View Full Version : Any1 see that Thor commercial?

04-26-2004, 05:59 PM
I was watchin an old MX race I taped few weeks ago and its the 1st time i sat through the commercials and I saw the Thor commercial. Its the 1 where the 1 dude picks up the other guy w/ 2 YZ's in the back of his truck and he gets in and says braaap, then they pass some guy on a gold bike and the guys like braaap, then a kid on the rollar blades and does the same thing. Then they are sittin at a stop light and this hott chick walks by and hes like braaap and she shakes her head no and the driver turns to him and goes broooo. i thought it was pretty funny.

04-26-2004, 06:14 PM
Haha braap braap burrrbuur. I didnt know what to think of it at first but..:rolleyes:

04-26-2004, 07:10 PM
Yea, with Chad Reed and Josh Hansen.

04-27-2004, 10:41 AM
Ya that's funny don't they go to a drive thru and the guy on the intercom goes braap to the guys in the truck?

04-27-2004, 12:41 PM
i wanted to make a commercial for honda with my friend justins lil bro ryan going around our track in full gear going brappp and he jumps off the lip of a big jump and doesnt make it, breaks his leg lol, and yeah iv seen the commercial :D

04-27-2004, 09:28 PM
sounds like the next waaazzzzuuuup. which isn't nescisarily a bad thing until its not popular anymore and you still see guys wearing shirts that say braaaaap (as opposed to the wazzzzuup shirts youd see like a year after wazzup mania was over)