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05-20-2004, 07:04 PM
I'd been hearing all types of stuff about the nick berg video at school like crazy and some kids have seen it and said it was weird and gross and that it was unbelievable. I thought for a second that it might be interesting to watch so when i got home i went onto some website to watch it. The split second i hit play i chickened out... I thought i would be able to handle it but i guess not. the second i hit play i felt nervous and like i was going to puke. I screamed and ran outta the room. Then five minutes i came back to close outta the website. But the video is only about 1 1/2 minutes long. but I had to be sure. On the website i was on there was a post about it where kids were talking about it and alot of the people said they couldnt even watch the whole thing. That how sick it was. One kid said once he noticed the blood and how slow they were cutting he quickly turned it off. Anyways, what do you guys think or have any of your seen it...:( :eek:

05-20-2004, 07:10 PM
who is nick berg?:confused:

05-20-2004, 07:11 PM
a couple of friends have seen it and one has puked and they said how sick it was how they slowly cut it off and such :(

05-20-2004, 07:14 PM
Does anybody watch the news??? Come on guy... the hostage from America of the terrorist, they made the video of them beheading him.

05-20-2004, 07:16 PM
I have alot of self control. I can watch the video full through over and over, but I choose not to. It will only make me hate those peices of **** more. Every single one I see I want to hit in the head with a sledgehammer. Even just talking about this subject is making me extremely angry.

05-20-2004, 07:29 PM
i have watched the whole thing, i dont know why but i was curious.

05-20-2004, 07:32 PM
but what did you think about it was it gross? I totally got nervous to do it. I knew it would tramatize me...but i saw him in the orange suit

05-20-2004, 08:08 PM
It was really disgusting and very disturbing how they hold up the head at the end. And the bad thing about is that it was not fast it was really slow, just dont watch it

05-20-2004, 08:32 PM
i want to watch it wtf!?! i never heard of this will someone please post the link

05-20-2004, 08:38 PM
No, don't post the link here. We're not going to pander to these terrorists. If you want to watch it than search for it--I'm sure you can find it.

While I've got the stomach to watch it I simply choose not to. My brother watched it with a bunch of people at work and they said it was absolutely horrible.

05-20-2004, 08:47 PM
OMG wtf is wrong with these people!! His poor parents OMG.. That must of been the worst death ever it makes me just want to kill them all!! :mad: :mad:

05-20-2004, 08:58 PM
I know, can you imagine how the parents of the kid feel...OMG he was young too he was only like 24 or 25 and he wasn't a soldier either. He was a nice guy who went over there to only help rebuild iraqs little cities.:eek:

05-20-2004, 09:11 PM
The gross part to me is the blood, the screaming, and the gurgling. I lost my stomach almost when I watched it. Only watched it once, and only once. Thats all it takes.

The worst part, now get this. The website I viewed it at (don't ask me for it because I forgot it already), showed a short, distored clip of it. But for a "small fee" you can view the full version. THEY ARE SELLING AND EXPLOITING THE VIDEO. This sounds like exactly something you would see on rotten.com....What kind of people are we living with now that get enjoyment on watching this?!?! Is it just me thinking this? Please say no....

05-20-2004, 09:14 PM
yeah. of coarse people will try and make money off of it. Its a big deal and people are stupid these days. Can the parents sue someone for this. They shouldnt be able to do things like that and if they havent' already they will

05-20-2004, 09:21 PM
I sat down with my parents and watched it. I am 19 years old by the way just so you dont think some parents showed their 13 year old the video. Anyways, yes it is very horrible. I watched it 3 times. once by myself, then brought my parents to my room and watched it again and then watched it again witht the sound on. The sound was off for the first 2 because I have heard from friends it was 1000% worse with sound on. While I was sickened by this it really just made me glad I lived in America (hell any place other than the middle east). My dad didnt even flinch because he was in Vietnam and on the front line as a marine and saw many many many things like this. My mom was pretty grossed out as anyone would be. I didnt sleep very well for the next 3 nights but got over it as I did when I watched the daniel pearl execution video back when he was killed in Afganistan. I dont suggest anyone to watch it without the proper stomach for it. The video can and will make most people have violent nightmares. All the video did for my father was make him hate Muslims more...in fact for the past 2 months (even before this video) my father has been applying for truck driving jobs in Iraq. He has over 25 years driving big rigs here in America and really wants to do it there...for the cash and I guess excitment. My uncle is in Saudia Arabia right now looking over the decontruction of major oil refineries. I dont understand my family LOL...I would never risk my life over there...


05-20-2004, 09:22 PM
that is disturbing.. i hope those ppl that did that suffer 10,000 times worse in hell:grr:

05-20-2004, 09:40 PM
Even after that happened, all those stupid liberalist media idoits are worried about are a few soldiers who mistreated those POS Iraqi prisoners. They need to send all the reporters home because every little thing our soldiers do gets blown way out of proportion. Let the Army do its job so they can come home. (one of my best friends is stationed near Baghdad)

05-20-2004, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by quadman440ex
Even after that happened, all those stupid liberalist media idoits are worried about are a few soldiers who mistreated those POS Iraqi prisoners. They need to send all the reporters home because every little thing our soldiers do gets blown way out of proportion. Let the Army do its job so they can come home. (one of my best friends is stationed near Baghdad)

I dont want to get into another debate on this but are you condoning the sexual abuse of the Iraq prisoners? It seems to me like you are. I dont think the Armys job is to sexually assualt the captured Iraqs....


05-20-2004, 11:21 PM
Man, it was more than heartful....it was F" in fruatal......

God bless TerrY Nichol....:( :( :( :(

05-20-2004, 11:27 PM
It ****ing hurts!!!!! Think about his family!!!!!:(

05-21-2004, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by DillonTMNT
I dont want to get into another debate on this but are you condoning the sexual abuse of the Iraq prisoners? It seems to me like you are. I dont think the Armys job is to sexually assualt the captured Iraqs....


the iraqis were in the prison for a reason they shot at our troops or killed sum1 or just did something bad enough to put them in prison and wut did our guy that got his head cut off do nothing :mad:

05-21-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by sly400ex
Man, it was more than heartful....it was F" in fruatal......

God bless TerrY Nichol....:( :( :( :(

Hey Sly .. what's up.

I have to question your comment "God bless Terry Nichol...." I hope you mean God have mercy on his soul...

Do you think this yo-yo has a place in society. You know, innocent... guilty?

Just curious.


05-21-2004, 08:11 AM
at first i wanted to see it but now, **** that, i cant stomach something like that. i feel naucious thinking about it.

05-21-2004, 08:18 AM
every american should watch this video....and watch it closely. get a taste for what kind of inhuman vile pieces of gargage these scumbags are and who we are up against. dont think for 1 minute they did this in retaliation for the alleged abusues in the prison, that was merely an excuse.

i tried at first to not be against muslims as a whole, not any longer. i dont see enough of the muslim world rising up and stating they were against this. i also dont buy the fact that the terrorists around the world are a small group. read some of the Quran and get a true muslim to explain some of its meanings to you.

when the next terrorist attack does happen upon our soil again, i have a feeling the anti muslim group will be more physical in how they will be treated in this country. i for one know how to deal with a terrorist. you show him, his family and his friends no mercy. i for one am ready.

05-21-2004, 10:12 AM
can someone plese pm me the link or post it up here. even though what they did isnt fit, id like to see it. i hope the ****in people that did that die very very slowly and painfuly

05-21-2004, 10:30 AM
I saw it and I think the sound was the most disturbing of the whole thing...the video was kind of bad....but the worst part was the end when they hold up his head...also just read on a news website that the Iraqi officials say they have 4 of the 5 involved in jail.....

05-21-2004, 10:31 AM
It was a man from chester county PA who got beheaded bye a few terrorists. Thats only around 25 minutes from me soo I can imagine the area where hes from must be in quite a shock.

05-21-2004, 10:45 AM
just saw on the news that 2 of the 4 that was arrested were released....

05-21-2004, 11:34 AM
its tempting me to watch it, it really is...but i remember when i watched the daniel pearl video it sickened me how they kicked his head down in the dirt and cut his throat...the sound made it 10000 times worse and i about puked...i wanted to sign up for the army right then and there and kill them....and of course came the nightmares and always seeing it...it tramatized me for bout a week or 2....now its good....so i can just imagine what this video would do to me becuase from what i hear its 100 times worse than the daniel pearl video....it really pisses me off what the world has come to today....

05-21-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
its tempting me to watch it, it really is...but i remember when i watched the daniel pearl video it sickened me how they kicked his head down in the dirt and cut his throat...the sound made it 10000 times worse and i about puked...i wanted to sign up for the army right then and there and kill them....and of course came the nightmares and always seeing it in my head...it tramatized me for bout a week or 2....now its good....so i can just imagine what this video would do to me becuase from what i hear its 100 times worse than the daniel pearl video....it really pisses me off what the world has come to today....

05-21-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
every american should watch this video....and watch it closely. get a taste for what kind of inhuman vile pieces of gargage these scumbags are and who we are up against. dont think for 1 minute they did this in retaliation for the alleged abusues in the prison, that was merely an excuse.

i tried at first to not be against muslims as a whole, not any longer. i dont see enough of the muslim world rising up and stating they were against this. i also dont buy the fact that the terrorists around the world are a small group. read some of the Quran and get a true muslim to explain some of its meanings to you.

when the next terrorist attack does happen upon our soil again, i have a feeling the anti muslim group will be more physical in how they will be treated in this country. i for one know how to deal with a terrorist. you show him, his family and his friends no mercy. i for one am ready.

damn straight Pappy! When I watched it it made me enraged. It also made me want to join in our fight on terrorism and if you know me that is something I would not be a part of. I would fight for this country if drafted but I wouldnt join on my own and that video made me want to. I also know this killing had nothing to do with the prisioner abuse crap that the media has been rapeing for the past few weeks because the timeline doesnt add up. I also give some of the blame to Nick Berg himself. He was over there on his own and being careless with his actions.


05-21-2004, 01:08 PM
where can i see this video, i wanna see it, i dont know what people are talking about, i dont watch tv, i ride hondas.

05-21-2004, 01:13 PM
not trying to start anything, but some things dont line up. ive read on several forms about a conspicary theory. a few things they pointed out is the same chair and wall color as the prison the u.s. pics were taken. the 4 guys were well over fed for someone in that area and one of them had a gold ring on a white hand. (gold is against their religon). also the guy on the far right is wearing white tennis shoes. they also make a statement about how the leader is reading notes but always going back to the 1st page. another thing is that the guy who they say cut off his head has a fake leg and this guy moved nothing like anyone with a fake leg would. they have also clamed that the audio was dubbed in over it and he was dead already and the guy speaking was not in a true muslim tone.

this is just some of the things ive heard but most match up.

05-21-2004, 01:30 PM
Blahhh! desgusting. silly sn's I hope they burn in hell:mad:

05-21-2004, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by nacsracer12
I hope they burn in hell:mad:

I agree:D

05-21-2004, 01:38 PM
this doesnt concern the video but everything thatis going on right now over there

. but the reason they hate us is because of all the **** u dont see, im sure there is 2 sides tothe story. basicaly i cant form an opinion because i, first hand, do not know how it is over there...


05-21-2004, 01:49 PM
i ust watched the video and i feel just as pappy said, ****ing disgusted...

05-21-2004, 02:01 PM
could sum1 pm me the link

05-21-2004, 02:08 PM
HOLY **** i just got done watching it and OMG----thats so wrong!

how could ANYONE ever do that to anyone!!!!!!

bunch of people in this world are f'd up!

05-21-2004, 06:39 PM
I'm not a spring chicken...but that S*** changed me when I saw it.


05-21-2004, 06:51 PM
i saw the whole thing..

its pretty discutsting...
they cut it really slow with about a 6 inch kitchen knife..
you can hear him screaming.. and the blood and then they hold up his head.. its pretty discusting..

05-21-2004, 07:21 PM
i watched it it didnt do nething to me cpt make me hate those terdseven more

05-21-2004, 11:43 PM
PULL OUR GUY'S OUT AND DROP THE BIG ONE ON THEM BAST@$*@&fd$ . They are a hateful breed , bred in war and war is hell , SO GIVE IT TO THEM!!!! What some of our soldiers did was wrong. BUT! it by no means condones what they did to a innocent man trying to help them and their people,rebuild a city that typicaly hates the infidel (AMERICANS!) I am sorry if i offended anyone , and it is o.k if this post is deleted , by the moderaters. But after viewing the video , this seems to be the only language they seem to understand!!

05-22-2004, 07:16 AM
could somebody pm me the link, i'm curious to see this video. thanks

05-22-2004, 01:12 PM
A bunch of guys in my class were watchin that. They were like gaggin n stuff:huh I chose not to watch, not my sort of thing...

05-22-2004, 02:59 PM
LOL, i couldn't watch it. And if you think about it, if some dudes are gagging then it must not be something girls should watch either...And then the girls that do feel bad and wish they wouldn't have watched it... i dont see why anyone would want to watch someone's death, exspecially like that.

05-22-2004, 03:06 PM
I'd have to agree with you. I don't see the point in watching someone die, it's not a pleasant experience..I don't think it's really not right. Like people that go to gruesom.com or whatever that site is, and all those types of death sites...I'm jus there like "I chose not to look at dead, decaying human beings". It's too disturbing...and by the sounds of that video...that's just horrible! I could not watch that...:eek2:

05-22-2004, 03:16 PM
even just the audio i hurd was disturbing. Its horrible

05-24-2004, 05:29 PM
I saw on tv and have also read that the guy that is on trial for 9\11. Mussai or some chit like that had Bergs email address and they have met before.

05-24-2004, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I saw on tv and have also read that the guy that is on trial for 9\11. Mussai or some chit like that had Bergs email address and they have met before.

yea, I heard that too.... I'd like to know the whole story of how those two knew each other.

Also this just kills the idea that Iraq and people tied to Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

05-24-2004, 06:14 PM
It was gross, there is no need to see that kind of inhumane torture to an American. Watching that made me so angry I had to calm myself down before I broke something. I hate it even more when people joke around about it or say it was fake. That's just wrong. Someone downloaded it to a computer's desktop in school and named it "HAHA". Makes me want to throw them in front of a subway or something.

05-24-2004, 11:20 PM
i hurd they did that to get back at the united states, because our soldiers put girl panties on their heads and made them sodomize eachother, and get into sexually compromising positions and God knows what else... oh and they deprived them of sleeping and took weird pictures of them and made them go days without eating. I think it was the panties becuase we all know how they treat the girls over there. There not even allowed to show their freakin wrists. so putting panties on their heads is the ultimate torture for them. They probably felt so humiliated. im not defending what they did but i cant understand why they would want to.

05-25-2004, 03:45 AM
I watched it, very poor quality vid. I suggest you don't watch it. It's pretty much impossible to make me sick, I've seen alot of nasty crap. But the vid just leaves you ANGRY! Full of hate.

I think that berg was already dead before they cut it off(and I hope he was so he didn't have to experience any of the pain), his body was lifeless (during the whole speach), HE did not scream, they were the ones sceaming. There was a very small amount of blood that I noticed for the initial juggular cut. I'd have to look at it again to figure more about it out, but I really don't care to watch it again.:( :grr: :mad:

05-25-2004, 05:38 AM
I'd like to learn more about the hole idea that it was fake or whatever. How many people in Iraq do you see that have clean white tennis shoes? Not that i've been to iraq or anything, but at least from the pictures on tv, i haven't seen any white sneakers.

86350x-assuming it was all real and everything, he would have died extremely fast, fast enough that he would have felt next to no pain.

05-25-2004, 10:34 AM
I can't watch anything like that....seems to me that watching someone die is an incredible invasion of privacy.......and I can't do it. And to imagine how his parents must feel...knowing that it's out there for everyone to watch and talk about.....it's not natural for parents to outlive their children.....if that was my son, it would take an act of God to keep me from going to that country and hunting those men down one by one and giving them exactly what they gave....and I would be happy to die trying. Having kids of your own really makes you see things in a different light.....

05-25-2004, 10:37 AM
I was searching on the computer looking for the video, but after reading all these posts, I decided I'd be better off not watching it.

I don't understand how someone could be so harsh. No matter who it was, that is just over the line.

I hope we (the US) take stronger action for this insanity in Iraq!

05-25-2004, 11:35 AM
i had to watch it out of curiosity, it never made me gag or anything it was just really hard to belive they actually did that to a human being. they should burn

05-25-2004, 12:39 PM
This morning they had made an annoucment over the PA for us to not download violent orientated videos on the school computers...I knew right away what they were talkin about, because alot of ppls have been watchin it on school computers latley...:huh

05-25-2004, 12:41 PM
Bergs father actualy blamed president bush for it...

05-25-2004, 12:43 PM
I geuss the ragheads figured since OJ got away with it, they could too:eek2:

05-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
Bergs father actualy blamed president bush for it...

his father pissed me off with alot of his comments. i havent heard where bush or even the USA asked nick berg to go to iraq in the first place. he went there, knew that as an american he was an immediate target, was informed by the iraqi police to get out and he still stuck around.

it does suck that this happened, and in no way does it offer up any excuse for the scumbags that did this act. i do feel that a few brain cells could have prevented this by the fact he shouldnt have been there...period. and for his pops to spout off and do nothing but blame the president and compare him being as evil as the folks that hacked off his sons head does nothing more then show me he his a moron

05-25-2004, 12:58 PM
He is blaming Bush for that?? From what I heard his son was warned many times to leave....to not even go in the first place....he put himself in harms way. I don't see how that is anyone's fault but his own..........not to downplay this tragedy, but fingerpointing will do no good at this point, especially when it's pointed in the wrong direction.

05-25-2004, 01:03 PM
I saw it.
Disturbing indeed

05-26-2004, 04:16 PM
well I got some more news about nick burg today that took me a while to believe, but make of it what you will-

I was talking to an vietnam vertan about the nick burg situation and I asked why an american would be a contractor in iraq. He told me that during vietnam americans were hired by the government to go to the country we're at war with to kill leaders, or important people that will help end the war, they were called contractors.

These contractors would behead thier target, and bring back the ears of the person (to the US) to prove they killed the person, and they would get paid (a good amount of money).

Supposevly nick was in Iraq doing just this, and the people he was after (Al quida leaders-sp?) caught onto him and did to him when he was planning to do to them.

Im not saying this is exactly how it went, and i'm just passing this on, so if you don't agree with it don't give me crap for it, i'm just giving you another view point

05-27-2004, 11:30 PM
I just finally watched the video... sickening to say the least. Contractors in Vietnam were a little different than what is used now. With cut-backs in the military, they are using civilians in support roles. Although I'm sure some are covertly doing some 'wet work'.

What a way to go... those fuggin towel heads. :mad:

05-28-2004, 12:24 AM
by watching it and getting pissed, you are falling for the propaganda they want you to.

though what happend is unfortunate and sad, things like this do happen. nurses and nuns in WWII, journalists in Korea and Vietnam, just to metion some.

Mr. Berg volunteered to go over there, he and his company knew and understood the consequences of being over there.

and this is beside the point, but there are quite a few physiological inconsistencies with that beheading.

but why think logical when they already have you emotionally?

05-28-2004, 09:12 AM
I just watched it. It just made me think of how sick these people are!

05-28-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
by watching it and getting pissed, you are falling for the propaganda they want you to.

though what happend is unfortunate and sad, things like this do happen. nurses and nuns in WWII, journalists in Korea and Vietnam, just to metion some.

Mr. Berg volunteered to go over there, he and his company knew and understood the consequences of being over there.

and this is beside the point, but there are quite a few physiological inconsistencies with that beheading.

but why think logical when they already have you emotionally?

Yep, all true. Doesn't make it anymore palatable to watch though. While I could kill in a combat situation, or in defense of loved ones, something like that is unthinkable. Which is what I think distiguishes human beings from what I would call savages.

Do you believe the video to be a hoax? As I watched it, I was also wondering about it's authenticity. I would like to think the US government wouldn't perpetrate something like that, but I know better. A picture is worth a thousand words... but sometimes they can be half-truths...

05-28-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Do you believe the video to be a hoax?

that's been talked about-the fact that one man is wearing bright white shoes, the man talking doesn't have a true accent, and one is wearing gold which is again their religion...but I know if i were to kill someone (i never, ever would, i'm just saying..) I know i'd want to throw off people who would try to figure out who I am.

So you can kind of see where things like what I listed above would come into play, but time will tell what the truth is. The only way for 5 people to keep a secret is for 4 of them to be dead, we'll catch on soon enough.

Martin Blair
05-28-2004, 11:28 PM
After reading this i was curious and watch it to the point of where they started, well you know then decide i really didnt want to see it so chickend out

05-28-2004, 11:59 PM
I watched the video awhile back. It didnt make me sick or anything, just very sad inside.

05-29-2004, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by SGA
I watched the video awhile back. It didnt make me sick or anything, just very sad inside.

Same here.