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View Full Version : some AIR questions???

05-03-2004, 11:29 AM
whats does the pre chrager on a k&n actually do?
does it help it run any better?
would my 400ex run any bertter with ak&n with pre charger and no air box lip then with k&n with no precharer and the air box lid on?

05-03-2004, 11:53 AM
Your filter obviously filters dirt out of the incoming air. The K&N pre-charger is just a screen that keeps out the bigger particles, and also helps stop water. Now, keep in mind, it won't stop ALL water, it's not completely water-proof. If you flood your entire airbox, nothing can help you. It's just water resistant, meaning that a little splash of water into your airbox will hit the pre-charger and trickle off rather than soaking into your filter.

Your bike will be able to pull more air with a K&N pre-charger and no airbox lid.