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View Full Version : Broke a cylinder head cover bolt.

03-31-2004, 07:55 PM
Well I was on my last bolt to tighten up before torquing them to the recomended like 4 lbs, when the longest of the cylinder head cover bolts there are 3 equall size broke The threads are down pretty deap and it broke off at the end of the bolt soo its about 2 inches down in the head. I was wondering if they made easy outs that long for broken cylinder head bolts cause I have a race this sunday and really hope on not being completely screwed.

03-31-2004, 08:47 PM
If you are going to try an easy out, definately get a special left twist drill. These drills are made to run in reverse, as you drill, the bolt may unscrew. These have saved me numerous times, and I didn't even need to use the extractor.

I got a couple from the local Fastenal, but I cannot find them on their web search at www.fastenal.com

You might want to check with the local hardware store, such as Ace or Hardware Hank. You might even try NAPA or something.

03-31-2004, 09:13 PM
Be really careful and use the biggest easy out you can. I used one that was too small and it broke off in the soft aluminum bolt. It was then impossible to drill into the hardened steel of the easyout. I am now running without that bolt in the cover. It seems to be fine.....but I havn't ridden it much since the rebuild.:eek2:

03-31-2004, 09:38 PM
You've got a PM!

04-01-2004, 05:52 PM
You could probably just leave it on there.

i did the same thing to a bolt on mine, I didn't want to go through all the trouble to take everything apart to remove the bolt.

I just left it in there, put some JB weld over the hole and rode it for a yr and a half with no problems.

Next rebuilt I did repair the bolt, which was very easy to get out because of a yr and a half of vibration, made it pretty loose.

04-02-2004, 06:45 PM
Got both the bolts out with an easy out, Was quite easy actuly. I'm pretty sure ill be able to make it to the race and have my quad running tomarrow.