View Full Version : QMX Track

04-12-2004, 07:42 PM
Hey guys,
I’m conducting a research project for a college communications course about designing a motocross facility, built with quads in mind. If there were a quad-only motocross track being built, what would you like to see incorporated in the design? This can range from track features to race rules. Also, would you be willing to ride at a QMX track, or stick with the regular motocross tracks? Thanks, any comments are appreciated.

Tommy 17
04-12-2004, 07:48 PM
i'd build a jump... the 1st landing would be 20ft... 2nd one 40ft... 3rd one 55ft... 4th one 75ft...

have them gradual landings so u can jump it gradual at a time and work u way up to clearing it... sorta teach people how to jump safely and work their way up to bigger jumps...

also i'd make everything high banked turns...

04-12-2004, 08:05 PM
Well my ideas aren't really for the TRACK, but they are ideas in general...I would like to see like a big mud pit that quads would try to get through...like a mudding contest, tug-of-war stations, hillclimbs, and an enduro track. I guess my ideas are more so for a facility then a track. I would make sure that the track is plenty wide enough, there is nice burms, and the jumps are decent sized for everyone's skill level. Yes I would absolutely ride at a QMX track over a MX track. Also maybe have a repair shop over to the side incase you do something to your quad (for the people that don't work on them and just ride) and like a parts shop...where you can buy certain parts for your quad like new grips, handlebars, brushguards, spark plugs, etc...

Hope I helped?

04-12-2004, 08:18 PM
Six-pack, whoops, high rising hills (always cool), Speactator jump, few doubles and triples, and a very large tabletop. I would rather ride a QMX track over an MX track.

04-12-2004, 08:35 PM
I agree with everything except for the spectator jump. Although I think it would be awesome to have...IF something ever happend IF a QMX track was developed...you can only imagine what the freaks would have to say about our sport.