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05-03-2004, 04:03 PM
people amaze me sometimes. when ppl ask if i play any sports and i say i dont play school sports but i ride. they try to tell me that riding isnt a sport and mxraching doesnt take any endurance or that it isnt even arobic or anything. it makes me laugh when ppl say that sports like baseball are more of a work out than racing. damn people:huh they confuse me

05-03-2004, 04:15 PM
They're ignorant to the sport. The only thing they know is that either a dirtbike has an engine and two wheels or a quad has four wheels and an engine as well.

05-03-2004, 04:26 PM
it's just not so much a physical sport as it is a brain sport.

it's like a fast dangerous game of chess. your machine has all the muscle and endurance... it's an extension of your body.

hell a lot of riders are in average shape, lots even in god awful shape. the key is using your head, taking the right lines and mastering a clutch.

it's a sport though for sure, just a sport in it's own category, which it deserves.

05-03-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by RMX500
it's just not so much a physical sport as it is a brain sport.

it's like a fast dangerous game of chess. your machine has all the muscle and endurance... it's an extension of your body.

hell a lot of riders are in average shape, lots even in god awful shape. the key is using your head, taking the right lines and mastering a clutch.

it's a sport though for sure, just a sport in it's own category, which it deserves.

What he said. Plus it is not a "Team Sport"

05-03-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by RMX500
it's just not so much a physical sport as it is a brain sport.

it's like a fast dangerous game of chess. your machine has all the muscle and endurance... it's an extension of your body.

hell a lot of riders are in average shape, lots even in god awful shape. the key is using your head, taking the right lines and mastering a clutch.

it's a sport though for sure, just a sport in it's own category, which it deserves.

no way.

If you want to be successful at MX or XC racing you need to be in TIP TOP shape as well as mentally sharp and know what your doing.

05-03-2004, 04:33 PM
golf. nuff said.

oh wait....

bowling too.

05-03-2004, 04:33 PM
mentally sharp is all you need. and i said that.

i'm in pretty pathetic shape but I kick some *** on the track be it MX or XC.

05-03-2004, 04:33 PM
what ive never ever seen someone come off the track at a mx race and not be tired this sport is the most demanding thing for you to be in top shape to be able to hold a fast pace

05-03-2004, 04:33 PM
they think you just sit there with the handle bars in your hands and jus go staright :rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 04:34 PM
oh drag racing!

05-03-2004, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by RMX500
mentally sharp is all you need. and i said that.

i'm in pretty pathetic shape but I kick some *** on the track be it MX or XC.

for how long though? Most people can ride very fast for 1 lap and take pretty good lines, but can you do if for a couple hours...lap after lap?

05-03-2004, 04:38 PM
i can usually ride a solid hour hard on tight courses and for hours at a time XC.

05-03-2004, 05:18 PM
I hear ya man, trying to talk moto with these people, is like talking to a baby...."Is motocross where they do those backflips on espn" or "Jeremy Mc...who?" "Atvs are cool, doesn't ozzy ride one?"


05-03-2004, 05:27 PM
i like my dads quote: the only real sports are bull fighting and racing (nascar was his main one). in no other sport is your life on the line to win. everything else is just a competition.

05-03-2004, 05:43 PM
who ever says that being in shape doesn't matter doesn't know what they are talking about. I went from a pretty chubby kid and lost a ton of fat, put on a lot of muscle and worked on my coordination and lot and it made a HUGE differance in everything I do.

Mx racing is definitely a sport pry one of the toughest depending on what level your on. Most of the time I just never even argue w/ people because they have no clue and I know it would be like talking to a wall. They have no clue how hard it is and how much practice and training it takes if you wanna be good.

05-03-2004, 05:51 PM
Half of the time the jerk offs dont even understand what they are saying..
and the other half of the time they are sitting in the dugout or on a BENCH!

05-03-2004, 05:52 PM
I'm the reigning 2003 World Pocket Pool champ and let me tell ya--it takes endurance!!

05-03-2004, 05:53 PM
there's a dif between fat/heavy and out of shape.

i'm average build with not really an ounce of fat anywhere but my physical condition blows. i can lift lots, i'm strong, but i couldn't run a marathon to save my life

05-03-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
I'm the reigning 2003 World Pocket Pool champ and let me tell ya--it takes endurance!!

I challenge you to the field of honor! :macho

05-03-2004, 06:04 PM
i played first base and i can tell you that ridin a quad at the exriders trail rides takes a heck of alot more energy. i respect all sports, but i dont respect those that cut down sports they dont know about, some people are ignorant of the truth.

05-03-2004, 06:34 PM
Every time I come back from riding and im all sweaty my dad looks at me and goes why are you sweating? Riding dont take any physical demands. He awlays tells me that mx racing isnt a sport worth while doing cause you couldn't get a scholarship to a big college or you couldn't make a living off of it. He awlays tells me that people only race or play independent sports because they cant play well in a team. Hes just disapointed that I didnt turn out to be the jock football player like he was. I get so tired of it.

05-03-2004, 06:57 PM
see some of you get what i am saying. like people are saying that u dont need to be in shape...ya right the arm pump alone from a race will kick your *****...and the cardio work out it gives you. to be a real competative mx or any kind of racer (besides drag lol) you need to be in pretty good shape..it takes so much endurance to finish a race. i also love those kids who buy a quad just becaue it looks like fun and it is and i dont have a problem with those kids. but i do have a problem with the ones who go riding like once a month and suck and come out saying how they could race and how it isnt hard. all they do is ride around a pit or trails and they think just because they can do that, they can last a full moto on a track and do good...dont get me wrong i think its cool that the sport is growina nd that alot of people ride but when they think that jsut because they knwo how to use the clutch they think they can race with the pros

05-03-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by TheX1992
i like my dads quote: the only real sports are bull fighting and racing (nascar was his main one). in no other sport is your life on the line to win. everything else is just a competition.

Awesome quote...

Also, I was just thinking...some of you people are saying that you have to be in good shape...you can be like RMX - he says he's overweight...just because you're in good shape doesn't mean that you're cut and you have a six pack and your muscles are the size of an army tank. You know what I'm saying? He may not be Vin Deisel but he probably has a high endurance level from riding...hell...all of us here do...I think that made sense...hmm...

05-03-2004, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by 2001400ex
Awesome quote...

Also, I was just thinking...some of you people are saying that you have to be in good shape...you can be like RMX - he says he's overweight...just because you're in good shape doesn't mean that you're cut and you have a six pack and your muscles are the size of an army tank. You know what I'm saying? He may not be Vin Deisel but he probably has a high endurance level from riding...hell...all of us here do...I think that made sense...hmm...

tip top shape does NOT mean body builder... just someone with that is in good physical shape and has good endurance...

05-03-2004, 07:27 PM
well .. I had my first mx race yesterday .. and I can hardly move today, That must mean something.

05-03-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
tip top shape does NOT mean body builder... just someone with that is in good physical shape and has good endurance...

...That's what I meant...you said it in one sentence and I said it in like 8...LOL...

05-03-2004, 08:06 PM
you cant understand MX until you have done it. ive played all the sports when i was in middle school. started racing mx and ever since i have always said that the other sports are *****. its not just a few muscles that get tired, its every one of them. throw a few crashes in there and you can call yourself a gimp for a couple days. like someone said, with all those other sports your life really isnt in danger, but we have ambulances at every event, and usually someone has to get dragged off. if that isnt a true sport, i dont know what is.

05-03-2004, 08:08 PM
Isn't darts a sport??? LOL. Any type of racing demands being in physical and mental . I know drag racing you have to be mentally able to time hitting the tree perfectly and be able to withstand 7 Gs of force for 4 seconds . Nascar .... running 2 + hours in crazy heat and having the mental ability to out smart the other racer .
Motocross .... hardest physically demanding sport besides soccer ( soccer players are nuts being able to run full out for a full game ) . ATV Racing ... Physically demanding ... mentally cuz if you case the next jump ... you got atleast 350LBS landing on you ... plus the next 3 guys behind you . ;)

I'm a slim guy and I'm totally out of shape ... hell I did 3 laps at the local track tonight and I was praying to God just let me get back to the truck without passing out . ;) I'll ride about 5 times a week and for about two 30minute motos a day when I'm at my peak shape during the summer .

05-03-2004, 08:15 PM
BIf baseball is considered a sport, then cleaning the dog ***** out of my grass could be a sport.

05-03-2004, 08:21 PM
Motocross .... hardest physically demanding sport besides soccer ( soccer players are nuts being able to run full out for a full game ) . ATV Racing ... Physically demanding ... mentally cuz if you case the next jump ... you got atleast 350LBS landing on you ... plus the next 3 guys behind you .

^^i play soccer.:p yea the first year is a bi$#% but then after a while u realize ur runnin a mile in 5 1/2 minutes.:huh id same im in pretty goot shape endurance wise but no matter how much i ride or how fast i still cant get rid of the sore arms. anyone know what i can do to get ride of it?:confused:

05-03-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
BIf baseball is considered a sport, then cleaning the dog ***** out of my grass could be a sport.

I used to play baseball year round and loved it but it does not compare to xc racing imo. john kruk summed it up in a quote. he was at a bar drinking a beer and smoking a cigarette and someone said something about how can he do that and still be an athlete. he said "I'm not an athlete, I'm a f'ing baseball player.

05-03-2004, 08:49 PM
HAHA ya runnign a mile in that amount of time is pretty crazy . One of my buddies is training to be a cop and he had to run 2 miles in the quickest time possible ... he was able to do it in like 8 minutes or something.... he said he felt like he was gunna pass out when he reached the end of the 2 miles .

As for the arms ... couldn't really tell ya what to do .... but work them out as much as possible and stretch alot .

05-04-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
golf. nuff said.

oh wait....

bowling too.

iv went golfing/bowling like all my life and have gotten zero hole in ones or dropped all the pins, those sports is so hard for eye-hand coordination :D but hey im large but i can ride like the wind :cool:

05-04-2004, 10:48 AM
At the end of a good hour ride, when everyone takes off their helmet, you can see who is in shape and who's not! The ones who are in shape will: A: Show up first. B: Be almost fresh as a daisy. The ones who are not in shape will: A: Show up last or hurt. B: Look like they just ran a marathon.

05-04-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Motocross .... hardest physically demanding sport besides soccer ( soccer players are nuts being able to run full out for a full game )

I disagree. Motocross is definitely physically demanding, but I think it's less demanding than boxing or wrestling. I'm not the best rider in the world, but I can ride hard for 20 minutes before I loose strength in my hands and arms. 6 minutes of wrestling and my arms are shaking and I don't have enough strength left to tie my shoes. And that was ten years ago in the best shape of my life, I can't imagine what it would be now...

05-04-2004, 12:03 PM
IMO quading isnt that demanding, i mean sure.. when i go riding or race i get tired and ****. But no where NEAR as tired sore and stuff when i race DH or something on my bike, its alot more tiring on your body, AND your mind. Lots of people i talk to and tell them i race dh on my bike jsut laugh and say anyone can do it. Whichi guess is true, but to be fast you have to be in GOOD shape.

And jsut because heres a couple vids

FAST (http://www.4130.com/television/gifs/samhill.mov)

Click the 2nd one down, the average speed at this race was 83km/h (http://www.m7action.com/site_files/pages/Video/video.htm#)

I'm trying to find on from MT7 in golden BC, but i cant find one, it has to be the knarliest course ever, mega steep and stuff, from the top(almost) of the mountain (the start is a hangglide jump) to the bottem, average racers put in times of 20 minutes. The pros can do it in 15 minutes. Its INSANE:)

05-04-2004, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by bansheerider_13
what ive never ever seen someone come off the track at a mx race and not be tired this sport is the most demanding thing for you to be in top shape to be able to hold a fast pace

I agree:)

05-04-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
no way.

If you want to be successful at MX or XC racing you need to be in TIP TOP shape as well as mentally sharp and know what your doing.

No wonder I wipe out all the time..

05-04-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by Shift_DVS
I hear ya man, trying to talk moto with these people, is like talking to a baby...."Is motocross where they do those backflips on espn" or "Jeremy Mc...who?" "Atvs are cool, doesn't ozzy ride one?"


Thats almost exactly what someone said to me:rolleyes:

05-04-2004, 12:59 PM
2.5 hours of GNCC racing none stop will let ya know that your a momma's boy after 30 minutes of riding....:o The following 2 hours is the fun part. Climbing hills with arm pump and with no way of feeling the throttle or clutch normally makes for a tight butt hole..:huh :eek2: :huh