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View Full Version : Too Rich?

Honda Guy
03-14-2002, 01:13 PM
When my quad is on choke and half choke and I give it gass it wont rev all the way and it soulds like it has a studder box. I noticed this after I changed my main jet agin. Also does removing the choke give you much HP gain? Can I do it my self?:confused:

03-14-2002, 01:52 PM
I didn't think they were supposed to be able to rev out with the choke on. I have never really payed too much attention when i go to start mine.

03-14-2002, 01:53 PM
Ok first yes you can remove your choke yourself,,,it takes about 30 minutes to do with everything out of your way so you can get to it.

Why did you change your jetting in the first place,,give some more details..

Honda Guy
03-14-2002, 02:00 PM
I changed my pipe in august and It was recomended with a 160 and I thought I could do better so i bought a 170 It it did this so i went down to a 165. the pipe is a complete trinity rico does taking off the choke give you extra power?

03-14-2002, 02:15 PM
I don't know about the choke thing yet,,I removed mine and never got a chance to take it fer a ride,,my dog ate my wiring harness,,so I have no juice flowing threw the wires I guess you could say.

I start off first with not using your choke at all,,,pump the gas about 4 times and hit the starter,,it'll idle for a second and die probably,,then do the same thing again,,while lightly,,lightly pushing the gas,,this should get it goin..is this the only thing that seems to be giving you problems,,jetting wise,,if so,,your main jet's not the problem..

Honda Guy
03-14-2002, 02:29 PM
It runs fine off choke its just when i put i on it does that and it never did with the 160