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View Full Version : Constantly Blowing fuses

03-30-2004, 09:04 PM
my 400ex is constantly blowing fuses when i hit the start button. it will blow 3 or 4 at a time, then work perfectly fine for 2 hours then start blowing them again. i was going to check over my wiring today, but honestly i dont know what to look for. so even if i saw the problem i wouldnt know it or even know what to do with it. can anyone help me? im about ready to take it to the dealer. its embaressing asking people to help u bump start ur quad in the middle of no where:o especially when its not needed

03-31-2004, 12:42 AM
Start at the S. switch... trace the wires coming out of the switch all the way back... Look for any frays, nicks or and exposed wires.

If you don't see anything I would examine the whole wiring harness .. (its not that big) Looking for the same sort of thing. Any kind of short or wire grounding out.

If you find anything, just tape it up.....

A short could be 2 wires touching together or even just a wire touching the frame.

Another crappy way.. and a last resort would be.... When its not blowing a fuse... pull the spark plug wire, so the bike don't start... then have someone hold the start button , while you wiggle sections of the wiring harness, when the fuse blows chances are the problem maybe in the section of harness you was wiggling.

Its a short, and it can be a pain in the butt to find... it also could be the starter its self gone bad, but by the symptoms it doesn't sound like thats it.... ,

03-31-2004, 08:27 AM
If you still have your headlights attached, check those first. They tend to come loose in their sockets and start rubbing on the frame. Eventually, a wire will come loose and you'll start blowing fuses.

03-31-2004, 08:33 AM
If all else fails I have seen used wire harnesses on ebay for 40-50 bucks

03-31-2004, 08:49 AM
Did this start right after you installed the cr kill switch?

04-02-2004, 08:06 PM
yeah it started right after, it works sometimes, then others it just goes threw fuses. i bring about 25 with me each time i go riding and come home with about 10 max. SOmetimes it works for 2-3 hours strait then blows, change fuse, blows, change fuse blows so on and so on. i think its grounding somewhere it shouldnt, one of my buddys at work whos father is a electician said it could be my regulator... who knows, im going to go over it tomarriw and see what comes up

04-02-2004, 08:29 PM
mike...you should bring it over to my house tomarrow at like 4ish and i will help you go through it...we will take the fenders off, the gas tank etc. and i will look over all the wires for you....you shouldnt hafto waste the money for an electrician

04-02-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by LT250Racer609
mike...you should bring it over to my house tomarrow at like 4ish and i will help you go through it...we will take the fenders off, the gas tank etc. and i will look over all the wires for you....you shouldnt hafto waste the money for an electrician

i gotta work at 330, sunday im gunna go to the track with you tho, im not going in til 5.