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Martin Blair
05-31-2004, 12:05 AM
It official, Its more dangerous cleaning your quad then riding it.

Well today I was finishing up washing my and my parents quads, and I triped over the damn hose, tryed to catch myself with the power washer nozzle, ended up smaching my toe, and I hit the trigger and the damn pos water cut the skin on my toe about 1/8 of an inch deep in about a 1 long line! I was surprised it acutally cut my skin, It hurt like hell. I was surprised because I only had the 15 tip on it and we only gota 1800psi unit. What would the 0 tip on a huge 3600 psi unit do, cut my toe off? Along with this I spent 30 minutes washing my eye out after mud flew in it from my dads rancher. I got hurt washing the bikes worse then I have ever riding or racing. I have only spraned a ankle riding.

05-31-2004, 12:21 AM
dude.. i was cleanin my prairie 300 a year ago and i sliped (stupid me was in sandles) and i fell under neath the quad and cut my leg about and inch long and all the way to the bone on my shin, yea bones look cool!! yea the funny part was i walked inside and asked my dad where the band aids were and he bout puked... he went ?!@#!@ russ you need stiches.. i looked down and went... but it doesnt hurt, well.. i spent 5 HOURS in the waiting room to get 6 stitches.. wow.... but hey all the kids at school thought i was cool!! so it was worth it i guess:p :D :)

05-31-2004, 06:17 AM
yeah they can be dangerous just sitting still. I remember a picture and story about a guy who had his rear wheels jacked up and it idling in first gear so he could lube his chain as it went around. He had a rag on his chain to catch all the excess and his hand slipped and went between the rear sprocket and the chain. I think he lost a finger or two. Be careful out there :eek:

05-31-2004, 07:33 AM
dude i have a 1650 psi unit and it cut through my palm, i bleed everywhere!

05-31-2004, 11:19 AM
my grandfather owns a welding/pressure washing business... he cleans like huge drags and stuff for strippin companies around here... he has blown a hole in his hand from his..mind you he wears leather gloves and all of ht eprotective stuff you can when doin this.. it was kinda gross a perfect circle in the middl eof his palm you could see right though it... he's also blown a hole in his his boot and messed up a few toes... now none the less he wears steeltoes

05-31-2004, 11:23 AM
i cut the top of my first finger with a 1200 PSI, it burns a lot, and makes the skin white.

I was watching PMK, how they cut some things, is with water, the pressure of 4 elephants on your thumb (lots of pressure!) can cut anything (diamond not sure) tata off 2 class

05-31-2004, 11:37 AM
i never had problems with a preasure washer

But i was climbing over my dads predator to get to my quad in the garage, and i slipt off the tire wacked my face off our boat and then off the cement floor that gave me a concusion:devil:

05-31-2004, 01:57 PM
2 years ago i was helping my dad around the pool cleaning and gettign it ready for summer and decided to see what this thing has....sprayed it on my foots dug down in my foot and have a huge scar...looks like i was cut from a chainsaw and my pressure washer is 2500psi

05-31-2004, 04:37 PM
those power washers are out to kill!:devil: