View Full Version : Rough idle on my 400EX

04-13-2004, 06:47 PM
Hey guys, i just got a 2001 400Ex and the idle is rough, and it misses. I tried adjusting the idle, yet it did nothing. Now remember, this ATV has been sittin' for apprx. 1 year. I went down to the Honda shop, and they told me to drain the floater, and the tank, and re-fill it, and if that doesn't work, to clean the carb. Draining would be easy, except i know next to nothing about quads, let alone the mechanix. If you could possibly help me out with a step-by-step tutorial or some sites that can help, it would be much appreciated. :D

04-13-2004, 08:07 PM
Buy a manual :D

04-13-2004, 11:03 PM
Ahh cmon... No help from anyone? Well, atleast wheres best place to buy a manual, local honda dealer?

04-14-2004, 09:41 AM
(not 400ex specific)
Here goes. . generally, cleaning a carb can be very simple, or not.
Disconnect the cables (sometimes easier to remove the tank), and bell housings (rubber tubes on either side of the carb) one side connects to the engine the other to the air box. Disconnect from carb side of course. Pull carb out, tip upside down and let the gas run out. On the bottom there is usually 4 phillips head screws holding on the float bowl, remove them (be careful its easy to strip the heads). I would have a new gasket on hand as sometimes they can rip when disassembling. Also be careful of the float needle valve, sometimes they can fall out. I always hold over a large pan. Spray carb cleaner in the bowl to clean out crap/gunk/debris ect. spray up, into and around all passages, jets etc. If the carb cleaner runs though all passages I would not try to remove any jets. Work the slide (metal or plastic thing the main jet needle is attached to. In your case I wouldn't try to remove, just spray the best you can with cleaner, lightly oil the slide after if possible. If you have an air compressor send air though the passages and jets. If the passages are blocked try soaking and more air. If that doesn't work bring it someplace, removing stuck jets can be tricky and they are brass so they strip easily. Then reassemble and cross your fingers.
Anyway thats a crash course, good luck, work slow, keep an eye on that float needle valve when removing the bowl. I remove the bowl with the carb upside down so the needle valve cant fall out.
Good Luck, Mike -

04-26-2004, 10:54 PM
Would suggest a carb cleaner additive for the new fresh fuel you add after "cleaning the carb per above. Adding a new plug goes without saying and you should notice a differance.... from there on I would add fuel stabilizer regularly to your fuel and if it is going to sit for a while run the carb dry to decrease varnish build ups in the carb ......