View Full Version : sand tires

04-28-2004, 09:58 PM
what sand tires would i get the best performance out of i have never bought sand tires. i was thinking about skat trak haulers but ive heard that those work a lot better with two strokes. so what kind of tires and what size should i get?

04-29-2004, 09:41 AM
the haulers are nice but can wear faster than like the sand sharks or Geckos.
I haven't ran a straight paddle but people have said they don't corner as well as the v paddle.

I have been happy with the sandsharks and the sandstars.

04-29-2004, 10:05 AM
Being that I just got back from the dunes...I think I may be able to help...Sand Tires are definitely something that will differ depending on what you like to do. If you like to do Trail Riding on the sand, then you will need something a little more aggressive..something like an ITP sand star...if you plan on drag racing or doing a lot of just flat out haulin butt across the dunes, then you will want tires with a flatter paddle across the tire instead of something wedge like. I just purchased a full set of ITP Sand Stars for the fronts and rear tires, and am VERY happy with them. I do a lot of trail riding mostly and some cruisin around, and I think they are a good overall tire. As for tire sizes, either the 9" or the 10" will work depending on the rims you have. I went ahead and purchased new rims, and went larger on the rims...10" on the rears. If I remember correctly...something to keep in mind....the larger the tire....the higher the top end...the smaller the tire...the greater the torque.. and in sand...I'm a big proponent of having as much torque you can get...especially in the trails

04-30-2004, 12:26 PM
dont buy geckos they are junk!!! they dont hook at all in the sand even just playin and not really in it hard!!:devil:

04-30-2004, 10:21 PM
Geckos suck !!! Do yourself a favor and dont believe everything you read, V paddle tires does not make your bike turn any easier. Buy a set of skat trak haulers 8paddle(stock bike) 9 paddle( modified bike) they will hook alot better when drag racing and hill shooting.

05-03-2004, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by ridesa02400EX
what sand tires would i get the best performance out of i have never bought sand tires. i was thinking about skat trak haulers but ive heard that those work a lot better with two strokes. so what kind of tires and what size should i get?

i got a set of angled paddles....pretty sure they are sand skates. too tired to get up and go outside and look at them. ready to ride if your interested. im in cali just in case your worried about shipping. i want to get some straights cuz i have 2 sets of angles so then ill have one of each. messege me or post here if your interested. i got a digital if you want pics.

05-03-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by krazken
If I remember correctly...something to keep in mind....the larger the tire....the higher the top end...the smaller the tire...the greater the torque.. and in sand...I'm a big proponent of having as much torque you can get...especially in the trails

last i checked higher horsepower equaled higher speed which is what you want because it means MORE FORWARD MOMENTUM TO KEEP YOU AFLOAT IN THE DUNES AND LOW SPEED AND TORQUE EQUALS DIGGIN IN.

05-04-2004, 09:18 PM
unless you like to drag a lot dont get the straight paddles, get v shaped paddles they are better for all around duning. I have the ITP sand stars they are awsome. Either get sand stars or sand sharks

05-04-2004, 09:21 PM
see...i have 2 sets of v shaped paddles and im willing to sell them or trade them for a set of straights just to have them. either that or get a set of fronts for my 400. if anyone wants to trade or buy a set of v shaped paddle tires that are ready to go duning send me a message.

05-05-2004, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by ridesa02400EX
what sand tires would i get the best performance out of i have never bought sand tires. i was thinking about skat trak haulers but ive heard that those work a lot better with two strokes. so what kind of tires and what size should i get?

The haulers are made fore one thing and one thing only: dragging. They will not slide well because of their strait blade design. I just recently purchased sand stars and got them last week. I will be trying them out in june at little sahara in ok. The reason i purchased them is because i was trying to get the best of both worlds with the inner 8 blades for extra hookup and the great slideability of the angeled blade. I would suggest either the sand skate II's for best sliding, Haulers for best hookup, and Sand Stars for the best of both worlds. Also, i almost forgot. The sand sharks are just a heavier, cheaper version of the Sand Skate II's. If you dont jump i would get the sand sharks.

05-06-2004, 05:40 PM
Whats this cant turn with Haulers crap? I run 20x10x10 10 paddle haulers on my 426ex and my yfz and I can spin both bikes around in there own tracks. If you have any kind of motor work done Id run haulers because you will spin v-style paddles all day long. Besides get off the side of the bike, pin, spin it around, grab another gear, wheelie to the next bowl, and in most cases around the bowl. Thats a dune ride. Helpful hint: get out to the track and ride then come dune time youll be cornering in 4th.

05-06-2004, 10:40 PM
I run Hauler straight paddles (8) and don't have a problem turning. The V paddles are easier to turn but the straight paddles are not much more difficult.

I have only used straight paddles on my quad then I rode a friends with V's and it was too easy to turn, almost doing 180's around every turn.

I prefer the extra hook up and light weight of the Haulers:)