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View Full Version : Plastic Renew Review?

03-13-2002, 09:27 AM
Ok, I am considering doing this. My plastic is not in bad shape by any means. A few scratches here and there, mostly the plastic just looks a little dull (sp). I am getting ready to redo the look of my quad with new stickers and everything, I ordered some Honda Racing stickers and what not and figured this would be a good time to clean it up before I add all the new stickers. What do you guys think? Is there anything else I can do to bring a little more shine to it? Here all my new stickers

03-13-2002, 10:13 AM
Just a tip for putting all those stickers on, especially the number backgrounds. Take your time and use the soap and water method along with a hair drier to make the stickers curve and bend with the plastics. I messed up my first background by not using soap and water, but after using it, I will never put another sticker on without it. It makes a world of difference. Just my 2 cents.

03-13-2002, 10:33 AM
I have put a few on before and I thaught they turned out ok, but what is the method exactly, i have never heard of it before. Here is a pic of my quad with the old stickers on it.

03-13-2002, 10:40 AM
I used a spray bottle with water only in it,,sprayed the area I was going to put the stickers and lightly sprayed the back of the sticker and then put it on,,it basically allows you to move the sticker around, put it on and pull it off if you need too. once it centered up,,use your thumb or rag and push all over the sticker to get the water out,,then take a hair dryer to it especially around the edges,,that way the sticker will bend with the plastic and not come off,,plus it looks good,,and fits like a glove..

I say keep the plastic on and add more stickers...:D

03-13-2002, 11:10 AM
Sound good, Thanks REEKOO.....No how about the plastic restore anyone?

kc 300EX
03-13-2002, 01:11 PM
I dont know if this sounds lame or not, but my cousin, uses all armorall on his warrior, and let me tell you, It looks so good. His plastic is NEVER dull, he is a clean freak about his quad, it is always shiny as ****, Stress marks or cracks in plastic? yeah right! Even after I roost alll over him he still manages to get it sparkly clean with his armorall

03-13-2002, 01:18 PM
well chad since you got stupid loot,,just get new stock plastic,,your gonna put hours and hours in with the plastic renew,,yeah it turns out great but I don't have the patiance for that.

03-13-2002, 01:21 PM
stupid loot..???man I must be getting old..naw I know what you mean cuz....

03-13-2002, 01:24 PM
Well boys "Forget about it!" I just went and picked me up some Plastic Renew. It cost 17.95. I called my girlfriend right away and said, " Hey Baby, Can you take either Thursday or Friday off?" She said, "Probably Friday, Why? " I said, " Well we have a little project to do on the quad and I need your help" I will let you all know how it turns out.

03-13-2002, 01:34 PM
I used plastic renew when I fixed up a ATC-70 for one of my boys, and it turned out really nice. But I wouldnt do it UNLESS your plastic was bad. It's not worth it if your plastic is decent, or if you could get similar results from mop-n-glo

03-13-2002, 01:40 PM
Oh ya, Do I use this soap and water technique when I put all the decals on, ie; My numbers?

03-13-2002, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Rico
well chad since you got stupid loot,,just get new stock plastic,,your gonna put hours and hours in with the plastic renew,,yeah it turns out great but I don't have the patiance for that.
OK Rico. Im trying to figure out what in the he!! your talking about here!!! Did you get me mixed up with JhallettEX??? I already have brand new plastic on mine!! Anyway,,,while Im completely restoring my EX,, I called Terry and asked him about getting me some White Fullbore,,,he said he cant get it yet and he is waiting for the new shiny maier to come out to see how it is. So I will probably be selling my brand new plastic along with the Factory Effex graphics kit that is on it and get me some white plastic!! My EX will be black,red,and white

03-13-2002, 06:28 PM
Yea, I would use the soap and water on EVERY sticker, it's not that much more work, but the results are usually much better. The reason I put soap in the water instead of just using straight water is because the soap usually makes the sticker slide around a little easier and doesn't hurt the glue at all or make it stick any less. Just don't put too much soap in it, just a couple of drops at the bottom of the spray bottle. Good luck.

03-14-2002, 10:08 PM
Started on the process, Man what a pain in the A**. I have moved on to the final step, but gave up for the night. I Have close to 3 hours involved so far. By the looks so far I probably should of spent a little more time on the 400 sand paper, there is still little scratches here and there. I will post some pics when she is all done.

03-15-2002, 06:00 AM
I ordered the Nac's number plate stickers and put them on last night, without using any water. I did bring the fenders into the house to get them warmed to room temperature. These stickers are great quality ! I took my time and started by just peeling one edge back slightly, to get it straight, then worked my way down, making sure to get all the bubbles out. The front nose sticker was a little bit of a pain, but still went on without a flaw. My bike looks like a total poser bike now...:D

03-20-2002, 03:58 PM
Plastic Renew Sucks! I tried it one time and it takes forever. I would never do it again. I wash mine up real good and then I put a thick coat of MOP N' GLOW on my 300EX. It has a great shine and it lasts for awhile.
Next time your at the Grocery store pick some up and let me know how it works.



03-21-2002, 05:40 AM
Yeah, Mop & Glow does work pretty good....also, Turtle Wax makes some stuff that is made for faded out bumpers and plastic parts on cars. It works great on the black side panels on the 400.
Just go to Advance Autoparts or AutoZone, they usually have it.

03-23-2002, 10:03 PM
buy a graphics kit my ceet kit is 20mils thick and i haven't scratch it beyond repair for two years. there alittle pricey but more durable than the plastic

03-23-2002, 10:06 PM
try the honda polish this stuff is so good even the yamaha dealers in town carry it