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View Full Version : Hydraulic clutch

04-17-2004, 09:31 PM
Hey guys please help!!!!!
this maguar clutch is killing me. I dont know if i cant get it adjusted right or what. I initially installed it and thought it was all right and then it was slippin. I put a new clutch in it and it seemed right at least in the woods but today I ahd it on the pavement and you could feel it slippin. What is causing it? Is it the adjustment at the motor? I have about a 1/8 of an inch at the lever...... Please any info will help me from pulling out what little hair I have left!
By the way I spent the day at Lorettas for th GNCCand it was a great day and even better racing!

04-18-2004, 01:54 AM
It is def the adjustment at the motor. The slack in the lever is just determined by the red knob on the lever. Just move the slave cylinder closer to the clutch arm and it will engage completely.