it again, I just got too nervous to even be riding in first gear on level ground. The trip on around the rest of the track gives you time to clear your head and have fun. Then after a few laps I started deciding if I was going to hit it for sure. When I decided I was going to hit the jump for sure, I made a few more laps, each time making a good run at the ramp. Then I always decide to go for it a little before the point you should start braking to keep from jumping. That way it's spontaneous, and I haven't dwelled on if for so long I've got nervous. You need to stay cool and collected so if the quad gets out of whack in the air, you can still remember to throttle, back brake, or pull a little on one side to get it straight for the landing.

If you ever let off and think you're not going for it, don't rethink yourself and go for it anyways. Every time I've done that, I've been in pain within 10 seconds because I usually came up short. Once you commit stay committed, and once you back out, stay backed out. Just come around and try again.

Always try to overjump a little the first time, but not too far. Completely missing the landing ramp and landing on flat ground can be just as bad as coming up short. I like to land ramps all four tires at once, but on flat landings, it's a lot smoother to land back first. On your first jump, I would go ahead and keep the front a little high. If you come up short at least you won't plow into to top of the landing nose down. If you over jump, the back hitting first will be a lot easier on you, and easier to control. And if you nail the ramp perfect, the back hitting first really won't be much different than landing with the slope of the ramp. You can nose over some the next time around after you know you can clear it.

Well that's my 2 cents anyway, and so far it's all worked for me. Be safe and don't over do your machine or your own limits. Have fun.

450R Guy '78

06-12-2004, 04:28 PM
that took a while to read but thats very good advice!!:D

06-15-2004, 04:31 PM
I used to be the same way...even on littler jumps...what i do is just set it all aside...and go for it... best thing to do is overshoot

06-15-2004, 04:53 PM
yea but if you overshoot this jump your going to case it on the lip of the next double. you have to hit it perfect or your screwed