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View Full Version : $300 for a complete 440 motor i think it is a good deal do you?

04-27-2004, 07:28 PM
my best friend wants to part out his 440ex and he said he would sell his 440ex motor to me with 11:1 compression and all the clutch up grades and a big web cam for $300 plus my stock motor. he has only raced it for one year. he is going to sell it to get a jeep. what do you think?

04-27-2004, 07:44 PM
i dont think it sounds too bad... id do it

04-27-2004, 07:50 PM
Sounds like a decent deal if built right (bigger studs, etc). Just make sure you consider what happens if the motor decides to croak on it's maiden voyage in your quad. Not saying it's likely, just something to think about before it happens since it's not worth losing a friend over.

04-27-2004, 11:17 PM
ya i am going to have to check if it has bigger studs and all that good stuff. i have rode his quad quite a few times and i raced it for him once when he was out of town and and i know it really flys he has took a few piped raptors and stuff like that. but the only thing i don't like is the 50/50 mix race gas pump gas hes not really sure if it and run just straight pumped gas. but i think i am going to do it just becasue a 440kit cost about 300 and plus to get it installed and a cam and clutch then you got alot more into it. maybe i will just have a 10:8 compresson pistion put in it so i can fun the pumped gas for sure but who knows.