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View Full Version : Header meeting Slip on is lose

James Parent
04-06-2004, 09:00 PM
^^ basically explains it.. i have a FMF powerbomb header and Yoshimura slip on, when i took the stock header out that little peice of "carbon?" that closed the gap between the header and the pipe disentegrated, what is this really called, and where can i get another? im loosing so much backpressure

04-06-2004, 10:26 PM
it would be # 8 in this pic. the part # is there too so you can order it from service honda or your local dealer.


04-06-2004, 10:33 PM
I had a leak there also with the stock header and e-series, used some copper rvt. I just put on the Powerbomb and used the same stuff. I don't really have enough time on either one for a long term report.

04-07-2004, 06:00 PM
On my full system e-series it leaks were it comes out of the manifold and where the head pipe meets the muffler part (slip-on part).

James Parent
04-07-2004, 07:11 PM
.. i'm pretty sure you lose low end if you have a leak

what about for the clamp.. do i go through yoshimura for that? or is there some kind of universal

04-07-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by rides_red25
On my full system e-series it leaks were it comes out of the manifold and where the head pipe meets the muffler part (slip-on part).

Replace the copper washers where the header comes out of the head and that will cure your leak there. As for the leak at the header/silencer joint There is a muffler cement type stuff you use there if it is really bad. Mine doesnt leak there too bad. I cant hear it or feel it, but there are carbon streaks there at the end of the day.

04-07-2004, 11:58 PM
i dont know if yosh has a exhaust clamp there. some pipe do and others don't. my sparks doesn't. however, i think most slip on's do but i am not sure.

James Parent
04-08-2004, 08:26 AM
yea it has one.. but its still too lose when i tighten it up.. i need some kind of exhaust gasket

04-08-2004, 08:50 AM
HA try having it fall apart when you take the whole system off :grr: thats what mine did off my 300 the other day. I took it off to work on it & that baby snapped right in 2 where the header meets silencer!! Ron took it & welded it together though so it should hold now LOL I was probably losing power, we knew it was leaking but not that bad, his E series on his 400 is the same way think he's gonna take & weld his also I wonder why they do that?? I was thinkin it was the weather around here??

04-08-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by James Parent
yea it has one.. but its still too lose when i tighten it up.. i need some kind of exhaust gasket

why dont you get that exhaust gasket then????

James Parent
04-08-2004, 03:37 PM
lol because i didn't know thats what i needed until you told me
it would be # 8 in this pic. the part # is there too so you can order it from service honda or your local dealer.