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View Full Version : bikes and trike's part out motors as well

04-26-2004, 12:44 PM
ok well sinc ei cant sell them whole i will part out i guess i didnt want to part the 3 wheeler out as to my dad gave it to me to put back together but i need to get my 250x race ready so i will part it out

i have all stock part on all 3 except for the cr has pro curcuit pipes and boysen reeds and weisco piston

96 pw 80 dirtbike runs good all there any part u need or want pm me i will give ya a pice selling engine whole

88 cr 80 dirtbike fresh rebuilt motor all there motor is sold whole and any part u want pm me an di will give ya price

86 honda 250r 3 wheeler is all there rear carrier needs bearing was gonna put rearend on my 250x but to much work to mak eit fit whoolie bogger tires on it goos shape 2 sets of rear plastic pm for price on what part u need also engine is there have new piston for it just havent got it in yet i can do that before i sell

i also got a 200x but that might be traded cant say forsure yet

04-26-2004, 12:47 PM
i would trade some of this for a 350x motor or 300ex motor for my 250x i would rather have 350x motor

04-26-2004, 01:08 PM
i got a 350x motor for ya!! it doesnt run the timing is off and it will need new rings and the carb needs a pilot jet it fell out somehow,

I may be interested in ur trike what does it need? does it run? how much you want for it? im partin out my 350 conversion below in cig, i dont have th a arms anymore let me know if u want anything i will trade:macho

04-26-2004, 01:19 PM
i would liek to have a few things especialy the motor let me know pm me and tell me what u r thinking

04-26-2004, 01:27 PM
anything you want, do you have any pics of the atc250r? where r u located? Let me know;) i read in another post u wanted plastics ive got black maiers in niceee shape cept the front has some marks in the front part but they look good, got an axle in nice shape everything is in good shape, ill give you all the cables levers throttle with the motor or anything u need:macho

04-26-2004, 01:30 PM
yea i can get pics of trike um pm me we can talk

04-26-2004, 01:42 PM
youve got a pm:)

04-26-2004, 03:09 PM

04-26-2004, 03:13 PM
I also have a 350x engine that runs that I might trade for the 250r 3-wheeler. Does it run, anything else needed other then bearing.

04-26-2004, 03:47 PM
all is still up for grabs will trade motor for motor as well let me know

04-26-2004, 08:29 PM

08-08-2007, 04:58 PM
still got the 250r
send pics to
