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View Full Version : need a quiet pipe

05-11-2004, 05:28 PM
i have a yoshimura and it is way to loud around where i live so wat do yall think is prutey quiet?
pleas help me out

05-11-2004, 05:34 PM
the LTE exhaust is really quiet for an aftermarket, but really pricey since its a full dual exhaust

05-11-2004, 05:39 PM
i have a 300ex

05-11-2004, 05:44 PM
sorry didn't notice, HMF witha quiet core? or just go stock, I know a kid who gutted his stock 300ex exhaust internals and welded it back together and is getting almost as much power and very little extra noise

05-11-2004, 06:53 PM
Try to the new White Brothers E2..supposued to have sound deadening technology

05-12-2004, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by parkers30
HMF witha quiet core

05-12-2004, 08:39 AM
try the fmf q series im not surthey prolly doe if they make that for a 300

05-12-2004, 11:02 AM
FMF Q pipe under 96 dsbls.

don't get a T-4!

05-12-2004, 05:39 PM
DON'T buy a new pipe. For about $35 you can buy yoshimura's TEC endcap kit. This has 2 different sized endcaps to quiet it down to almost stock sound levels. I ran the bigger of the 2 in a z400 and liked it. I'd try this before I'd purchase a new pipe.