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04-24-2004, 06:15 PM
So I was given an older Brass Eagle sting ray a few years back. Never got do do much with it. I never wanted to invest all that money into it. I finally sacked up. Made the inital investment and boy. I am addicted. I am now may be gettin' a spyder imagine! Let me hear your stories. So far i have been shot twice in the chest, buttcheek twice, back,legs,right below butt cheek, and my hand. None of them were too painfull but they made me play better!

04-24-2004, 06:30 PM
i have a slightly modded tippmann 98custom. I try to play every saturday, im definately addicted. Got any good welts yet? I have had a few very nice ones. Its hard not to put a lot of money into paintball, its just soo easy. Well for my story, there were only two people left, Me and one of my friends. I trapped him behind a bunker made of palots (we were playin in the woods) I was behind a tree that forked into two in the middle. I would poke out, let him shoot at me, get back in, and do it over and over again. Pretty soon he was out of paint and had to load some more. I saw my chance to bunker him, i was sprinting as fast as i could, when i finally had an angle to shoot... i tripped on this big branch i didn't see. So i fell through the air. Luckily i got 4 shots on his back while in the air. Thats my best story so far. anyone else play?

04-24-2004, 06:34 PM
I played for the second time yesterday. It is jus as addicting as atvs, snowboarding, and PS2. I cant wait to play again. Yesterday i got hit right in the back, it only hurts for a min then you dont feel anything.

04-24-2004, 06:58 PM
Only takes one hit to make you pay more attention eh? :D

Right now I have a Spyder Shutter with a 14" Tear Drop. Works really well. We have a really sweet place to play in town. Some guy built it in his woods and lets us play there whenever. Its on about 2 acres of land and has 2 big forts and like 25 individual barricades and stuff. Its awesome for 4v4 games and such.

We were playing there last week, and it ended up being 2v2. The 2 kids on the other team ran out of paint but kept firing thier guns. My teammate and I figured they still had paint so we kept unloading on them. We ended up wasted like 250 rounds each :rolleyes:

04-24-2004, 08:06 PM
I tell my best friends how bad i hate them every day because they got me addicted. Atleast its not drugs.
The place I play at used to be a recreational park about 50-60 years ago. We had it hooked up as a sweet bmx park. Then we got into paintball. When people first come into the war zone they normally say the following "NOO WAYY" "HOLY CRAP" "this is unreal" lol
It is built on a small flat area in a steep large valley Trees over a few hundred years old live in there that make for good coverage
We have the following

Tree hut

1 HUGE! half underground half above ground fort *fort knox*

1 Smaller fort

A tunnel hole type thing that is in the side of a hill

tons of barracades, log walls, tires, boards, trees
Its a blast.

04-24-2004, 08:15 PM
Sounds like u got a sweet setup there, have fun!!

04-24-2004, 08:46 PM
i have been playing and reffing for about 3 years, and i have a spyder compact deluxe....nothing too special, a few homemade mods...i used to love playing paintball...until the money ran out....ive also been hit many of times in every place you can think of.....and when reffing, people dont like to look where they shoot, and i got hit in the groin about 10x by someone who just lobbed a bunch of paint at someone they "thought" was near me:rolleyes:

04-24-2004, 08:54 PM
the worst place to get shot is the neck . u cant breathe an cchit. used to play till i got into riding:devil:

04-24-2004, 09:08 PM
I just bought a Spyder E99. I have never played and just want to have some fun.

04-24-2004, 09:26 PM
i play every weekend! my story is we were platin on a local field and i was runnin low on balls but i had a 4=1 pack but i didnt have time to reload because i was being shot at by a friend in a bunker like a 100ft away so i ran out of balls but i didnt want to refill or theyd charge so i just ran straight at him shooting blanks and got right up next to him and he surrendered btw my gun is a tippmann 98 custom with a whisper barrel remote cord nitroduck 3000psi tank and a couple other add ons

04-24-2004, 10:44 PM
ive never played, how much gear were u wearin when u got hit? lolmy friend has a tippman 98 custom i think they are pretty good we used to shoot it around here in the woods and stuff it was soooo fun:macho

04-25-2004, 07:18 AM
tippmann's are like hoindas they are very reliable and never really break at least mine hasnt and ive had it for a year and a half and ive been shot to many times to count u just get used to it after a while :D

04-25-2004, 03:48 PM
I havent played in a year but I was on a tourney team, traveled around Ohio, Pa and Wv. I am selling all of my stuff cheap. Smart Parts Impulse, 68/45 Crossfire HPA, Full stainless steel Freak kit 18v revy + JT flex goggles + extra's $500+ shipping. I have over $1200 invested in this stuff.

sam the brave
04-25-2004, 04:00 PM
i have a hevly modded tippman custom
on day my bro thought he was god at evry thing and he came running into the woods with my old back up gun and ten minutes later he came running out of the woods with the gun in one hand and the other on his head i shot his head 3 times and once in the hand when he grabbed his head

04-25-2004, 05:10 PM
i played for the 1st time "for real" today. holy crap im out of shape. my 4 year old heaviluy modded brass eagle raptor crapped out on me today. its acting like its always out of air and makes the maching gun noise. But by buddy let me use his spyder extra today, that thing is sweet. im gonna go buy one of thse 50 dollar spyders soon.

04-25-2004, 05:20 PM
I have an autococker with a pure energy 68ci adjustable tank, and I have all the Dye gear and masks. I played for 4 years until I was 14 then I got a 4 wheeler and I lost interest in paintball. I might play once a month anymore if that.

04-25-2004, 05:41 PM
i have an em1 with the 8dip board runnin on a 68ci tank, i've lost interest lately but the season's starting up again so i may be getting back into it.

my freinds and i have a 3 man team for speed ball, we built our own speedball course for practice, good times

04-25-2004, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by 4wheelboy
the worst place to get shot is the neck . u cant breathe an cchit. used to play till i got into riding:devil:

i been playing for 2-3 years and we play speedball mostly... i beg to differ.... the worst place to get shot has to be on the nuckles... try it some time.. i bet you will buy some gloves or wear them if u already have themiii h ave a spyder tl plus with c02 tank an chit... i usually use kick n' paintballs but havent played in a while:D

04-26-2004, 06:06 AM
my pinky finger knuckle got shot, even with my fox gloves on it swole up bigger than most of my other fingers. lol. its not fun

04-26-2004, 07:35 AM
right now me and my friends don't have enough money to afford paint and guns...

So we just play w/ bb guns instead. its way fun hiding behind a tree and just hearing bbs hitting all around you and wizzing past your head.

ATC Crazy
04-26-2004, 07:52 AM
I had a modified Toppmann 98 Custom. Waaaay to many stories about playing though...so I'll tell you one I think was the funniest.

I was playing in the woods behind my house with 3 other friends of mine. Since I had the Flatline Barrel, I would stand just out of their range ( :p ) As one of my friends ran from one tree to the another, I saw the opportunity to get him. So I fired off about 5 shots. The first one hit him in the chest. The second one hit him right in the balls ( :devil: ) After he fell to the ground grabing himself, the third shot hit his butt. Then, the fourth shot hits him in the middle of the back while the fifth one misses. He was laying there for quite a while afterwards. :devil:

I recently traded my brother for his Chinese SKS

04-26-2004, 08:11 AM
ive been playin for about 5 years, and id have to say the worst place to get hit is the shins, the tips of your fingers and your neck. ive also been shot in the mouth once, i forgot my mask one time and had to borrow a friends Scott Mask (very poor coverage) and a ball came right through the side and hit me right in the mouth, i was coughing up paint and blood:eek2:

04-26-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by exriderdude
ive been playin for about 5 years, and id have to say the worst place to get hit is the shins, the tips of your fingers and your neck. ive also been shot in the mouth once, i forgot my mask one time and had to borrow a friends Scott Mask (very poor coverage) and a ball came right through the side and hit me right in the mouth, i was coughing up paint and blood:eek2:

man that has got to suk....:eek2: and hurt to....but i don't play i jus like to go in the woods sometime and just start shooting at things ahh here is my new gun that i am about to buy:D

04-26-2004, 02:33 PM
worst place ive been hit is the throat i didnt have a neck guard and i looked up and boom right in the neck but now i always were a throat guard i reccomend u do to redz makes one and getting hit in the finger tips hurts like heck:blah:

04-26-2004, 02:53 PM
in speedball people come up behind you more often than not to pick you off-in that case the worst place to get hit is in the ear. I hate it:macho

04-26-2004, 04:11 PM
I am buying a BRAND NEW spyder imagine off of my buddy. For fifty dollars. He says its probably stolen. I dont care. lol A 180 dollar gun for fifty.. cant beat it. I plan on gettin more protection ASAP

04-26-2004, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by NTPracing22
in speedball people come up behind you more often than not to pick you off-in that case the worst place to get hit is in the ear. I hate it:macho

speedball is awesome we built our own speedball course and it is awesome i love charging a bunker and jus going all out:D

04-26-2004, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by WEEZIL
I am buying a BRAND NEW spyder imagine off of my buddy. For fifty dollars. He says its probably stolen. I dont care. lol A 180 dollar gun for fifty.. cant beat it. I plan on gettin more protection ASAP

did he steal it?lol:blah:

04-26-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by WEEZIL
I am buying a BRAND NEW spyder imagine off of my buddy. For fifty dollars. He says its probably stolen. I dont care. lol A 180 dollar gun for fifty.. cant beat it. I plan on gettin more protection ASAP

i just bought a brand new one for 150 from a store like 3 hrs ago, I need to get a electric hopper though. did you hear those batteries last up to 7000 shops between recharge? Whats the bets barrel to get for this thing?

04-26-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by chucked
i just bought a brand new one for 150 from a store like 3 hrs ago, I need to get a electric hopper though. did you hear those batteries last up to 7000 shops between recharge? Whats the bets barrel to get for this thing?

Find somebody that will sell you a stock Electra DX or Fenix barrel for like 5 or 10 bucks. The stock barrel on them are awesome for stock barrels. But I would get you a good drop forward, longer SS line and a compressed air tank. What ever you do Do Not Buy A Marco Line!!!!!! They plain out suck! I've went threw 4 in one day b-4. And my buddy has to change one at least every day he plays because his 4500 psi tank keeps on blowing holes in them, he's buying a longer SS line next sunday.

04-26-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Lil_300Ex_Kid
Find somebody that will sell you a stock Electra DX or Fenix barrel for like 5 or 10 bucks. The stock barrel on them are awesome for stock barrels. But I would get you a good drop forward, longer SS line and a compressed air tank. What ever you do Do Not Buy A Marco Line!!!!!! They plain out suck! I've went threw 4 in one day b-4. And my buddy has to change one at least every day he plays because his 4500 psi tank keeps on blowing holes in them, he's buying a longer SS line next sunday.

What is a drop forward, ss line, a marco line, and whats wrong with CO2,

04-27-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by chucked
What is a drop forward, ss line, a marco line, and whats wrong with CO2,


04-27-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by exriderdude

im serious!! People are allways talkin about a drop forward but I dont see what it does thats so wonderful.

04-27-2004, 03:47 PM
I got more new parts I gotz me a bottom line and trigger assembely. Every day is like christmas!!!!

04-27-2004, 05:13 PM
a drop foward is something u bolt on to where you currently screw in ur air but a drop foward makes where u screw in your air farther away to give you more tank to body clearence best i can describe it:o

04-27-2004, 05:41 PM
Yeah. I really dont intend on tricking out my imagine. Maybe some camo tape. Or a gun rag. IT is soo shiny its going to get me shot down!

04-27-2004, 06:10 PM
yea the best thing for your imagine is a barrel other then that u have 3 round burst full auto and semi auto modes on it so ur set.
dont use full auto thoe waists paint and air

04-27-2004, 06:49 PM
It was my first game, I went out to a local paintball feild that is official I guess you can say and we were playing against 25-30 year old guys...meanwhile all of us are in sixth grade. (about me and ten friends.)

Anyway...to make a long story short we're half-way through the game and my friend Mike and I are hiding behind a V-shaped bunker at the nose of it...we're just sitting there talking and we can hear the paintballs hitting the bunker in front of us...I peak my head up just enough to see and my neck was exposed yet I didn't know. Less than one second my head was up - the instant the person had a shot they took it and hit me right in the neck. I fell to the ground and think I passed out for a minute and my friend Mike was laughing his *** off shaking me asking me if I was OK - I got up and felt my neck to see if it was really true and well it was...I wiped it off and I am preety sure that I had to sit out because after you get shot you have to sit out until the game is over. I had a big black-and-blue mark there on the left side of my adams apple for about a week. Alot of people said that it looked like a hickie but to me it just looked like a bruise...that was my first experience...:eek:

04-27-2004, 07:47 PM
It took quite a bit of convinceing but I finally got these girls to belive it was a paintball wound on my chest rather than a nasty hicky. lol The chest shot kinda hurt. No bigge Much better now

04-27-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by 250ex3
a drop foward is something u bolt on to where you currently screw in ur air but a drop foward makes where u screw in your air farther away to give you more tank to body clearence best i can describe it:o

I use a remote line so its kind of a waste

04-28-2004, 11:01 AM
I have competed in Paintball on a national level for the last 8 years and have a lot of great memories and have met a ton of great people...But, like anything else, playing lost its luster and it became more of a job than anything else...now I race quads but have not had the same success as I did with paintball and thats probably the reason I am still racing because I know I am not that good....I currently own a Paintball proshop, Field, and Online store so anybody that may have questions on the topic feel free to ask and I should be able to help you out......cya, the seamonster....p.s. DangerRanger is slower than I and I just started racing..LOL:D

04-29-2004, 03:11 PM

04-29-2004, 04:37 PM
I used to play paintball all the time....

The worse place I ever got shot was in the crotch........ :o

What was worse, the guy who shot me there was using a fully automatic. I got hit more then once there :( :eek2: .

04-29-2004, 05:30 PM
seamonster, whats your place called? I go to indy sometimes to visit my cousins.

04-29-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Ryan
I used to play paintball all the time....

The worse place I ever got shot was in the crotch........ :o

What was worse, the guy who shot me there was using a fully automatic. I got hit more then once there :( :eek2: .

lmfao....ahh that made by night....lol..man that had to feel good though:macho

04-30-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by 250xridamatt
seamonster, whats your place called? I go to indy sometimes to visit my cousins.
the store is called Indy Extreme and the field is The Proving Grounds...take care