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View Full Version : I am gonna try mx for the first time!

04-13-2004, 08:43 PM
I got a few ??'s. I am a fairly older slow guy , a bit outta shape and on a slower 300 ex mostly stock , racing youger more fit guys on faster better setup quads. My questions are, if by some freak accident i happen to be in front of the faster rider being holeshot or lapped on one of the jumps i dont do and he does do hold my line in the center or go to one side to keep from being landed on?
The track is 1.2 or 1.4 miles long and there are 5 laps , dont know how many moto's during pract. i can only last 4 laps before the fear of loseing my grip from arm pump makes me pull off,(I read in another post drinking alcohol can help bring on arm pump) , which i had the night before all three times. I havent had any since sunday or soft drinks and dont plan on any til after the race.
d@#$ this post is long enough, just post any tips and i will be happy.
Thanks Todd
P.S I just hope to finish the race , and not wreck!!

04-14-2004, 11:14 AM
I am running in my first mx race also this weekend so I am not a pro by any means. If I were you, I would try to stay out of the "fast" guys way by staying on the side. You'll be able to see the line in the dirt that they take up the jumps. If no one is on your butt, take what ever line you want, if someone is coming to lap you, get out of the way is what I'd do. Some guys take this stuff too seriously and don't take into account others health or safety when they are out there. Just use your head and have fun. When you are done for the day, if there are more races going on and your not in the hospital, get in the bleachers and drink a cold one and just watch. You may learn some stuff.

04-14-2004, 06:58 PM
Ok so the jumps i roll i will stay to the side. I didnt think a 350lb quad on the back of my head sounds like too much fun!
Thanks , Todd

04-14-2004, 07:01 PM
Just Hold your line. They will go around you. Where are you racing this weekend?

Scottie Mac
04-14-2004, 07:33 PM
I would worry more about getting hooked on the sport and spending all of my money than getting landed on. Just stay to your line and try not to ride up the middle of a jump. The fast guys will make their way around. Good luck.


04-16-2004, 03:11 PM
It is VERY improtant for you to hold your line and NOT try and get out of the way of the faster riders they WILL find their way around you.....unless there is no other line i wouldnt ride around the middle of the track either

04-16-2004, 07:36 PM
AtvMxRider its a new track in Albemarle N.C. I have rode this track quite a bit. The owner has changed the layout added jumps and lengthened it quite a bit, 1.2 or 1.4 miles long! and 5 laps so thats about 6 miles and i dont know how many races will be ran.
Like i said i will be happy to make all 5 laps. Its gettin closer and i am getting more nervous.

04-16-2004, 09:40 PM
pfff you gotta be kiddin me. ALWAYS hold your line. never let anyone by! thats racin brother! if they are faster than you, they will find a way to pass you, take my word! the whole object to mx is to be able to hold you line in the first place! so just go out there, give it what you got, if you loose, big deal it was your first time. dont worry about going out and trying to blow eveyone away. just go ride smart and be safe BUT, if that freak chance does happen and you get out front, hold that line and if your like most human beings your adreneline will kick in and wala, arm pump vanished (some of it any way). hope this helps

04-18-2004, 07:11 PM
hold your line ... and dont let your thumb off the gas

04-18-2004, 09:57 PM
Had a ball today! Met some nice people . Had a little bad luck but its o.k. 1st lap of practice fninsh line jump , carb came out of intake boot. 1st moto 3rd lap carb came out of airbox boot , running 3rd but did not finish , also had a crappy start, water truck broke and twice as dusty final race. The track owner left it up to us if we wanted to run , OH H@$% YES !!! we said. I made it the whole 5 laps and came in 3rd in last race. I gotta trophy!:D 4th place , dont know how with a dnf on first moto , but who am i to argue with someone giving me a shiney statue? Oh well , just thought i would let yall know how i did and cant wait til the next race!
Thanks guys, Todd

04-18-2004, 10:35 PM
Way to go Todd!:macho Congrats!:)

04-19-2004, 12:31 PM
Hey Todd, what is the name of the track in Albemarle. You said you are an older guy. How old? Congrats on your racing success.

04-19-2004, 06:49 PM
boogie , its eagles point motorcross , it is ran by the same guy that ownes lexington motocross. its on mabry rd. in albemarle you can type in mabry rd . zip code 28001 on mapquest to get directions , or i may can tell you if i know where you are coming from. I will be 32 tomorrow 4-20. Yes sir 32 going on 62 (or so i feel sometimes;) . I will try to get some pics of the track, no good photo ops. sunday the water truck broke=very dusty!!!

04-26-2004, 05:28 PM
Congrats Todd! You will just get better each time:)

04-26-2004, 08:44 PM
he is hooked now, get ready to dig deeeeeeeep into that wallett...oh the price we pay for fun. i did the same thing. I told my son that i would enter my stock 400ex in the national in Florida if he won in a local race. i figured he would come in 3rd or 4th by looking at the other bikes, all 400's beginner class and him on 300...thought I had a sure bet....well low and behold i fine my self in my first MX race in the over 40 class at the nationals. i figure ahhh its a bunch of old guys, bikes be slightly modded....man oh man was i wrong....i got WHOOOPED on....never crashed and had a smile the whole time. So now i am hooked, and have 4 big MX's races under the belt..and getting better...not finishing last...but defiently not first....more towards the latter thrid hahahahah so if you go to the nationals and you see some idiot out there on a red bone stock 400ex (111)....that be me.....I be smiling the whole way to the end and ready for the next one....hahahahahah

05-02-2004, 10:20 AM
That arm pump thing will leave once you start riding more and riding "looser".Im 34 and just started Mx on a 250r.First time out I was begging for it to be over with,now 2 months later,I cant get enough.Learning the track was just as important as conditioning.I am more relaxed now.If I could just figure out this one 17yr old punk on a KFX.LOL.Good luck bro it will keep getting better.These guys are right,the faster you go the skinnier your wallet gets.