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View Full Version : Wish us luck!! First MX Race Tomorrow

04-24-2004, 09:09 AM
Well guys give us all your best wishes as we are leaving for our first MX race right now. I must say I am a little scared. So pray for us and we will give a full report upon our return:D .

BS Racing

04-24-2004, 09:13 AM
Well here's a big GOOD LUCK :D Hope ya have fun & be safe!!!

sam the brave
04-24-2004, 11:30 AM
good luck guys

04-24-2004, 10:08 PM
BEST OF LUCK!! win a first place for exriders!!

04-24-2004, 10:16 PM
Good luck .... stay safe ... have fun ... keep it pinned

04-24-2004, 10:47 PM
ur racing the kfx700 in a MX race????? :eek2: :huh :eek2: :huh :eek2:

04-25-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Jumbo747
ur racing the kfx700 in a MX race????? :eek2: :huh :eek2: :huh :eek2:

Man why don't you STFU:rolleyes: .

Well Jay how did it go?

04-26-2004, 04:01 PM
Well all in all it went OK until the very end. The KFX 700 needs a ton more help or be replaced to do this MX thing I am sorry to say. It is just too big I think. I wish they would have decided to do this before I bought the second one:( . I did end up finishing 5th but most of that is do to other DNFs and what not. Out of the 4 of us one guy got 4th, I got 5th, our buddy on his banshee lost a tie rod while running 4th and got a DNF and the absolute worst thing was our main man NDpredator got caught by the wind, which was blowing up near 45 mph at peak gusts, and crashed breaking his collar bone while running second and gaining on first fast:( :( :( .

So all please wish NDpredator a speedy recovery.


04-26-2004, 08:51 PM
I hope hes ok

04-27-2004, 08:48 PM
he that sucks about derrick. thats exzacly what hapend to me at st anthonys (wind). what happend?. what all were you guys racing down there. what was the track like . i couldn't make it down becase i didn't get my axle or rims yet. and i figerd i would let my ankle heal more:D

04-27-2004, 09:31 PM
You'll do good! Im praying and even if you dont win you'll still have a blast.

04-28-2004, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Well all in all it went OK until the very end. The KFX 700 needs a ton more help or be replaced to do this MX thing I am sorry to say. It is just too big I think. I wish they would have decided to do this before I bought the second one:( . I did end up finishing 5th but most of that is do to other DNFs and what not. Out of the 4 of us one guy got 4th, I got 5th, our buddy on his banshee lost a tie rod while running 4th and got a DNF and the absolute worst thing was our main man NDpredator got caught by the wind, which was blowing up near 45 mph at peak gusts, and crashed breaking his collar bone while running second and gaining on first fast:( :( :( .

So all please wish NDpredator a speedy recovery.

BSracing OMG........This is eerie....I had a bad feeling about him on the MX .....I was just thinking about youguys and wondered how you all done.....:(
Im so sorry to hear the news.. tell him I wish a speedy recovery.......
Ok.....I dont want any Vforce rider to take this wrong but...... I personally have watched the Vforce on the flattrack series and MX roll one too many times or wrekc another riders chit... ,for this kind of racing, IMO its not meant to that...Maybe with that "certain rider" then yes....Kinda like the Preddy isnt as nimble for alot of riders also.....Troy riders his Preddy like some guys ride an R on the motorcross....Its not for everyone and the V is them same way.......unless your wanting to get heavy,serious into the Mx I would just enjoy what ya got, you seem to be happy with it until the racing kicked in!!!:blah: So now the BIG question.........are you guys still going to be able to make itfor our Trip in June???? BTW.;Hows his Quad?????Sorry, you know someones gonna ask, I figured why not be me.........:D

04-28-2004, 11:59 AM
Hi guys!!!! Thanks for praying for me to get better soon, i really appreciate it. I really loved the MX thing on sunday, i just made one mistake and paid for it. I was running in 2nd by about 10-15 seconds over 3rd when the wreck happened. It was a YFZ in 1st and i had a really good run on him and would of passed him after the next corner if i wouldn't of wrecked. There is a big uphill jump, then a double into a sharp right. I doubled the jump and with the wind gusting to 45+mph i got caught in it and ended up a little crooked. I landed on my front left tire first and it dug in and turned to the right. When it did that I flipped and catapulted into the ground HARD. I broke my left collar bone and got tons of cuts and bruises, but it's all good. My quad suffered a broken steering stem and bars, and the 6pack rack is bent bad. That is all that i can tell from looking at it, but once i'm able to get it off my truck i'm going to check the axle and a-arms to make sure they are straight. As for the trip in june, I WILL BE THERE AND THE PREDATOR WILL LOOK BRAND NEW AGAIN!!!!!! I'm a fast healer, and can't wait to meet you guys. I'll be back on the track in July, and we race that track again Sept. 12th, so i'll be there for redemption. Thanks!!!!!!


Tommy 17
04-28-2004, 12:05 PM
glad to hear ur ok ND! sounds like that crash hurt:(

04-28-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by NDpredator
Hi guys!!!! Thanks for praying for me to get better soon, i really appreciate it. I really loved the MX thing on sunday, i just made one mistake and paid for it. I was running in 2nd by about 10-15 seconds over 3rd when the wreck happened. It was a YFZ in 1st and i had a really good run on him and would of passed him after the next corner if i wouldn't of wrecked. There is a big uphill jump, then a double into a sharp right. I doubled the jump and with the wind gusting to 45+mph i got caught in it and ended up a little crooked. I landed on my front left tire first and it dug in and turned to the right. When it did that I flipped and catapulted into the ground HARD. I broke my left collar bone and got tons of cuts and bruises, but it's all good. My quad suffered a broken steering stem and bars, and the 6pack rack is bent bad. That is all that i can tell from looking at it, but once i'm able to get it off my truck i'm going to check the axle and a-arms to make sure they are straight. As for the trip in june, I WILL BE THERE AND THE PREDATOR WILL LOOK BRAND NEW AGAIN!!!!!! I'm a fast healer, and can't wait to meet you guys. I'll be back on the track in July, and we race that track again Sept. 12th, so i'll be there for redemption. Thanks!!!!!!

BSracing LOL..You sound JUSt like Troy........lol....Im glad your Ok and in good spirits....;)

04-28-2004, 12:22 PM
Thanks Tina, tell Troy good luck for me, and not to follow in my foot steps. I'll tell you one thing though, this was the first time quads had ever raced over here, and the people absolutely loved it. Our race was the ONLY time that the stands were completely full and i don't think they realized just how fast our quads really are. I'll be out there again soon and thanks for the support guys!!!!!:D


04-28-2004, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by NDpredator
Thanks Tina, tell Troy good luck for me, and not to follow in my foot steps. I'll tell you one thing though, this was the first time quads had ever raced over here, and the people absolutely loved it. Our race was the ONLY time that the stands were completely full and i don't think they realized just how fast our quads really are. I'll be out there again soon and thanks for the support guys!!!!!:D

BSracing Troy has magaged to break 6 ribs, troy his shoulder, and broke his wrist all in two years riding....:eek: :o

Troy and I will be on a Team race for the first time EVER this wk end for the local Dealers Challenge.....:macho Im a total bag of nerves that Im gonna suck!! As far as a I know..Ill be the only girl racing outr of all the dealer sign ups..So the pressure will be on for me to RIDE HARD:macho

04-28-2004, 07:34 PM
Tina, I have to agree for the most part on the Vs being just too big. But I am in this series and it's the only bike I got so I guess I will do what I can with it. I did run off and take a big long look at a 450R today but, the wife responded with an astounding NO NO NO:eek: . I am just glad Derrick is OK and already getting back in the spirit of things. He is right thou it will take an act of god to keep us from the dunes in June:D :D :D .


04-29-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Tina, I have to agree for the most part on the Vs being just too big. But I am in this series and it's the only bike I got so I guess I will do what I can with it. I did run off and take a big long look at a 450R today but, the wife responded with an astounding NO NO NO:eek: . I am just glad Derrick is OK and already getting back in the spirit of things. He is right thou it will take an act of god to keep us from the dunes in June:D :D :D .

BSracing LOL.......Troy got akick out of reading his last post.....:p
hehe...its funny...women arent as understading about these toys like most guys are....Heck, if Troy said.."hmmmmm...lets go buy a new one I would be like.......:blah: :p
Just make the best of it and have a good time.just BE CAREFUL....Who knows...Maybe you can find someone willing to buy it from you and you can get another quad......:D

05-06-2004, 02:58 PM
Well i got some more bad news now. Well my whole shoulder has been killing me since the wreck so today i went in for my follow up appnt. and i have 1 of those bones lying on top of the other by about 1 inch. It is alot of overlap and tomorrow I have to go in for surgery. The operation is a little under 1 hour, but after that recovery is quicker and it will be perfect. They will put in a metal plate with screws to hold the bone in place, so i might even be racing before i thought. I also have an AC seperation in my shoulder which i'm sure isn't helping things any, but i'm mad that the other 2 doctors i saw didn't notice that too:mad: Well i'll let you guys all know how it goes when i'm well enought to type again. Don't think this will keep me from the dunes in June either, cuz i'm still going on my fishing trip on the 21st of May which is only 2 weeks away:blah: !!!!!


05-07-2004, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by NDpredator
Well i got some more bad news now. Well my whole shoulder has been killing me since the wreck so today i went in for my follow up appnt. and i have 1 of those bones lying on top of the other by about 1 inch. It is alot of overlap and tomorrow I have to go in for surgery. The operation is a little under 1 hour, but after that recovery is quicker and it will be perfect. They will put in a metal plate with screws to hold the bone in place, so i might even be racing before i thought. I also have an AC seperation in my shoulder which i'm sure isn't helping things any, but i'm mad that the other 2 doctors i saw didn't notice that too:mad: Well i'll let you guys all know how it goes when i'm well enought to type again. Don't think this will keep me from the dunes in June either, cuz i'm still going on my fishing trip on the 21st of May which is only 2 weeks away:blah: !!!!!

BSracing AAWWWWWW........That sucks....:( Im so sorry to hear the news.....:( dont push it and maybe it will heal up faster......;) Tell the Dr. he can make it up to you and get you some good drugs.......:D

05-07-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Well all in all it went OK until the very end. The KFX 700 needs a ton more help or be replaced to do this MX thing I am sorry to say. It is just too big I think. I wish they would have decided to do this before I bought the second one:( . I did end up finishing 5th but most of that is do to other DNFs and what not. Out of the 4 of us one guy got 4th, I got 5th, our buddy on his banshee lost a tie rod while running 4th and got a DNF and the absolute worst thing was our main man NDpredator got caught by the wind, which was blowing up near 45 mph at peak gusts, and crashed breaking his collar bone while running second and gaining on first fast:( :( :( .

o so it sounds like you had a good day...j/p i hope your freind recovers fast:)