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View Full Version : first day at the track

05-06-2004, 12:19 AM
Well I finaly got around to the track this afternoon after school....and everything went great, for the first 45 minutes or so. For the most part the track was tore to hell from all the dirt bikes, and people that like to just go out and tear it up, but it still was fun.....other than when I wreaked. I was practicing the finish line table, the table after that, and the step up, which some moron sat at the top of the lip, and spun a huge hole at the top. The first time hitting this step-up, my rear tire slid into the hole and I landed weird. My 2nd attempt wasn't as lucky....I come around the corner pinned in 3rd gear and get sucked into a rut and my whole right side goes into the hole. I launch off side ways and smash into the face of the step-up, resulting in my flying over the handle bars and the 'ol 400 doing a good 4 flips or so. Knocked ths $hit right out of me, and bent my damn front right rim. From the looks of the tracks in the ground, my 400 landed side ways. I was thinking about poping the tire the rest of the way off the bead, and trying to beat the rim back out. Its not THAT bad and is only bent in 1 spot. Should this work or am I pretty much out of luck? Its probably bent about 1/2-1" in, and about 3-4 inches long. Anyone had any experience with this??

Thanks in advance -Nick-

05-06-2004, 02:43 PM
ahhh tht sucks man

05-06-2004, 07:35 PM
Dang it Nick, first time out and you fubar something already, lol! Don't ya hate it when bikers rip the track up....sup with that?:confused: :devil:

05-06-2004, 10:54 PM
I'll have to get some pics this weekend when I go.....HOPFULY everything will ok and I can go....right now I'm kinda sore, but by sunday things should be cool:cool:

05-06-2004, 11:03 PM
Yeah, you can beat it back out if its not to bad.

05-06-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Yeah, you can beat it back out if its not to bad.

Ya I talked to the auto teaher today in school, and showed him the tire(felt kinda weird bringing the whole tire on the bus) and he said it was fixable, but there is a chance of the aluminum cracking. Oh well, if it cracks, looks like I will just throw the tires onto my old stock rims:devil: