View Full Version : jump questions

04-04-2004, 12:53 PM
I haven't been jumping for very long so I need to know a few tips.
1. what is the best way to keep your bike from pitching sideways in the air
2. what should I make sure of when I make a jump, I just make them out of dirt and I cant seem to keep them very smooth, or a good lip
3. what are some beginner tricks I shoul try besides the no-handers, no-hander landers, no-footers...etc
Any responce would be great, thanks:cool:

04-04-2004, 01:01 PM
i havent been jumping that long either but the easiest trick after no-footers and nothings was a no-footed can from me ridin bmx its cake but if u got to bail just land side sattle....as far as keeping your bikr from pitching sideways,it beats me its never happend and im getting into 30ft. now, if ur bikes tipping ur doing sumthin seriously wrong considering it prob weighs about 300+lbs.:huh

04-04-2004, 01:35 PM
1. Hit the jump straight.. and try and make sure your wheels lift off equally.

2. Make sure the lip is tight.. I just saw a video on TV of a kid who hit a loose dirt jump. rather than ride it his quad blasted thru the top of the jump.. flipped.. and threw him 30 feet. Make sure the jump is strong or don't touch it. If it ins't hardpacked.. or really big I'd stay away.

3. As a beginner once you get advanced.. try a half superman.. you basically get in the position but keep your arms bent a bit and your knees closer. if you can do it.. it will really train your control in the air.

04-04-2004, 05:13 PM
could anyone show me a pic of what a half superman should look like:devil:

04-04-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by exkicksazz
I haven't been jumping for very long so I need to know a few tips.
1. what is the best way to keep your bike from pitching sideways in the air
2. what should I make sure of when I make a jump, I just make them out of dirt and I cant seem to keep them very smooth, or a good lip
3. what are some beginner tricks I shoul try besides the no-handers, no-hander landers, no-footers...etc
Any responce would be great, thanks:cool:

well before i'd start i'd like to say practice above all else is best and you might as well take all this as a grain of salt.
A You stiffen up the front shocks a little bit if you have aftermarket shocks.
B. hit a differarent rut or try hitting the jump at differant angles (experience really comes in handy here so you know what you should do and why before you do it.)
C. do a turn down and rev the motor and when you bring the turn down back it should be back to normal.
A. Make the jumps on a wet day and pack it in really nice and straight w/ a fourwheeler and fix what needs to be fixed ahead of time and just let the sun bake it and it should get pretty hard the next day. If you ride on it while the ground is still soft you will just tear it up. Also clay works great if you want it to stay hard but if you wanna change the track around... Have fun!
B. If you have trouble w/ keeping the lips up i bet most of the problem stems from so many people just ride over jumps which tears down the face and/or going slow over it and letting off a huge roost off the top, If your not gonna jump the entire thing you could just jump off and land right in front of the take off and it shouldn't tear it up near as much.
3. heel clickers, start w/ a no footer and just keep bringing your feet higher and higher tell they start hitting your wrists then just start working on bringing your butt up. Also you can do turn downs and also pull a trick.

Knowing how to throw a quad around in the air and how to read the faces of jumps is definitaly a good thing to know and you should practice is tell it becomes instinct to know what to do or you could crash. If shes starting to tilt on ya' just turn the bars into the lowside, yank up on the low side and get on the gas.