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View Full Version : 400ex riders need some tips

03-16-2002, 09:36 PM
i been thinking about this a whole lot and i think that i talked myself into getting another pipe for the 400ex...i am thinking about a pipe that is very quiet and really good bottom end power and also is not a disc type pipe.. i dont want a full system casue i dont want to loose my heat sheild and also i heard its not worth getting the full system so i can just spend that cash else where like getting another air filter or someting so i can just change on each ride and clean one each day or soemthing like that ...

also i think since i love to jump certain types of jumps i am thinking about a pair or works are they any good ??? or should i spend the extra cash and get something else? or save some more cash and get better shocks... i dont want it to make it any more wider cause its alsmost to wide as it is right now.

i am thinking about gearing it down a bit? will that make the powerband hit harder and seem like it doesnt want to stay on the ground and you start leaning over you handle bars to keep the front end down?? if so i would like to look into that casue whn i moded my scrambler that was my favorite thing to do is just high speed trail riding.

i would like to get a different piston but i have that warranty and stuff so i dont know about all of that ...

also new lighter rims wouldnt that help me on power ? will it be noticable? would it be better for jumping hills or is the stock rims good enough?

what is the best thing you ever did to your 400ex to make it a good all around machine ? cause i am really inrestted in making my 400ex a awesome quad but i need your help ....

03-16-2002, 10:28 PM
i know this seems like alot to answer but i rather do it in one post then 12 so please help me out and take the time and read my post and give me some info about some stuff or give me tips or something please

thanks in advance

03-16-2002, 11:17 PM
Do you have nerf bars on this quad yet. If not you should get some. there very important and a life saver.

03-17-2002, 12:10 AM
Well, if you want a slip on non-disc type, then I'd opt for the HMF. It's not real loud. Disc system, go for a WB E-series. It is a good slip-on.

The stock rims are better than any regular aftermarket rim. You'd have to go to racing rims with the rings, to get any stronger.

Works are okay. Right now though, you can get the Elka Rec shocks for a good price. Talk to Marty at the Quad Shop. You get what you pay for with suspension.

I'd add a pipe and stick with stock gearing.

The best thing I did was go up to the 88mm piston. It rips!

03-17-2002, 05:38 AM
The elka recreational shocks look like a pretty good deal right now.. and I believe you can add cans later if you want as your skills increase (say you decide to race MX or the like..)


03-17-2002, 06:53 AM
i have to look into the The elka recreational shocks before i deciede to get them cause i dont want to put to much money in my 4 wheeler just in case honda finally does deciede to come out with a new quad i wouldn't be loosing to much money i just be looking what i paid for it...

yo leo do you have anything done to your 400ex that you like the best? casue i want some cheap mods where i can feel the power .. i like being jerked around..

but i konw for sure i can not do any motor work cause i have that 4 year warrenty and my mom will not allow it.. (even though i paid more than half of the payments so far..)

the pipe sounds good but i was looking more towards the fmf q-series ? i think that is what it is called has anybody had any experience with that pipe is it really quiet ? and does it give low end power ?

next time i go to e-town i think i am going to get me a 16tooth sproket and a 14 tooth sproket and see which one i like better i have a feeling that i will like the 14 tooth for power wise but i also love speed .. so i really dont know what to do ...

thanks for your help so far keep it coming

oh yeah i should make a different thread but i am tired... ( i keep checking my oil and i get different readings each time its always over the full mark and i have never added any oil..
yesterday i let it idle for 10 mins since it was so cold and that is what the manual said then turned it off and let it sit for 3 mins then checked it.. it was full so a hour later i came back out and let it run for ten mins again and then it was way over the full mark..

what is the best way to check the oil in these things?

03-17-2002, 06:58 AM
Do you have nerf bars on this quad yet. If not you should get some. there very important and a life saver.

i gots some thor boots and it took me a month to get used to those stupid things i just started not to wear them and just wear my shoes so i can click faster... but yesterday i wore my boots and now i can switch i just cant race with them for some reason i cant use these boots where i rest my ffeet when i had shoes on and i just dont feel right when i get the boots on but i had to get off and back my fourwheeler up in the water yesterday and water really help out my boots and i am starting to like them .. i love them for jumping ..

what i am trying to say is there is no way i can get nerfs .. when i had my 300ex i was going to get some but then i rode a ex with some and i hated shifting . . i dont know i think it is just me and i just like wearing what is comfortable not what is safe ..

but hey i give them a try i got a couple of buddies that have some and i think i give them a try for a couple of hours or something...

03-17-2002, 07:18 PM
Exhaust: The WB E-Series slip on is one of the best, yes it is a disc system but that doesn't mean you have to chang the # of discs. Just run the 12 it comes with. From what I have read, the 400ex doesn't gain a whole lot of HP from an aftermarket pipe, only 1-2 maybe 3 HP.
Getting an airfilter and jetting accordingly will help.

Shocks: I can't help you there, i'm too chicken to jump very high:D

Sprocket: Sounds like you need the 14. Sure, you will lose a couple mph on the top, but how often do you go 65 mph?

Shifting: Try adjusting your shifter to fit your boots, it should help. If you get nerfs you can loosen the nets on the shifter side if neccesary.

what is the best thing you ever did to your 400ex to make it a good all around machine ? cause i am really inrestted in making my 400ex a awesome quad but i need your help ....
It all depends on what YOU want and what kind of riding YOU do.


03-17-2002, 07:39 PM
speed does matter to me cause i ride on the road alot ..

i heard that certain pipes on the 400ex dont do anything and stock is just as good...

i think i will try that 14 tooth sproket i would hate to hit the rev limiter i am going to try to stay away from it .. i hit it three times so far that is good for me

why do i get different oil readings each time i check it i did everything the owners manual says and it still doesnt read the same

how do you all check your oil?

03-18-2002, 05:30 AM
I run it for about 3 mins, shut it down, wait another 3 mins, then check the oil.

Nerfs are nice to have. At first I didn't like them either, but I've gotten use to them. Now I won't own a quad without them. They've saved me a couple of times now.

03-18-2002, 08:54 AM
i added a wb power filter, wb pro-meg complete exhaust system and a rev kit and i smoked my friends stock 400ex with a K&N filter. I noticed failry large power gains. i would only get a slip on pipe if you cant afford a silencer and head pipe. cause the power gains are alot better!:devil

03-18-2002, 09:05 AM
Sorry dude. Everyone know's a complete system doesn't have any power advantage over a slip-on style on a stock engine. The stock headpipe actually does a decent job.

You don't think you might have smoked your friend because you bored out the engine? Don't tell me that you couldn't beat him prior to your exhaust with the larger engine.....

03-18-2002, 09:54 PM
umm i put the exhaust on before i bored it out.... ok with his K&N and a hole drilled in his stock silencer he really took off on my completely stock bike, so i put on a WB pro meg complete and a WB power filter and i really took off on him, then i added the big bore so i could dust some banshee's and raptors in the pits =) i could easily out climb and jump them but they were faster when we raced. not anymore muahaha:devil