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05-07-2004, 12:32 PM
Has anyone ever come real close to being dead before? Like getting hit by a car or running into the back of someone going 60? Lets hear some stories:D

05-07-2004, 12:34 PM
I had a near BIRTH experience in the bathroom earlier....:o

05-07-2004, 12:37 PM
1. Hit by 92' Dodge Ram 150 at about 40kph .. kicked my *** but I walked away without a broken bone. (jumped up and it saved me)

2. Rolled quad goin' sideways at 60mph.. nothing broken.. many things torn n bruised. couldn't walk for a day

3. rolled down a ravine on my bike, about 20 mph when i hit the edge. cut me up good, still nothin broken

4. fell off 10ft high playground when i was 5.. landed flip vertical head first... oddly no injury.

many more.. but im tryin to eat right now

05-07-2004, 12:44 PM
I had a near BIRTH experience in the bathroom earlier....
Took the words right out of my mouth...except due to the BIRTH I didn't know if I was going to make it. I figured since my guts were still intact, I'm good to go.:p

05-07-2004, 12:52 PM
Hmmm... wrecked my first quad the first time I rode it! Head and chest trauma, broken collar bone... still don't remember much of that day. My buddy said I was blue and not breathing when he got to me. Fell backwards thru a storefront window, cut up bad on the arm and fingers... as I was trying not to fall all the way thru, I heard the last sheet of glass break and fall... it brushed the back of my head on the way down. I was relieved, I'm short enough! ummm... AK-47 round to the head... broke my leg riding alone couple of years ago, but that wasn't too bad. Someone up there must really like me... or hate me, depending on how you look at it!:rolleyes:

05-07-2004, 12:55 PM
1) Got shot at towards the end of the LA riots (Rodney King) in Southgate CA when my platoon was guarding a firearms distribution center. I couple punks robbed a 7/11 down the street, speed down the street towards us, saw us, freaked out and shot at us with a handgun. We couldn't return fire because of civilian casualty risk. Boy my heart was pumping.

We radioed the sheriff and they got them four blocks down.

2) I missed landing on a poison dart frog in Panama by about 6 inches. :eek2: bad news.

05-07-2004, 01:43 PM
1. Put a 3 inch stick THROUGH my stomach .... gave me a few minutes to live but Doctors saved me .

2. Just this past March when I had surgery , they calculated wrong how much Morphine I was supposed to get . Put it this way ... the average person takes about 16 to 20 breaths per minute ... I was between 3 and 4 breaths . They had to inject me slowly with a drug that takes the morphine out of your system but had to do it slowly or else the pain for the surgery would have killed me . So ya ... I almost Overdosed !!!

05-07-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by spincr4hire
I had a near BIRTH experience in the bathroom earlier....:o

I installed a garbage disposal to take care of that! Just have to remember to close the lid!!:eek2:

05-07-2004, 01:49 PM
almost got shot while riding in the woods on my own property during hunting season, and other time was when we were turnin into the parkin lot for my tae qwan do(sp lol) class we got t-boned by a white ford suv.....walked away with no scratches....did have to get out through the other door tho.:p

05-07-2004, 01:51 PM
I got married:eek2:

05-07-2004, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I got married:eek2:


I forgot to add that to my list, blocked it out I guess...:p

05-07-2004, 02:02 PM
Dumped a crotch rocket at 120+,no protection at all.Dropped from abuot 8feet up while being body passed at a Metallica concert,had massive bleeding on front and back of brain,gave me 10min.to live.Many other situations that may have been near death just not bright enough to realize or care,guess thats what happens when your young,dumb and full of ***! Sounds like a few of ya been messin with the haborer of death known as P.B.R.

05-07-2004, 02:10 PM
Never had a near death experiance but I did just experiance dejavu. I thought I had just read this post went up the page a bit and there it was again.

05-07-2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by LTandRaptorider
Hmmm... wrecked my first quad the first time I rode it! Head and chest trauma, broken collar bone... still don't remember much of that day. My buddy said I was blue and not breathing when he got to me. Fell backwards thru a storefront window, cut up bad on the arm and fingers... as I was trying not to fall all the way thru, I heard the last sheet of glass break and fall... it brushed the back of my head on the way down. I was relieved, I'm short enough! ummm... AK-47 round to the head... broke my leg riding alone couple of years ago, but that wasn't too bad. Someone up there must really like me... or hate me, depending on how you look at it!:rolleyes:

k this dude wins. An AK round to the head, that's hardcore.

05-07-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by RMX500
k this dude wins. An AK round to the head, that's hardcore.

"This may sting a little" :eek2: :devil:

05-07-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by infantry317
"This may sting a little" :eek2: :devil:

It did... and bled a LOT!! :eek2: But I'm all better now... what were we talking about?:confused: Oh yeah, poor Jerry getting married! :devil:

05-07-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by RMX500
1. Hit by 92' Dodge Ram 150 at about 40kph .. kicked my *** but I walked away without a broken bone. (jumped up and it saved me)

2. Rolled quad goin' sideways at 60mph.. nothing broken.. many things torn n bruised. couldn't walk for a day

3. rolled down a ravine on my bike, about 20 mph when i hit the edge. cut me up good, still nothin broken

4. fell off 10ft high playground when i was 5.. landed flip vertical head first... oddly no injury.

many more.. but im tryin to eat right now

Fell out of a space ship landed on a huge needle.... no broken bones still..

05-07-2004, 02:39 PM
Biking when I was little, fell in the road hit my head on the ground and a pebbel went into my temple. Cracked my head open about 1/4 of an inch and my 90% of my face was covered in blood. I still have a scar on my temple.

05-07-2004, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Punk'd
Fell out of a space ship landed on a huge needle.... no broken bones still..

I guess you got the point?!:eek: :p

05-07-2004, 02:45 PM
I've never had a near death experience...
I've done stupid things that could have gotten me killed...
for one...I made a fire in a shed where I didn't notice there were air tanks right next to me, and if those were to have leaked kaboom!
Also I heard that if you hit the area where your adam's apple is (well would be on a gurl) you could die or something...and I've hit my throut extremely hard off a wheel barrel edge (dumb me..pushed a kid in a wheel barrel up a wet grassy hill barefooted...:huh dumb thing I know, but he wanted me to..and I was youngish) and I had slipped and wacked my throut off the edge and coughed for a min then finally passed out and the kid thought I was dead:eek2: He was just about to run to my house and tell mom...but he waited a min and I woke up...wasn't fun.

Those are seriosly the closest I ever came:huh But that's a good thing:D

05-07-2004, 02:52 PM
My mom threw me in to the wall when I was 2.

05-07-2004, 02:52 PM
I don't know how I could have forgotten this one, but here it is:

I was up in New York state with my dad, my brother, and two of my dad's friends and we were snowmobiling. My dad was riding his friends sled, and I was on mine. We decided to race...my dad ripped me a new one, and I was chasing him doing about 95MPH. He was doing about 100 and was roosting snow all over the place, I couldn't see anything and the road we were racing on had a slight curve in it, My sled and myself went straight while the rest of the road went to the right. By the time I realised the road was curving right I had no time to slow down or lean my weight to go with the road due to the fact that there was a thin layer of ice. Needless to say I hit the 7 foot high snowbank on the corner of the road doing about 80MPH. On the curve where I jumped, there is another road. Without even knowing it I jumped a road...I closed my eyes in the air and I kid you not, I asked myself "Am I going to die? Or am I going to get a broken jaw, or arm, or leg?" - By that time I came down (extremely smooth landing) and smacked my chin on my crossbar pad and I just nicked my chin open and I have a tiny scar there now. I could've used one or two stitches, but out in the middle of nowhere that's not gonna happen. So, I popped two advil got a bandaid and went back out riding.

05-07-2004, 03:16 PM
me and some friends were wading in a creek one time, and the water was cold and im very cold natured. but we were messin around and my shoe fell off, and it floated to the top and before i realized it, it was in some really swift water. i wasnt thinking, and i jump right into the current and as soon as i hit, it felt like ice on my stomach and took my breath away. the current drug me a few hundred feet with me breathing really fast, i couldnt catch my breath at all. and i couldnt swim, all i could do was kick my feet enough to keep my head out of the water. finally i found a big log in the water and held on to it until my friends came. it was a really bad feeling!

05-07-2004, 03:30 PM
Clipped a tree riding next to a cliff on my trailblazer. Threw me about five feet in the air and I tumbled down the cliff.

Flipped my friend Matt's (cowsbitepeople) quad forward down a cliff. Just broke an ankle.

Got a lot of injuries, none deadly though.

05-07-2004, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by 2001400ex
I don't know how I could have forgotten this one, but here it is:

I was up in New York state with my dad, my brother, and two of my dad's friends and we were snowmobiling. My dad was riding his friends sled, and I was on mine. We decided to race...my dad ripped me a new one, and I was chasing him doing about 95MPH. He was doing about 100 and was roosting snow all over the place, I couldn't see anything and the road we were racing on had a slight curve in it, My sled and myself went straight while the rest of the road went to the right. By the time I realised the road was curving right I had no time to slow down or lean my weight to go with the road due to the fact that there was a thin layer of ice. Needless to say I hit the 7 foot high snowbank on the corner of the road doing about 80MPH. On the curve where I jumped, there is another road. Without even knowing it I jumped a road...I closed my eyes in the air and I kid you not, I asked myself "Am I going to die? Or am I going to get a broken jaw, or arm, or leg?" - By that time I came down (extremely smooth landing) and smacked my chin on my crossbar pad and I just nicked my chin open and I have a tiny scar there now. I could've used one or two stitches, but out in the middle of nowhere that's not gonna happen. So, I popped two advil got a bandaid and went back out riding.

wow i think this one tops all!

one time im riding tim's 300 4x4 around a mud/water hole and i clipped a tree and it rolled over us right into the hole, and we were pinned under in the water for a bit, lost our shoes, and i got the quad on 4s by putting the winch wire through the floorboard and it winched sideways. they should make pulleys on the floorboards for these manouvers. have you ever ridden a dirtbike at 50mph with a warped wheel :p (i rode my bike to justins) its pretty scary. not knowing if your gonna splat all over the pavement.

05-07-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by xr50layke
wow i think this one tops all!

I'm surprised anyone even read it...;)

If I could only see myself that day...I'll tell you what though it was the biggest adrenaline rush I've ever had.:devil:

05-07-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by 2001400ex
I don't know how I could have forgotten this one, but here it is:

I was up in New York state with my dad, my brother, and two of my dad's friends and we were snowmobiling. My dad was riding his friends sled, and I was on mine. We decided to race...my dad ripped me a new one, and I was chasing him doing about 95MPH. He was doing about 100 and was roosting snow all over the place, I couldn't see anything and the road we were racing on had a slight curve in it, My sled and myself went straight while the rest of the road went to the right. By the time I realised the road was curving right I had no time to slow down or lean my weight to go with the road due to the fact that there was a thin layer of ice. Needless to say I hit the 7 foot high snowbank on the corner of the road doing about 80MPH. On the curve where I jumped, there is another road. Without even knowing it I jumped a road...I closed my eyes in the air and I kid you not, I asked myself "Am I going to die? Or am I going to get a broken jaw, or arm, or leg?" - By that time I came down (extremely smooth landing) and smacked my chin on my crossbar pad and I just nicked my chin open and I have a tiny scar there now. I could've used one or two stitches, but out in the middle of nowhere that's not gonna happen. So, I popped two advil got a bandaid and went back out riding. That's pretty nuts man ... I've never missed a corner that fast but have wrapped a couple sleds around trees doing about 60 mph ... Worst one ever was hitting an ice ridge or pressure crack ( whatever you wanna call it) doing probably around 70 mph .... needless to say I went for one hellava ride . Totalled the sleds .... complete insurance write-off !!

05-08-2004, 01:35 AM
came around a turn on my trails, at about the very top of 4th goin to 5th and there was a chain going across the trail. needless to say.... i didnt make it threw and just luck of the draw it was neck height


05-08-2004, 02:45 AM
Fa*k man, looks pain full

me and buddie road off a 67 belevedear doin 130mph, broke my back in 3 places
-hit a car head on with the 400 wide open
-rolled it 4th wide open on a wheelie got the grab bar in the rear cheak

05-08-2004, 08:39 AM
I was on an xlt600, snowmobile, for the southern people, and he punched skipped a water puddle on a road and we were down about 90 and the ski caught on an edge threw up one side of the sled and we both went flying off, i did alot of flips and somersaults before finally sliding peacefully for another 100 feet while looking out the shield of my old polaris shield thinking of what is broke:eek2: It was nuts, i just laid there for a while in some sort of shock, then just jumped up. No injuries...that i know of:huh

05-08-2004, 01:23 PM
I have pictures of the road I jumped, where I jumped, and where I landed if you guys would like to see some, just let me know.

05-08-2004, 01:52 PM
Uh...Maybe a couple. Once I was wheelying my Banshee in some flats in the dunes, was actually passing my friends dad on his Z400 in 5th gear. I hit a little rift that was pretty much invisible, and it thew the bike up onto the front tires for about 20 feet. After that 20 feet, there were no tracks for 10-15 feet, where the bike was totally up in the air, and then it came back down, the bumper and front fendes dug in, and it did a full front flip and landed back on its tires, still running. The grab bar landed on the side of my right lower leg, so I had the whole bike on about a 1x2 inch area on my leg. The frame actually bent on my leg. The grab bar was about 10 inches lower than normal on it.

Another time was in a race. Last lap of the heat race in the Open Class. I went to pass this kid on the outside for the lead, and I thought it was gonna stick, I had my left front tire ahead of him actually, and then my right rear tire got out of the groove, and I spun out. This was on a 3/8 mile track, so we were probably running about 70 at the time I spun out. ( I was on my PSI 425) Well I went all the way around, and shot down the track, and hit 3rd place head on. His bike went up over the front of mine, and flipped both bikes over. Just as I was leaning up on the ground, my bike landed on me. My right leg was out the front of the bike, and my left was out the left side of it, right under the nerf bar. 3 people actually got it on camera, and I think it was pretty cool looking, I watched it. I just dont really remember. Bent the stem, and I think it may have bent the frame a little. The sway bar tweaked quite a bit, too.

Theres lots of times I could have died, but I didnt screw up...like passing on the outside at 80 mph on the 1/2 mile. That was fun. :cool:

05-08-2004, 05:08 PM
Well we where heading to my aunts on the freeway on christmas even to have dinner over there and It started to snow and the roads in curtain places started to freeze quit fast. Well to make a long story short my dad tryed to pass big trailer truck and spun out facing on comming traphic at 60 mph luckly the next car was around 1/4 of a mile behind Ous and was able to stop and lead us to the side before we really got hurt.

05-08-2004, 05:09 PM
Took a 68 Camaro threw the brick wall at the Hunington library in Pasadena CA, doing about 80...9 days in the hospital.

Brained myself on my Sea-Doo in Coco Beach...knocked unconsious...rescused by other jetski'rs

Lost a tranny in a 69 firebird convertable doing 100+, put it on its side in a ditch and put it down on all 4's... not a scratch on me...


Pvt. Maggot
05-09-2004, 03:24 AM
umm..got ecoali "not sure how its spelled at all" lol...got it from eating at burger king..

i got stung by a bee..and about a min or 2 later figured out i was alergic real quick...swelled up bad...and my throat closed up and i couldn't breathe..sucked..almost died..doc said if it happens again i have a 9/10 chance of dying.

05-09-2004, 03:43 AM
when i saw this!:eek2: its jerrys wife!



05-09-2004, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by brian-250
when i saw this!:eek2: its jerrys wife!



I think I saw her little lost dog stuck in her crack!:eek2: