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View Full Version : HMF Sound Testing @ Sparta GNCC

04-29-2004, 07:28 AM
We will have a sound testing station at this weekends GNCC race in Sparta, KY. Our goal is to service racers with our pipes, or any racer for that matter. We will be using 3 different instruments to test and determine dB levels. 1.) db meter and calibrator, which will correctly show decible readings. 2.) Vibrating Reed tachometer, which will correctly measure your engines rpm's 3.) Anemometer weather station, which will correctly measure wind, humidity and air density. All of which play a part in correctly determining dB levels. This will give the most accurate reading possible. So anybody that wants to know what there db rating is can come and get an accurate dB reading. This in not a substitution for tech inspection, but mearly a preparation before tech inspection. We will start testing mid-afternoon on friday 4-30-04.

So spread the word to anybody that might be in need of sound testing this weekend.

Kevin HMF

04-29-2004, 08:55 AM
thanks for helping out everybody like this! will you guys be selling packing, or do you know if anyone there is selling packing?

04-29-2004, 08:58 AM
We use Silent Sport Pillow packing and they come to a lot of races.


04-29-2004, 07:37 PM
My HMF blew 104.9 DB at the last two races iv been to. You guys plan on making a little quieter pipe since RP is cracking down on noise?

04-30-2004, 08:17 AM
Here's a couple pics of my turndown tip-
Last year @ the race I'll be attending again, this weekend, my turndown tip brought my db level to 98db's
Full Yosh
S/A - w/ medium core insert
turndown tip

Later in the season @ another race they check us @
For kicks & giggles, I thought I'd try it w/ just
turndown tip
Well my quad blew a 96bd

All readings are so inconsistent everywhere you go & this weekend I'll test my
HMF slip on
& If I have to, the HMF Quiet core insert



05-03-2004, 07:29 AM
On my YFZ, w/ no one else around the test station, or any other engine noise around, - @ 3750 rpm's, my YFZ blew a 97.8,.......w/ SA,...quiet core, & my turn down tip.
3750 rpm's is what the books read here.

What is even worse,....... the AMA here has passed 96db & I'm sure later in the season we'll have to meet 96db.

05-03-2004, 11:25 AM
while i was sitting on the track yesterday waiting to get towed in for like 3hrs i was thinking that it is pretty funny that here we are worrying about 104 db or whatever the gncc cutoff limit is.......meanwhile i could here the stock cars at the oval track plain as day and so could everybody else for probably 15miles around???

i had to ask somebody where that noise was coming from cause i've never been to that track before and it was dark when we came in in the morning and we never even noticed the speedway on the way in.

i guess nascar doesn't offend people as much as a lowly four stroke motor does :huh

05-03-2004, 08:37 PM
The pre testing is a good idea.

The next step is to build a pipe that weighs less than stock, but is just as quiet.

During my race yesterday, I passed a couple YFZ450's on my 400EX, and I have stock exhaust. In my opinion a loud exhaust is completely unnecessary in this day and age. Loud quads are adding to the destruction of our sport.

05-03-2004, 08:43 PM

We live 10 miles from our local stock car track, and on a calm night, we can hear them run.

It won't be long though, the government will ban them too since they can't be responsible and govern themselves.