View Full Version : DG Nerf Installation Help

03-20-2002, 06:05 PM
I need some help. It doesnt look that hard to do but could you guys gimmie some pointers just so that I dont screw up anything?
1) How ya put the nets on good and tight?
2) Do I need to remove my black stocker ummm.....whatcha call it... The black things behind your foot pegs to keep you foot getting chewed in your rear tire? ;)
3) What else do I need to do.

Sorry but Im not up-to-date on some stuff yet but Im gettin there. Any help would be appreciated.
Thx in advance :cool:

03-20-2002, 06:24 PM
u dont have to put them i that tight so that they a flat w/the bar first u get them in the harnesbut leave the last hole open for each peace of end set it so the net is even on all sides then pull on each side the same amount on each harnes then when u get it where u like the net, slide the ends through the last hole on the nerf bar outer edge harnes and pull tight so the nets wont move
i dont have a 250ex but in preaty shure u have to take them off or u can cut where they hook up to the pegs ad zip strip them to the bars

03-21-2002, 05:41 AM
K, I got em netted but do I need to take off those black things that are behind the footpegs? Im pretty sure I can get it from there. Sorry again peeps. :cool: Thx

03-21-2002, 08:22 PM
I gottem......I learn pretty quick. Easier than I thought. Took me an hour and a half in freezin weather but they are on there. Looks alot better with those guards on. Those things look like shiznit after you take em off and look at the quad without em. Pretty easy to do too.